The CEO’s Pregnant Wife

Chapter 2Part 1 (One)

Chapter 2Part 1 (One)

Creak! (door open sound)

The door of private room push open, inside the room only a darkness.

But that bitter roaring, it even clearer, compare when at outside, this is even clearly hundred even thousand times!

The door closed after Fang Yi Ran gets inside.

She is trying to find out the light switch inside the private room, she wants to see clearly inside the private room.


There is thing falling or hitting something, it made a great sound.

And then, Fang Yi Ran hears something a like cloth being torn—————

“Ming…Yi….My Ming Yi……”

The hoa.r.s.e voice, the sound that let out from it as if stuck by sands.

There is something getting close to her!

Still in the darkness, But Fang Yi Ran who has sharp instinct at sudden be alarmed.

Fang Yi Ran holds her breath, her body is pressing closely to wall, her fingers slowly moving forward, towards the direction of the lighting switch…

In the deep of darkness who let out such sound?

Why it can be so painful? As if experienced countless torment.

At sudden, something as cold as ice touch her ankle, a strong force, pulled her down.

The unsteady Fang Yi Ran slump to the floor, her b.u.t.t is. .h.i.t hard the cold floor.


She grinned hoa.r.s.e, she hasn’t shouted out, a sensation of fear as if things are crawling on her skin when both of her ankle being touch by that icy things.

Things that grabbed her ankle perhaps… No, it must be a hand, but, this hand indeed has cold temperature, it even colder than the floor, simply to say it similar with… Death person’s hand.

That hand is strongly firmed-grabbed hers, perhaps with the five fingers, all embedded in her skin, even her bones.

“It was my fault to intrude on, I can guarantee to take my leave immediately, moreover whatever is going on in here I won’t let out any, please you let go my leg, okay?” Fang Yi Ran enduring her pain, talking to the person in the darkness whom she cannot see.

Perhaps, she had intruded into some transactions place,

Or perhaps she had disturbed someone SM interest.

Or maybe, there is scientist in here who is carrying out a secret experiment,

Whatever it is, at this moment, inside Fang Yi Ran’s brain, she has thought countless of possibilities.

But the next matter is, it even makes her almost to bite her tongue. That ice-cold hand, with sort of rough method, take off her shoes.

“Hey hey, you don’t pull, the shoes would be torn off!”

“Ming Yi… Is Ming Yi….”

“What’s Ming Yi! I don’t understand! Though I have intruded, you want to pay for, you are also no need to pull my shoes!”

“Mine, is it… Mine.”

“My shoes are not valuable, even if you take them are no use.”

Fang Yi Ran is restless, but the other party strength is strong beyond her imagination, deathly pressed down her leg.

“If you are not going to let go, I will call police!” she is trying hard to use her other leg to kick the other party.

“It has been long time wanted… Wanted…” that voice is getting lower and lower, followed by the voice and then, there is slightest warm of lips that pressed into her feet.

Fang Yi Ran’s voice stopped abruptly.

What is this person doing?

Compare to that iced-cold hand, this warm lips seemed like a different sort of existence. But it gives one’s creepy feeling, this lips kissed her feet, such detail and carefully kissed, as if unwillingly to let go any inch of hers. Not only lips, that person teeth also bites her feet skin. Little bit strength, the teeth is trembling, as if taking an effort to control his body strength, and it is also like someone who’s afraid to believe get something that has been yearning for long time.

The danger alarm ringing in Fang Yi Ran’s head.

If this thing keep going, heaven knows what will be going to happen! Under this circ.u.mstances, Fang Yi Ran is starting to regret her att.i.tude to barge into this place.

“Ming Yi… My Ming Yi…” that voice constantly repeat over and over this word which give one’s not to understand.

Taking deep breathe, Fang Yi Ran is asking to the person in darkness who grabbed her ankle: “What is———–Ming Yi?”

The other party is paused, stopped, thinking to give an answer from her questioned: “Ming Yi… Ming Yi is….”

it is now!

Another foot of Fang Yi Ran raises, kicking other party.

Ke ka! (kicking sound)

A grunt, she finally can feel loosed his grip on her ankle.
She wanted to take this opportunity! Hurried stand up, Fang Yi Ran is rushing to door direction, but at her back is anger roared!

“Don’t go! You don’t…go!” his Ming Yi, how can leave him? She must know, his pain, his emptiness, his loneliness all because of her!

A strong strength, from back pulled her. At the next moment, Fang Yi Ran only can feel her back hit wall and that sort of burning hurt feeling. Shoulder is on the top of light switch, only hear the faint patter, at the moment the light has filled the private room.


Chapter 2
Part 2 (Two)Creak! (door open sound)

Instinctively narrowed eyes, Fang Yi Ran’s eyes slowly adapting from the darkness to light.

On the floor… It is scattered about in mess, cups being smashed, cushions, wrinkled like rag jacket, even her shoes also torn.

A pair of black shoes is appeared in her vision.

That pair of shoes, step by step she is walking closer, one big broad hand catch her shoulder, even with her clothes, she still able to feel the cold.

Fang Yi Ran eyesight is slowly gazing at her in front, seeing at the black hair, seeing at the jade white smooth skin which makes one’s self holding breathe, and also seeing that demoness* beautiful face.

That face is type of face which able to make many people jealous of, a face that able to make people obsess to.

Lips, nose, the combination of facial features, it just alike G.o.d’s masterpiece. Woman or man, one’s can even ignore the gender, is this what the folks said as Yao Jing2], if the ordinary people see them at one glance, they are able to take one soul.

He—— is he the person in the darkness?

Let out that such roaring voices as if tormenting beast, no matter what this is still unbelievable to imagine the beast with this elegant charming young master actually is one person.

He dashing toward her and gives her faint smiles, but that hand which grabbed her shoulder is using more strength grabbing her.

“Ming Yi, do you know what actually Ming Yi is?” that elegant pair of lips is opened, but it let out hoa.r.s.e voices.

“How I can know!” Fang Yi Ran is creased her forehead, pair of her hand wanted to free her shoulder from that hand.

“Ming Yi is my blood…. My bones….. Hahahahahaha, are you Ming Yi…..” suddenly he hugged her, his hand is wrapping her waist, pressing and almost make her out of breath.

“You let go!” his pair of hand already curved into fist, wanted to move his chin and beat him up.

He even stretch out one of his hands, easily he catches her two fists, using strength to push it down. This kind of action, make Fang Yi Ran entire body fling, this action also provoking the heat on the chest to be aroused, stick to the man’s chest, it even more alike catering.

Fang Yi Ran’s face is reddened, she even feel the air is filled with a strange atmosphere.

“It seems by touching you, I don’t feel pain anymore.” Said the man, slowly he sticks closer to Fang Yi Ran’s face.

The breathe is warm, faint, slowly by slowly spreading into her face. Although his fingers are cold to the point shocking people, but at least Fang Yi Ran can ensure, the man in front of her eyes, he is living person.

Because of the other party is going closer, Fang Yi Ran face is getting redden.

Too close, this face, a very short distance away. When her eyes, carefully looking at that good looking face, she amazed, compare from far with this distance it is more shaking.

His eyes, that deep black under that long eyelashes, at this moment it has little bit red trace, it so similar with blood.

At this moment her heart is beating so fast, she is dumbstruck staring at that pair of eyes.

Chapter 2Part 3 (Three)

His eyes, as if looking at her, but also as if not looking at her. Scattered line of sight, it contrast with that heavy breathing, drop by drop of sweat droplet, along with his shiny black hair, the droplets fall to her face.

His breathe, and her breathe are blend together.

“Is it dreaming, this must be dreaming….” he puts out his tongue, gently he brushes her face. This is simply something called as——– flirting!

Fang Yi Ran is shocked with her own answer. Could it be, this man is Jin Bu Hui Huang’s host? Once this thought appeared in her mind, she cannot stop her imagination to spread.

Anyway after she thinks it carefully, this man, compared to those few men who she met with Yi Xia, he is more astonishing, with this kind of appearance, moreover now he is showing up in a night club private room where they served women guest, if seems the way of this thinking still logic.

“Hey, I am not your guest, I don’t have money to pay the service, if you want a tip, I suggest you that you can looking for another guest.” She stated.

But this fellow seems not to hear her words as if deaf ears, he keeps on licking her face’s skin, sigh and almost whispering: “Ming Yi how can you showing up in front of my side…. Is it perhaps too painful, so that can have this kind of delusion….”

The soft tongue, brushing her face, brushing her eyebrows, at last, it stops in her lips.
Please! This kind of posture, impossible is…..

“You———–” without waiting for Fang Yi Ran let out her screaming sound, the other party lips has already landed, pressed her lips, and then fiercely—-bites her.

Blood, two mouths intertwined.

d.a.m.n it, I want to sue!

Fang Yi Ran little face is wrinkles.

“Ming Yi, why without me, you are still able to live such happily? Don’t you know that really….” he is murmured not clearly talking to himself and not pressed her lips anymore.

“Uhuh…what….uhuhu, I am not what so-called as Ming Yi….” she is turned her head, she is trying to use all her mighty to end this strange kiss.

Dizzy, her body is slumped, but this time, she is landed on soft thin quilt.

A heavy body is pressing her body, a silver gloss, even in the gap between when they are kissing, it is filled with rough breathing.

“Not fair….” suddenly his hand fingers are tearing her clothes, a delicate body, just like this naked in front of him.

“Hey, you are too much, I have said, I am not coming for ‘your service’ your guest.” although he is so good looking, but she really unwilling to give her virginity to this person’s lower part.

“Hoping never wake up from this dream.” the white fingers as pale jade, touching the delicate body in front of him. His wishes, his loves, his waiting…. All the pa.s.sions, all the complains, all are telling him, he is such yearning and longing for her.

“Wait, I have seriously warned you….” he is too strong, his strength isn’t alike normal people, under his imprisonment, she really difficult to move.

“Don’t want to wake up, at least…. In the dream, I can have you, my Ming Yi.”

Go to h.e.l.l3]! Fang Yi Ran is shouting loudly, screaming, no matter how she think of it, why all those rotten scenes in the romance drama could happen on hers? The more h.e.l.lish things, this man keeps on calling her Ming Yi, she really not understood about it.

From this man muddle-head situation it seems that, the possibilities he thought her as other person is bigger.

The current him, simply to say as if drunk after took drinks—- but there is no alcohol smell from his body.
Lose virginity?

She even hasn’t dated anyone but she has already lose her virginity?

She even lost it to someone who looks alike Xiao Bai Lian?

Even does not know what his name?

Although she is not really concerned about those skinships, but… But….


She is customer! She is guest! She is queen (emperor)!


Chapter 2Part 4 (Four)

After ten minutes later, from the bed surface, it flows woman voice as if a pig being slaughters sounds………
“Hurt, it is so painful! Please, can you gentle little bit when XX?”
“You… You… Are too not professional, your service is too bad, it pain me to death! Still daring to barge that you guys services are the best!”
“Hey, don’t, one time is more than enough, I don’t want anymore…. I have said don’t want anymore, call your manager, I want to sue, I want to make report to Customer a.s.sociation, there is none a business like yours….”
Dream, when will wake me up?
When wake up from dream.
Will there be no trace?
Or perhaps after all everything would have be left something, even some….
Ming Yi, you should know, in this world there is a man, because of you, pain to death, because of you, lonely for entire life, because of you, ending his life.
The moment of death, when will it be coming? Or perhaps, before death, he must live with this pain and emptiness.
That moment of warmness, where is it coming from? Even the torturing pain is disappearing bit by bit. Is it because the hurt too painful? So that he could have such illusions?
That kind of satisfied feeling, could he feel it again? No matter how many women he looking for….
Six years later……
On the European dark color bed, two naked bodies are twisted together, the lean slim man’s body is pressing the delicate woman’s body. The droplets of sweat fall, the man rough breathing, the woman moaning sounds, it makes as if pair of real image.
“Ah….. Si Que, give… Give me…. I begging you, give me….” Tao Yun Ke’s fingers embedded into Jun Si Que’s back which left few of trace marks, red lips, murmured not clearly words.
Shoulder short hair cut of black hair, because of the sweat most of it sticking into the man’s neck, some of it, hanging on the air near to the man’s face. Over and over the body moving, but the man does not have any intention to let go.
“Si Que….Si Que….” Tao Yun Ke is constantly calling the other party’s name, half close pair of eyes wallowing looking at that face which making love, and still that face is so calm.
Why, how come he stills calm? Even his breathing slightly unsteady, even he sweating, but his eyes, unexpected billows, as if there is no difference when they are doing that matters with signing a doc.u.ment.
That  well polished nail fingers are slowly moving from the other party back to his broad shoulders, she could not resist her nails, not to stroke (caress) that face, she does not know the real face of him.
Her fingers are shivering crawled up, nails, seems want to touch his face, that beautiful seductive cold face suddenly turned to other side, his cold eyesight, it makes Tao Yun Ke shivering.
What did just now she want to do, after all she wanted…….
Being beside this man, naturally she understands, he never allowed anyone to touch his face, that face which able to amazed others.
He is the master of Jun’s household, in this generation of Jun’s, he is the most gorgeous one. This is mysterious household, they have status, money, power, but the most surprising people is, in this household, every generation, there will be come out extraordinary person. This person, no matter the appearance or the talent, all are perfect to the point shocking others.
Jun Si Que suddenly make a spasmodic jerk, finally he released his own desire.
Heart, it stills feeling an empty. This kind of emptiness is such scary, and also cannot use other things to fill it.
Moving his body, he does not say anything and then walking toward bathroom, let the clear water to wash the sticky feeling of his body.
Cannot be satisfied!
No matter how many times he had made love with others women, he could not feel it, cannot be satisfied.
Perhaps, that is something alike basic motion, it is completely nothing with his body.
Waiting until Jun En Que walking to bathroom, Tao Yun Ke has already dressed up, sitting at the bedside, hand over him a doc.u.ment, “If, this is Wen Hao’s personal account for one year it keeps get few amount of money.”
Jun Si Que takes it, flipping it for moment, raised his brows, “It seems, for those data, he gave small offer.”
“Since you had already known Wen Hao Ren leaked the company’s secret, why are you continuing to let him stay at company?” Tao Yun Ke questioned.
“Or else, it will be such boring, right?” Jun Si Que’s back is leaning on the window, lifting his hand and gently stroking his black hair in his forehead, “Sometimes seeing the mouse restless, it also can be one interesting game.”
This man, she really not understands him!
Tao Yun Ke is little bit surprised looking at her in front Jun Si Que smiles faintly. It is obviously gorgeous and also elegant smile, but at same time it gives feeling alike demon, undulate a bit of b.l.o.o.d.y atmosphere.
Perhaps now, she feels pity for the dummy who leaked out Jun’s group data with money as exchanged, if that person immediately escaping go abroad, perhaps still be able to live, or not, the terrifying this only……..
Living as if dying!


Chapter 2Part 5 (Five)

A scooter motorbike, with ‘leisure’ speed moving slowly in the street.

A bright moon hanging in the sky, the faint of moonlight and transparent street lights combined together.

Fang Yi Ran lifts her head up, looking at the big half moon, it is going to be full moon, and this time full moon, does not know whether…..

In her mind, can’t help herself not to think of a beautiful face. Foresee, that face if one day growing up and become an adult, it will be absolutely become the cause of disaster*.

Basically, she also being able to born one ‘the cause of disaster”, it makes everyone surrounding her would not be surprised, moreover her gossiper best friend Xu Yi Xia, after she born her son for a month, ckckckck said: “Yi Ran, you say your son appearance, can it be said as genetic mutation?”

Of course, her answer, she gave to Yi Xia was by kicking her out from her patient room.

Only she knew by herself, her son appearance, is perfectly similar to his father, that seductive beautiful man, that man who she didn’t know not even name but also surname.

That night, after she together with him for one night, the next morning when she woke up, he still slept so soundly, while her, she looked alike the failure solder and panicking escape from battle field.

After she thought it carefully, during that time why didn’t she beat him hard, actually it was the biggest inexpedient.

And the most inexpedient, it was—–she got pregnant!

Only by at one night, only at one time, she even won over the ‘first prize’, this sort of fortune, actually gave her feeling as if being impulsive to hit her head to wall.

But, after all it is a life, the thing in this world, the only life that has blood related with her.

Perhaps because of her motherhood nature showed up, or perhaps because she is an orphan, too longing for someone who called as family, so that, finally she born her son, this child is belonging to her.

Fang Yi Ran is lowering her head to see at her watch in her wrist, time has showed nine o’clock. After finished this last one fast food ordered, she is expecting to quickly going home, accompany her son to play monopoly games.

The head lamp of vehicle twist, Fang Yi Ran who has familiarized with the path turned into an alley, she going home from this alley, without any hesitation this is the fastest way to go home.

The alley is dark, compare to the normal days it smelt more damp, before it was having heavy rain before, wash out and clean the ground, there is still a drop of water dripping from the eaves, constantly dripping, let out tik tak, tik tak sounds.

Heart skip beats, strangely beating fast, her six sense alarmed her, in this alley perhaps is going to be happened something.

From the other end of alley something is getting closer, Fang Yi Ran is slowing her pace.
Moonlight, it shines half.

As if the light and darkness have divided into two worlds, makes the alley as if divided into two areas.

Ka (noise made in coughing or vomiting)

A crisp sound issued from the other end of alley.

Fang Yi Ran silently stopped her scooter, her eyes are staring nervously to the front.

In the half of the light, a middle age man is kneeling on the ground, few of men wearing black suit are surrounding him, there is a cipher suitcase on the ground, while the middle age man’s left hand is in unnatural state of twisting to the side of the body.

Very obviously, her arm has already broken.

“Who are you guys? What do you want, police is often patrol in here, if all of you are looking for money, my ATM card still has money, I can give it all to you.” Wen Hao Ren is enduring the pain cried, while the other one hand that not hurt, after all still wanted to take the ciphers suitcase that still on the ground. Those money, he has used so many efforts to have it, no matter what he could not give it up.


One foot is stomped at his hand, the shoe even used more strength to stomp at it, Wen Hao Ren who feels hurt is howling in pain.

“Ask for money? All of us good brothers indeed asking for money, but we are not daring to ask it from Manager Wen.” Said one of the men.

“Who are you guys, how can you know that my surname is Wen?” Wen Hao Ren shivering.

“Is it such weird if we know that your surname is Wen? We are also knowing that, inside the ciphers suitcase, there is ten thousand US dollars, one person taking this much of money, don’t you feel it such heavy?”

His face does not show begging expression like just now, Wen Hao Ren is staring sharply a man who is talking, “How can you guys know these things? Who is asking you guys? If you guys dare to touch me, it is best to weight you guys whether you have this ability or not!”

After said, at sudden one of his hand twisted, twisted and pressed down right hand. Although his left hand is already broken, and his body is such flexible, his right hand is grabbed the suitcase, and even dash to the other end of alley.

This, when he has dashed to the other end of alley, but suddenly his footsteps stopped, from that narrow alley, the car that he most familiarized has stopped.

Black Cadillac!

Wen Hao Ren’s eyes are glared big, his body cannot control to keep trembling, how can, ‘he’ also coming here?

He had thought that about the secret data leaked had already known by ‘he’ before!

Car’s door, slowly open.

Someone who wear black leather shoes is stepping down from the car’s door, gradually, that tall and slender body is caught by Wen Hao Ren’s eyes.

Wen Hao Ren is breathing more roughly, until that unspeakable perfect face is completely shown under the moonlight, a big bead of sweat, finally falling from his forehead.

The person who is leisurely stood beside the car door, the man with faint smiles looked at him, that man is the current Master of Jun’s household——Jun Si Que!

*] 祸 Hou 水 Shui 级 Ji : the cause of disaster, it also can mean the beauties that able to attract / are the source of disaster for someone or something.

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