Tan Hua heart throbbed once again when she saw the bracelet meant for Mi Shu.

This was the bracelet she design, the first casual concept accessories she made in this world. She already knew that this design would be given to Mi Shu but then...she didn"t expect to feel like this.

What was wrong with her?!

Tan Hua shook her head quietly and force a smile to Nan Shen. She shouldn"t feel sad about this as in the drama alone Nan Shen was bound to like Mi Shu and chase after her.

That wasn"t her business at all right? Her goal was to become rich girl again by becoming world well-known designer in the future. This small step of introducing her design to other people...was going to be her stepping stone to success!

"The design come out to be so beautiful boss! Mi Shu skin is white so she definitely will look good wearing this" Tan Hua laughed wryly as she tried to erase these negative emotions she felt.

"Really? Good then oh right I forgot this" Nan Shen flashed an innocent smile and a second after, he patted his forehead as he took one box again from his pocket.

There was only a box on the table now but the inside had two bracelets. The first one was a dark blue rope bracelet for man with silver arrow pendant hanging on it.

The second one was a milk yellow rope bracelet. There was also a gold dog"s paw pendant hanging cutely on the rope.


"Yep these two are my and your bracelet. You said so before that you will also wear this bracelet for men if I wear it. Here here quickly wear it I"ll wear it too"

Nan Shen took out the yellow bracelet and put it on Tan Hua hand while he himself took the dark blue bracelet and wore it on his left wrist.

Tan Hua was dazed when she saw the bracelet in front of her eyes. The bracelet was the usual casual unis.e.x rope bracelet she often saw in her world back then.

It wasn"t her first time seeing it or wearing it but then...she didn"t know why she felt happy! That silver dog paw pendant on the rope must be something Nan Shen suggested.

He see her as his silly little doggo so this trait on the bracelet was for sure created by Nan Shen himself.

Tan Hua took the bracelet carefully as she observe the bracelet closely. The color was milk yellow, a not too bright yellow nor p.o.o.p-like colour but this one was like a b.u.t.ter colour.

She...remembered that few days ago Nan Shen asked her what is her favorite colour and she said it was yellow. Never did she expect Nan Shen to made this bracelet with the colour she casually said to be her favorite!

Tan Hua happily wore the bracelet and when she looked at it, it really does look good on her.

"How is it? Is it good on me?" Nan Shen coughed before awkwardly as Tan Hua about her opinion toward the bracelet he wore.

Nan Shen was actually kinda nervous that the bracelet wouldn"t look good on him after all until today bracelet was still accessory made for woman but he wore it today.

Tan Hua slowly looked at Nan Shen wrist and couldn"t help but chuckled. The bracelet really look good on Nan Shen white skin and accidentally or maybe it"s a coincidence, Nan Shen suit today was dark blue.

Wearing casual bracelet while wearing suit, instead of wearing brandy wrist.w.a.tch may looked strange but when Nan Shen wore it, it really suited him!

That silver arrow dangling on the bracelet only made Nan Shen look even more cool even when he wasn"t wearing casual clothes.

"It"s good boss! So handsome!" Tan Hua laughed freely when she saw Nan Shen new appearance wearing casual bracelet for the first time in his life.

"Really? Hm hmm good then" Nan Shen raised his chin arrogantly as his eyes sparkled like a child being praised by his mom.

Truly cute!

Hehehe well she doesn"t know if Nan Shen would always wear the rare moment should be captured in a photo!

"Boss boss let"s take a picture of our hands alone, showing the bracelet shall we? It would be a good memory!" Tan Hua tugged Nan Shen sleeves happily as she asked him to took out his smartphone.

Her camera wasn"t that good after all so it"s better to use Nan Shen"s camera.

Nan Shen initially refuse but after Tan Hua plead using her pitiful doggo acting skill, Nan Shen agreed to take a photo of his hand and Tan Hua hand alone.


After the photo session, Nan Shen send the picture to Tan Hua while Tan Hua giggled happily, while looking at the picture.

It looks like a couple bracelet wasn"t it? Well its not like she like Nan Shen or anything but it did turn out to be a good photo hehehehe (´ ▽`)..o♡

Tan Hua was feeling very good and happy at that time when suddenly Nan Shen dropped a bomb, instantly making her mood dropped to the bottom.

"Hehe like this I and Mi Shu look like we"re wearing couple bracelet!"

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