The Ceterian Wall

Chapter 6

Pasu’s eyes shoot open to the feeling of the wind brushing against his face, the sight of clouds above him, and an odd feeling of resting on something incredibly soft. Groaning softly, he sits up and rubs his head slightly in pain, before going wide eyed as he discovered he was in the center of a large cloud, the black n’ gold blade from when he arrived ahead of him. He quickly stands up as he looks around to see where the h.e.l.l he was beyond the clouds, however it proved useless.

Taking a few deep breaths, he slowly looks forward, and starts walking towards the blade. However the more he walked, the more he realized he wasn’t getting very far… Yet he kept hearing that dark, feminine voice urging him closer. Grunting in annoyance, he starts running, which seems to take forever before he finally manages to reach the blade, and throws his hand out to grab the hilt. He almost touches it as the voice speaks. “Almost…”

Suddenly everything begins to rush past him, meaning the dream as he viewed it was beginning to end, so he quickly grabs the hilt beforehand, and everything begins to rush past him as the entire area becomes a black darkness, with a single holy light up ahead as he felt himself falling towards it. At this point, he starts screaming as he thought this was the end.

...In Reality…

Pasu quickly sits up screaming, before stopping as he realized he had been sleeping in the carriage, Wolik was staring at him, Hynnia had earm.u.f.fs, and Pym was hugging him tightly as she had a worried look on her face. Rubbing his head as he calms down, he looks at Wolik. “Sorry… I… Had a weird dream…”

Wolik points at his lap.

“Hmm?” Pasu looks down, and is greeted to the blade from his dream, resting within a sheath. Yelling in surprise, he stumbles into the seat as the sheathed blade falls onto the ground with a clinking noise.

“What the h.e.l.l did you dream of?!” Wolik yelled.

“Um… Well… This sword, I guess… I dreamt of it earlier, when I arrived, like I was in the middle of a warzone filled with mutilated corpses and such…”

Wolik stares for a long time, before asking quietly. “Did they all have swords?”


“Did they all have swords, that’s what I’m asking.”

“Hmm… Now that you mention it, yeah, I think each one had a different kind of sword, each one with different colors etched into the blades…”

Wolik facepalms as he sits back. “Oh… G.o.d… d.a.m.nit…”

“What?” Pasu is confused now as he lifts up the blade. “What’s so weird about that?”

“What do you mean what’s weird?! Do you have any idea what blade that is?!”

“Uh… No?”

“It’s the-”

Suddenly the dark, feminine voice says behind Pasu. “Seraph of the Dark Light.”

Pasu quickly dives to the wooden floor as he stares at the tall woman with long purple hair and a black dress. Her hands were behind her back as she stood on one foot on the edge of the carriage. “It’s been too long, Lord Ma.s.sore.”

“Lord… What?! The h.e.l.l are you talking about?!”

She gives a calm, understanding expression. “I see, so you failed to receive a complete reincarnation, very well, I suppose it’s only natural.” She looks at him. “What do you call yourself these days then?”

“...Um… Hakuen, Pasufaindā Hakuen… Why?”

“So that’s going to be the name? Very well.” She tilts her head. “I shall go with Pasu, since everyone calls you Hakuen.”

Pym gains the evil eyes. “Only I get to give him nicknames! Hands off demon girl!”

The woman says with a calm expression. “Relax, I have no intention of getting together with the boy, however, given his former life, it wouldn’t be far fetched to start a Harem.”

“Oh h.e.l.l no!” Pasu stands up. “I’m no playboy!” He suddenly trips and falls face-first into the railing, gripping his face as he mutters out. “Owowowow… Owow… Ow…”

The woman sighs heavily. “I see, so you became a pathetic kid during your time.” She brushes her hair out of her face. “Oh well, I suppose I can begin training you, though I have no control over that personality business, my specialty is combat and consumption.”

“Consumption?” Pasu raises an eyebrow as his face had a bruise on the forehead.

Wolik answers. “She is the 0 Star… Meaning her unique ability is to consume and control the power of any seraph blade and seraph wielder she slays…”

“...” Pasu sits up. “So like that parasite game? Huh, kinda creepy, but why would I need you? I don’t exactly kill people.”

She raves her hand to the side. “I can easily consume other beings as well, however seraph wielders are where I get the true powers. I’m hardly able to defeat a 4 Star at this stage…”

“...And how many stars are there?”

“There are a total of 50 Star ranks, multiple in all ranks, but I am the only 0 Star, which makes me the invaluable trump card in all wars. If I am used to slay all the seraph wielders in one side, I would have the power to rival the Royal Union.”


“I can easily keep you alive in Twilight.”

“...Why mention that exactly?”

“Do not worry, my young, naive, and rather stupid master, I will be the one worrying about all of this.”

“Why you little-”

“I am the reason you survived the transportation.”


“Long story short, you arrived through means that would’ve killed you, but since I managed to find you at the same time, I aided you through. Normally people survive in pleasant ways, but yours was… Rather difficult…”

“So I almost died and you saved me, yet I’m the master?”

“I am a mere Seraph Blade, I cannot control the one who wields me, only those I slay and add to my power.”

“Gotcha…” Pasu sits back down. “So… Mind telling me about Seraphs?”

“I am not the one best suited to do so, as I was the first born through our birth.” She folds her hands. “But let us say I was an attempt to create a blade that held the souls of a demon and an archangel, however in the process it merged them, and thus I was born.”

“Then how did you…”

“That happened later on in my life, while I was put into a coma, and was unable to see anything of what was going on.”

Pym rubs her chin thoughtfully. “I think I remember father telling the Emperor about this.”

“The First Emperor?” Wolik asks.

“No, he was gone when they arrived, and has been gone since. The latest Emperor had called forth a project known as Project Seraph, named after the Seraph of the End project, but they were not entirely alike. While the Seraph of the End project seemed to meddle in the G.o.ds power, at least I a.s.sume so, the Seraph Project focused on the swords holding the powers.” She rubs her chin. “Father didn’t like the idea of meddling with the men and women who wielded the blades, but at the time he had no say, as during the time the entire capital of Cetera was at war with the Twilight. Back then, the Union was the only option against them, but upon the creation of the seraph wielders, well, they had a greater chance of survival.”

The Seraph that Pasu now owned leans over curiously. “That sounds about right… I have vague memories that I thought were dreams about that.” She raises a finger. “According to ancient legend, at least that’s what I heard from the guards, the 0 Star, as in me, was used in the final stages, however after slaying the final Seraph Wielder, I apparently burst from the ma.s.sive amount of power, and in turn it created this reality, turning the great imperial capital into what it is today. Is that right?”

Pym nods as she sits up. “It is, actually. You were what caused everything to happen. You ended up being saved by your former wielder, who offered his own soul and power to keep you alive. In the end you survived, and was put into the museum while the soul of your former master dissipated into time and s.p.a.ce.” She looks at Pasu. “Meaning you are the reincarnation of the ancient hero.”


Everyone stares with blank expressions and ask in unison. “What?”

“You heard me, bulls.h.i.t, I can’t be some overpowered son of a b.i.t.c.h! I’m a freaking average guy with nothing special about him! I can’t even write a story well, let alone pa.s.s school quicker than anyone else! I mean, come on! I should’ve known by now if I was this ‘Lord Ma.s.sore’ or some s.h.i.t!”

The Seraph gives a heavy sigh. “Denial, though given what I a.s.sume you been through, it’s only natural, and quite possibly even true… Truth be told you reminded me of him, so I a.s.sumed you were him.”

“So you DON’T know if I’m him or not?! THEN WHY DID YOU EVEN MENTION IT?!”

“Because at the time I a.s.sumed you were.”

“...You’re just humoring me, aren’t you.”

“Oh most definitely.”

“G.o.d d.a.m.n IT!”

...Deep In The Forests…

A couple figures hid in the trees, watching the carriage pa.s.sing by as one says quietly. “Target sighted, the Seraph Wielder is… That kid?”

The other whacks him upside the head. “Don’t be so stupid! The master wants us to capture him, meaning he’s someone important! We could get a bonus for bringing him in early!”

“But the master told us not to, that he might manage to beat us-”

“Beat us my foot! The master wants this kid, and he’s obviously got no skills! A win-win!”

“Hmm… Alright, I’ll give it a try. But I’m running if you die.”

“Alright, fine.” That just means more action for me, woot woot!”

...Off In Cetera…

“What do you mean the blade is gone?!” The emperor shouts.

The man who ran the museum fidgets with his fingers. “I told you, it dematerialized before our eyes as if the wielder was found, meaning it could be anywhere now!”

The Emperor bangs his fist on the table. “d.a.m.n it! Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse!”

“Then let me go and get the blade back.” The man sitting at the desk with his feet up, and a book on ancient legends in his hands. Lowering it revealed a young man, cleanly cut blond hair, a five o"clock shadow, a pair of deep blue tech-eyes, and he was wearing a black n’ gold shirt and pants with his boots.

“d.a.m.n it, my son, we have been over this, you are not the blade’s wielder, otherwise we would have discovered it long ago!” The Emperor shouted. “You’re special enough in your own way, you don’t need to add to your growing ego.”

“Trust me, father, I am it’s wielder, whether it likes it or not. And I’ll get My sword back no matter what.”

“No! d.a.m.n it no!” The old man stands up. “I will send someone more sensible and understanding of this d.a.m.ned situation!” He looks back at the museum owner. “Go and tell the young Helvinya that it is time.”

“Of course, my lord.” He bows and takes his leave.

The Emperor’s son sits up. “Father, you mean to tell me you’re sending my future wife-”

“I’m sending the one who loves the 0 Star’s former wielder, and as she had said, you are not the wielder, so she has no intention of marrying you. Please, find a girl who likes You, not just some girl who’s fate intertwines with the Seraph Wielder.”

“...Fine.” The boy turns.

“Just trust me, Eriklen, this will all be fine, it’s how it must go.”

Eriklen grunts in annoyance.

...Deeper In The Palace…

The man who runs the museum soon enters the room owned by a woman who was no older than 17 in appearance. “Milady Dousen, the Seraph Wielder has been found, and the Em-” He did not even get that far in the sentence before the young woman dashes past him and down the hall, having long brown hair with wolf ears, a wolf tail, a pair of deep golden irises, her pupils has three black lines enveloping them, one going straight up, and two going on either down side, which was the same in both eyes. It practically resembled an almost complete peace sign as her four tails and feet with sharp claws aided her in her dash to who knows where. She could easily be mistaken for a werewolf, but she was simply a member of Wolik’s species.

Her eyes had minor tech in them, while not as strong as tech-eyes, they could map out already discovered territory and follow the paths that led to the blade, and the spirit of her former lover. As she ran with amazing speed, she whispers to herself. “Wonder how many girls he has with him this time… Better not have too many n.o.bles, my love.”

...The Be Continued...

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