The blood stain on the pants!

She couldn"t just go out like this right?? Nan Shen was waiting outside. He would knew her true gender if he was this bloodied pants.

"Well you can cover the stain with my suit" Mi Shu made a suggestion for the panicked Tan Hua. By using the suit and wrapped it around Tan Hua waist, Tan Hua could cover the stain.

"But this pants is Nan Shen pants...I have to return it to him as soon as possible. Not only that I am going to the office now. It will be weird if I use suit around my waist like this"

Tan Hua had the urge to just tossed away this pants and bought a new one. But alas...the pants wasn"t her pants. It was Nan Shen pants! So she couldn"t just throw it away...

"Hmm that"s will look suspicious if you wear my suit around your waist like that. Not to mention someone might accidentally see the blood stain on your pants" Mi Shu sighed as she began to thought of another way.

The only solution she thought was to buy new pants for Tan Hua. But they need a reason to tell Nan Shen as Nan Shen was waiting for Tan Hua to go to the office.

This is quite troublesome.

"Mmm how about I buy new pants? We can use reason like you want to go shopping and want me to accompany you. How is it?" When Tan Hua was cornered she would always suddenly turned genius with a lot of ideas. Just like now.

She suggested that they bought new pants to mall now. If Nan Shen ask why Tan Hua had to go with Mi Shu, Mi Shu could say that she wanted Tan Hua to accompany her shopping as well as carrying the goods later.

"Ah. Good idea. You are actually so smart emm Tan Huo..." Mi Shu giggled happily when she heard Tan Hua suggestion.

As expected of someone she had an eye to, this girl was so smart. That excuse might work well.

"Call me Tan Tan is alright." Tan Hua answered meekly as she also thought that Mi Shu wasn"t as scary as her appearance.

Mi Shu was indeed well known to be an ice beauty, elegant, gorgeous yet aloof. But in the drama, Tan Hua knew that Mi Shu had a playful side too.

Well and now she just discovered that Mi Shu could smile like that. She looked more approachable now.

"Alright Tan Tan let"s go buy new pants for you" Mi Shu patted Tan Hua shoulder as she went out from the toilet followed by Tan Hua.

Of course Tan Hua had to quickly went out from the women toilet as to not make herself seemed suspicious.

"Nan Shen" When Mi Shu and Tan Hua went back to their seat, Mi Shu immediately called Nan Shen to said what she wanted to do next.

"Yes?" Nan Shen who just finished his breakfast and was about to go, tilted his head in confusion.

He was just about to go now, why Mi Shu called him? ? Did she want him to stay? That would be good though....

"Can I let Tan Huo come with me? I want to go shopping and I need him to carry my goods later" With a G.o.ddess smile, Mi Shu successfully made Nan Shen dumb for a moment.

Nan Shen nodded his head before he could realize that Tan Huo would be taken away.

"Oh you nod. Okay I"ll take Tan Huo now don"t worry he will be back before lunch" Mi Shu smiled happily as she dragged Tan Hua to came to her car, leaving behind the dumbfounded Nan Shen.


"W-wait Mi Shu that..." Nan Shen was fl.u.s.tered when he realize he just let Mi Shu brought Tan Hua away.

That boy was supposed to come to work!! Why the h.e.l.l he could go shopping with G.o.ddess Mi Shu instead??

Unfortunately Mi Shu already dragged Tan Hua away and went away with her car, to the mall. Nan Shen could only dejectedly went to his office first while swearing to interrogate Tan Hua later.

That day for a few hours before lunch, Mi Shu bought Tan Hua new pants and get Nan Shen pants which was dirtied by blood, washed by laundry.

Not only that she also bought Tan Hua a lot of girls clothes just in case she wanted to wear some for self satisfaction.

Mi Shu had heard from Tan Hua the reason why she had to disguise and live as a boy and she understood Tan Hua decision to make her older sister happy.

Right before Mi Shu brought Tan Hua back to Nan Shen company, Mi Shu asked Tan Hua to be her friend. Her best friend.

"Really? You don"t mind being friend with someone like me?" Tan Hua looked at Mi Shu carefully when she said she wanted to be her friends.

After all her current circ.u.mstance wasn"t something normal. Mi Shu even though had many enemies she still lived as a rich girl.

"Yes I don"t mind your family condition or whatever it is, I like you personally" Mi Shu patted Tan Hua shoulder and say good bye before she went off with her car.

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