Hei hei!! Why the h.e.l.l this woman pulled her away?!

The woman pulled Tan Hua and dragged her somewhere as she began talked like a chatter box.

"I have...another copy of the doc.u.ment I ruined so p-please follow me! I will also help you treat your hand...I-I am really sorry..."

The woman then soo suddenly squeezed out her stock of tears to made Tan Hua who was a "man", melted under her "magic".

Usually man, even if a gay wouldn"t have heart to see a woman"s crying.

Well but not Tan Hua!! She was a girl! A girl! If she saw a random girl crying while dragging her away, she would felt gooseb.u.mp everywhere.

So cringe ?!

Tan Hua retracted her hand which was being held by the woman as she felt awkward. She only need the new doc.u.ment so after she get what she want, she would just ran away to Nan Shen office.

"Here we go" The woman let Tan Hua entered the room which inside, there were already 3 men waiting for Tan Hua.

Tan Hua went inside first as she wanted to hurry get the doc.u.ment when the next second...she heard CLIK. sound coming from the door.


Tan Hua turned her head and saw the woman was locking the door and put the key in her pocket as she walked around inside the room leisurely.

....(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ WHAT HAPPEN??!!

She only wanted to get new doc.u.ment, why the h.e.l.l she was locked inside this room?!

Was this like high school bullying when the girl was locked inside the school warehouse?

That woman was so d.a.m.n childis.h.!.+ ?‍♀

"Oy what do you mean by this? Why are you locking me?" Tan Hua hold back the urge to throw away the woman to the s.p.a.ce as she asked the woman with a glare.

"Well because I want to give gay like you a lesson" The woman smirked as she sat down at a seat inside the room.

Tan Hua really felt the urge to slap this b*tch but then fighting with co-worker in this office was forbidden. Moreover if she was the one who initiate the attack first.


Tan Hua then sighed. Since she couldn"t slap this b.i.t.c.h and couldn"t get out...might as well take a rest!

Tan Hua thought that she was going to be locked here for quite a while so..she should just sleep and slacking from her work.

Hohoho what a good idea! If Nan Shen scold her for slacking off she could just say that she was locked by a b*tch! Good excuse!

Tan Hua was about to find a comfortable place near her when suddenly 3 men came out from the corner while the rest were still hiding.

This three men coming out so suddenly, made Tan Hua startled to death.


(╯°□°)╯︵( .o.) DON"T SCARE HER!!

"Oh Biao Zi, so this is the gay you mentioned huh? Really skinny!" The first man in the room mentioned the woman"s name as he grinned and put his hands in front of his chest, looking very arrogant.

The second man also looked at Tan Hua from her head to her feet and clicked his tongue. "Is this midget really a man? He looks like a girl!"

This sentence was then followed with laughter from the men and the woman named Biao.

Tan Hua who heard the laughter, frowned in displeasure.

Those a.s.shole and b*tch are h.o.m.ophobic aren"t they? How can they be this cruel to a gay.

Well but she was a girl!! How could she be a gay??

"Boys give him a lesson" Biao Zi, the woman who locked Tan Hua inside the room laughed as she went back to her chair, about to watch the show where Tan Hua was given a lesson by the men.

Tan Hua who heard this, suddenly had a bad feeling.

Lesson? What lesson? These men wanted to give her a lesson? Meh! She didn"t need anyone to teach her lesson as Boss Nan probably will be the one who did it.

Hm...but...this situation..seems dangerous!

Tan Hua moved back a step when she saw the three men started to approach her with a scary grin on their face.

Hhh...somehow she had a feeling that these h.o.m.ophobic wanted to beat her up until even Nan Shen couldn"t recognize her.

Well but who would be scared? She had the all mighty card in her hand! Her golden thigh! Soo let"s call her golden thigh now.

Who was Tan Hua golden thigh? Of course the evil big boss, Nan Shen. Tan Hua knew that Nan Shen wouldn"t let her, his beloved doggo to be bullied by anyone.

He probably would say that only he can bully her.


The men who approached Tan Hua saw Tan Hua was doing something with her phone. They thought Tan Hua was going to call someone for help so they get panicked.

"Take his phone!" The biggest men in the room shouted as he ran toward Tan Hua who had finished searching for Nan Shen contact when suddenly...


Tan Hua threw her phone to the floor with red face.

d.a.m.n IT!! She doesn"t have Nan Shen number!! ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻

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