The Chaosbringer

Chapter 17

Vice stared calmly at Ablerus, able to sense the disdain within the man"s voice. "Let"s send you to the front lines. Problem solved," Vice said as he glared back at the man.

"Hahaha, you"re one crazy little s.h.i.t Vice, have I ever told you that," Favian said.

"Shut it, he"s being an a.s.shole because of the way that I look," Vice replied to the voice in his mind.

Ablerus" face contorted into a raged expression and he bared his teeth like a wild animal. Just as he was about to say something, he was interrupted by the woman seated next to him.

"HAHAHA, this boy is just too much," Cally said as she burst into a fit of laughter. The previous tension in the room was instantly relieved, and the soured face that Ablerus had just been giving Vice was instead replaced by an annoyed look towards the woman. "I quite like that idea of yours Vice, we"ll let those pesky people from the Mages Guild go in first, whilst we loot the whole pocket dimension, how about that? Oops, did I say that out loud?" Cally asked as she quickly put her hand to where her mouth was beneath the mask. Only seconds later she fell into another hearty fit of laughter.

"Alright you two, no need to get so riled up, you aren"t immature twenty year olds anymore," Delron said. He lifted Ablerus up from his chair with ease, and sat himself in the middle of the two. "This"ll do right? Before you two start arguing. My ears can"t handle any more bickering from you both."

"What is going on here? They"re… not what I expected. I knew that Master Cally is a bit, different, but all three of them?" Vice thought to himself.

"Always ruining my fun Delron, you know he"s such an easily aggravated old man," Cally said. "What we should do is send a small force in to scout ahead for us and note the layout. I suggest we take one or two members from each guild and the police force. It"ll do good for training as well. Any objections?"


"Well that settles it, Vice you��ll be the lone member representing our Treasure Hunters Guild. I trust you"ll remember your priorities," she said. Despite Vice not being able to see her expression underneath the mask, he knew exactly what she meant. Cally wanted him to search for treasure whilst he was there, even if it was at the cost of spending more time in the pocket dimension.

"Yes Master Cally," Vice replied solemnly, and bowed down to his hips.

Vice was currently stood at the main entrance to the pocket dimension. The blue barrier dome had a door cut into it here, allowing for people to enter and exit at will. However, Vice was told that this was the one and only entrance and exit. If the party needed to retreat, then they"d have to run back to this entrance.

Both Paul and Anne were next to Vice, along with four other individuals who were filled to the brim with mana. The same person who"d brought Vice and Anne to the tent was now part of their party.

"Okay people, I"ve been granted leadership of this excursion, so make sure you listen to what I say. We don"t need too many chefs in the kitchen," Paul said. "Jason here will be in charge of healing. Despite his timid appearance, I trust him with my life!" Paul gave Jason a swift pat on the back before continuing, "Everyone just introduce what you"ll do for the team."

Jason stood very sheepishly next to Paul, his hair a dark red color, with his eyes being the same. He was by far the shortest in the group, only reaching up to Vice"s chest.

"I"m Austin, and this is Jake. We"re from the Adventurers Guild so I"m sure you won"t be surprised that we"ll be your defense. We"ll act as tanks against the enemies we find in there," Austin, a tall and muscular male said. Both he and Jake looked identical, with Vice concluding that they were twins. They two men looked a to be in their mid twenties, and their black skin looked extremely smooth.

"I"m Favor, I"m from the Mages Guild and my magical studies have been focused on water magic. I"m as good at attacking as I am at utility, so please take care of me," the girl said and bowed. Her dark brown hair was tied up into two ponytails.

"Hi I"m Anne, and I"m also from the Mages Guild. I specialize in tracking magic and have some healing magic in my repertoire. I will mainly be casting barriers however, to protect the tanks," Anne said in her sweet voice. After speaking she looked at Vice, who simply didn"t say a thing despite him knowing everyone was waiting for his introduction.

"Ahh sorry, that"s Vice. He"s a bit of a… different individual. He"ll warm up to you and speak to you all at some point I bet. He"ll be our main damage source alongside myself," Paul said. "Alright, let"s get on with it."

The sun was still high in the sky, and Vice could feel the draining effects that it had on his strength. The group of seven walked in through the door in the barrier. Everyone except for him had already materialized their weapons or spells before entering. Vice looked around vigilantly from the middle of the group, staring at the weapons of his allies in the process. The moment he cross the threshold between the material plane and this pocket dimension Vice"s lungs heaved heavily. The thickness of the arcana was difficult to get used to on his first few breaths, but after a while his body got used to taking in much more arcana from the surroundings than it was used to.

"Ahh what is this smell? This is just disgusting," Favor said. Her black hands covered her nose as she stared around, almost vomiting from the stench.

Vice ignored the girl and instead scanned the area they had just walked into. The crimson fog was heavy in the air, and it was difficult to see more than ten meters in the distance. A pungent rotting smell of decomposed corpses hung in the air, however Vice wasn"t bothered by it one bit. He was stood comfortably within the formation. Austin took the front, with a sword and shield in his hands, whilst Jake took the rear with the same weaponry.

"Okay everyone, we move forward very slowly. And I mean it when I say very slowly, Austin make sure you don"t go too fast," Paul said.

The group was only able to cover a small area, and it would have been difficult to truly create a layout for the area due to the fog, but this was easily circ.u.mvented through the use of magic. Each member of the group had a golden card in their spatial pouches, and this would be able to scan their surroundings and send the information to the headquarters without them needed to do anything extra. The card, also known as a CC or communication card, was owned by all of the members of the guilds and the police force.

[DING! Hostile forces approaching from the right, coordinates are being transferred to the host right now] Virtue buzzed into Vice"s mind.

Vice frantically held onto his head before the pain could even settle in. Holding his head seemed to put a damper on how much his brain felt like it"d explode, and after a second the uncomfortable sensation left.

"To the right, we"re being attacked," Vice shouted as he prepared himself for battle. He let the mana burst forth from his arcana core, which circulated around his body until finally wisps of purple energy sprung forth from his hands. A claymore materialized into Vice"s hand, which he quickly swung in the direction of the opponent. A purple half moon crescent of energy was released by the blade, which cut through the fog to reveal five Jorogumos.


The energy wave released by Vice crashed into the closest enemy"s legs, slicing them off completely. The Jorogumo had all of its legs removed by the one attack, and fell to the floor with a loud thud. Blood gushed out of its torn limbs and it screamed out in pain. Before it could try to stop its bleeding, a different Jorogumo pierced its brain with its leg, and devoured its slain companion whole, its mouth opened wide enough to put more than twice its size in.

"Protect the side," Paul shouted toward Austin and Jake, who quickly sprung forward and stood side by side with their shields defending against the attacks from the monsters. A thin yellow barrier covered their shields, with Anne concentrating hard to sustain the barrier on those two items. Vice knew that this was a lot easier to sustain for Anne than a whole body, as she"d done previously with himself.


Multiple arrows imbued with red energy were sent flying to the Jorogumos, with Paul constantly releasing more arrows from his flaming bow. The relentless barrage of arrows combined with Vice"s purple crescent moon slashes put the enemies on the defensive.

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