
A full moon, as if a silver disc like b.u.t.ton hanging in the sky, coating the earth with a layer of cold silver cream.

The faint of moonlight through the trees, window, penetrating into the old mansion.

“Argh… Argh….” A hoa.r.s.e roaring sounds like a beast roar, covering this mansion.

In the depth of darkness, there is a hidden taboo of secrets.

“Pain… Pain… Help me… Help…” inside the secret room, it sounds as if being tortured which makes people feel pity of.

A pair of feet is walking in the corridor, step by step, slowly walks heading to the place where the sound comes from.

The woman face looks so curious, but also perplex, understood, and then worries… Those are conflicting expression, and at last it turned into an extreme fear.

Although being fear, woman’s pair of feet, stills walking forward step by step. Her left hand nervously touching her bulge belly, one new life, it is growing inside her pregnant body.

The roaring sound is getting louder and louder, similar to devil’s whisper, it is piercing woman’s eardrum.

She is standing in front of a black door, her right hand is grabbing at the door k.n.o.b, stills hasn’t opened the door yet, she has felt her palm damped with her sweat.

“Pained! How, what should I do in order to find you… Why… Want me to bear this pain… Kill me… Anyone come kill me… Whoever comes to kill me, it’s okay…”

The chopping sounds, it flows from inside the door. The woman’s body is shivering, her stiff fingers finally moving forward slowly twisting the door k.n.o.b.

Looking through, between the door and the wall there is a gap.

Moonlight, it is so beautiful.

The light of full moon, the silver bright let one’s to sigh.

But the woman gives a deep sigh, cannot believe looking at the man who is inside the room.

Does he still a man that she knows?

In her memories, this man, forever is always at the top, in high and vigorous spirits. He is so arrogant, self-center, used to control everything. But in this moment, his good looking face is filled with hideous pain, make his facial features, wrinkles almost deformation.

His fingers are nonstop nailed his face, body, leaving the trace of dry blood. He also rolling over and over, hitting all the stuffs in the room, from time to time he pulling his hair with his hands, he almost pull his entire scalp to lift down.

Suddenly, his body is twitching, he seems to use all his utmost effort hitting his head toward the wall surface.

The blood stains, all over his whole body.

This kind of person, is still counted as human?

The woman is hardly covered her mouth, afraid that she loses her self-control and let out her screaming voice.

“Why can’t I find you, Ming Yi* (life’s dependent /Soulmate), my Ming Yi… I want to find you… Ming Yi! Ming Yi…”

That chopping sounds, until that roaring sounds turned into screaming hoa.r.s.e.

Ming Yi (Life’s dependent / Soulmate) ——— it is the chosen one for the member of Jun’s family, things that have to look for, this lifetime.

The sound, it gives kind of sickness also crazy persistent atmosphere, longing! This kind of desire, too strong, too deep, it can’t help to make one’s self not to but only hold the breath.

The woman’s face is white pale, her body is almost staggered back off.

“Be careful.” one strong arm, from back is supporting the woman’s waist, due to habit he holds her into his embraces.

The woman lifts her head, looking at her husband familiarized face, can’t help but sighed a sigh of relief.

“Next time don’t like this secretly to take a look.” his strong hand which holds a handkerchief, wipes the woman’s face which full of sweat beads.

A cold sweat, it almost soaked her clothes.

“Cousin Brother Yi Sheng, he…” Woman’s mouth moves, but not continuing.

“This is the fate as Jun’s family, except if Cousin Brother is able to find his Ming Yi (Life’s dependent), or else, no one can help him.” The man is glancing at the gap of the door, and then sighed.

The fear of the woman, it turned to be unlimited worries, her hands are sticking at her bulging belly, stroking back and forth, “That… Ours child, will it gonna heritage this kind of…”

“Won’t be!” the man undoubtedly stopped his wife words, “Ours child, it won’t heritage that kind of blood lineage!”


“Don’t be worried, my beloved, ours child will grow up safely.”

Will it be safely? Their child, can it really growing up safely? The woman is lowering her head, staring at her bulging belly, just hoping that hers unborn child, it futures won’t be same with that man who is inside the room, it is so pity and also pathetic.

Because since the ages, the Jun’s family lineage is being chosen by this kind of heritage, being able to find Ming Yi, honestly the chance is too small.

Once cannot find Ming Yi, then the consequences is only one that…

© 2024