The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 1431


Outside the Immortal Palace, Ning Tianyou stood there with a face full of worry, not coming to his senses for a long time.

“Immortal teacher, is what you say true?” Ning Tianyou asked.

“En, recovery is hopeless unless we find an even more extreme recovery immortal item, but such items are near impossible to find.” An old man with a white beard sighed and said.

“What happened, I’ve never heard of someone losing such inherited power…..’ Ning Tianyou was still in disbelief.

“On one hand, she truly has been constantly mentally tired in the past few years. On the other hand, it probably has something to do with her secret worry. One can see that she hasn’t been the happiest during her time here.” The elder immortal teacher said.

The old man knew earlier that Ning Maner has special abilities. In reality, he was more sympathetic towards the young girl’s situation.


The news of Ning Maner losing her powers quickly spread out in the imperial palace. However, laughably, this was when more people started visiting her.

These visits were mostly a disguise of checking whether Ning Maner had actually lost her special powers.

After many visits, many people in the palace were happy, while others were devastated.

Ning Family Dynasty in reality wasn’t completely controlled by Ning Family. Including the Ning Family, many families were split into branches and bloodlines.

Ning Maner belonged to the Ning Zhuang branch. The family master was Ning Zhuang while the second in command was Ning Tianyou.

Ning Zhuang’s family was in an awkward spot in Wupan City. They made a lot of enemies, causing them to constantly be in a struggle dealing with many other branches and factions.

Ning Maner could create many xuan and even immortal items for Ning Zhuang’s branch.

However, Ning Maner’s abilities weren’t hideable. After the Ning Royal Family discovered Ning Maner’s abilities, they announced they would take the little girl away.

This meant that even though Ning Mner came from the Ning Zhuang branch, her special powers meant that when she got stronger, she likely would become a part of the royal family. Ning Zhuang’s branch already had some grudges against the royal family, yet they couldn’t possibly compete against them.

So, when Ning Maner was given a high position in the royal family, even if Ning Maner was part of their branch, most of the management of the family were very dissatisfied.

This was why Ning Zhuang’s family wasn’t very friendly towards Ning Maner and even rejecting her at times. They all knew this girl was no longer part of their family.

The royal family decided that Ning Maner was still young and needed to improve so they let her temporarily continue to stay by her grandfather Ning Tianyou.

This was why Ning Zhuang’s branch was constantly telling Ning Maner to nurture xuan items, extracting as much value from her in the limited years before she left.

The royal family stated that the people that wanted Ning Maner were only coming back in two years, so Ning Zhuang’s family originally could have used her for two more years.

However, after Ning Maner lost her powers in this sickness, Ning Zhuang’s family instantly s.h.i.+fted their att.i.tude.

WIth Ning Maner’s current strength, the xuan items and immortal items in the next two years were key. She could have produced multiple immortal items. Yet, this happened. How could they not be angry?


In the conference hall, all of Ning Zhuang’s clan was present.

“This girl’s purposefully playing us, falling sick when she is most valuable.” Ning Zhuang’s wife was the first to speak.

Lady Ning Zhuang was infamous for being shrewish and illogical. When Ning Maner came, Ning Zhuang’s lady already hated the wild little girl. This was because of Ning Maner’s father.

Earlier, Ning Maner’s father went against Ning Zhuang’s wife, so when Ning Maner was brought back, she also started bullying her as much as she could.

Lady Ning Zhuang came from the slums. Speaking of ability, she wasn’t incompetent. She even controlled a good amount of power within the branch. If she didn"t like someone, who in the branch dared to show positive att.i.tudes towards that person?

“Lady, you think this has nothing to do with you?” Ning Tianyou had a sullen face.

Ning Tianyou was at least Ning Maner’s grandfather. With Ning Maner sick and having lost her power, how would he not be angry?

The clan was lacking in resources. Ning Maner’s recent performance had eased the pressure on their branch.

Ning Tianyou was furious. Even though he knew Ning Maner won’t be part of nIng Zhuang branch in the future, she could help their branch escape danger. Yet, they didn’t know how to treat her well. With these people that only cared about themselves, when would Ning Zhuang branch ever reach its former glory?

“Oh, it has something to do with me? Why don’t you speak about yourself? You really gave birth to a good son, causing our original royal branch to become merely a high ranking branch that has to act carefully around the royal family.” Lady Ning Zhuang jabbed back.

Ning Tianyou’s face blackened. This woman had never let this go!

The family itself was already falling apart every day. If they wanted to stand back up, they had to put down their past grudges. From what Ning Tianyou saw, this clan leader wife was the typical type of woman that could share your wealth but couldn’t go through hards.h.i.+p together. He had no idea how the clan leader Ning Zhuang ended up marrying such a short sighted fool.

“Alright, stop arguing. Tianyou, continuing asking the immortal teacher to see if he has any way of curing her.” Ning Zhuang said.

“What can there be? Immortal Teacher has already said. If her powers disappeared, unless she got the inheritance again, she couldn’t possibly have it again. You know the Messiah Tree was uprooted by those people already.” ning Tianyou said.

Ning Zhuang rubbed his temples. Many things were happening in the family. Originally, Ning Maner’s improvement relieved a lot of stress in the family, but Ning Maner lost her powers now.

“You may leave.” Ning Zhuang waved his hand. He didn’t know what else to say.

After the conference was disbanded, Ning Tianyou headed towards the Immortal Palace.

Ning Maner losing her powers was an accepted reality. A few days ago, the royal family also came for a look. Though they said they would still take her in, if she lost her powers, she most likely will only be royal in name.

Ning Tianyou stepped into Ning maner’s room. At this moment, Ning Maner stood up and was sitting by the bed in a silky robe, her slender body seemingly too weak to even stand up.

Ning Tianyou showed a slight helplessness before he walked over to Ning Maner.

“Grandpa.” Ning Maner turned around and smiled.

Ning Tinayou looked at Ning Maner’s smile and sighed with sorrow. He remembered when Ning Maner first came, her smile was pure and sweet. The naivety and simplicity of it caused Ning Tianyou to forget all his anger for his unworthy son. However, he didn’t know when Ning Maner started smiling with a hint of despair, no longer as simple as she used to be.

“How’s it going?” ning Tianyou rubbed her hair and asked.

“Much better, but….” Ning Maner’s eyes started wandering.

“As long as your body is recovered, don’t think much about the other things.” Ning Tianyou said.

Seeing Ning Tianyou’s face full of worry, Ning Maner had guilt in her heart, starting to regret her cruel decision.

“Grandpa, I…… I want to return to Quiet forest.” Ning Maner said in a small voice.

Ning maner was scared Ning Tianyou wouldn’t agree. In reality, she really wanted to go back right now. These past few years, she always dreamed of going back, but in her dreams it was sometimes flouris.h.i.+ng with flowers but sometimes in desolation. This caused Ning Maner to feel even more unsettled.

Ning Tianyou looked at her and said, “It’s too far. Oh, you haven’t been in the city for a long time, let grandpa bring you there today.”

He was ashamed. Ever since Ning Maner got strong enough to nurture high level xuan items, he locked her in the palace. She barely ever visited the ma.s.sive Wupan City at all.

“But….. I really want to go see.” Ning Maner’s voice was even smaller now.

Ning Maner rarely repeated herself. Ning Tianyou could tell that though her voice got quieter, she really desperately wanted to go back to Quiet forest.

“I’ll come back quickly.” Ning Maner continued to beg.

After hesitating for a while, Ning Tianyou sighed and said, “Alright, let me ask if the royal family people allow you to leave.”

“En, thank you grandpa.” Ning Maner immediately smiled.


Having made sure Ning Maner lost her powers, the royal family no longer bothered to restrict Ning Maner’s freedom and allowed her to leave Wupan City.

On Ning Zhuang’s side, since Ning Maner lost her power, Lady Ning Zhuang definitely couldn’t wait to push Ning Maner away in case she got reminded of her disgraceful father.

After walking out of the cold gates of the palace, Ning Maner sucked in a deep breath of fresh air and felt lighter.

Maybe putting all this down was good for her in the end.

“Little fairy, I am your servant Luo Yi. This one is Wo Shan. We’re both subordinates of He Cang and will take care of your safety from now on.” A tall green clothed woman stood by Ning Maner and respectfully spoke.

“Where’s Brother He?” Having her guard suddenly switched to two strangers was something Ning Maner wasn’t used to. The person she trusted the most was He Cang.

“Boss He Cang is busy with other matters.” The woman named Luo Yi said.

“Other matters…..” Ning Maner muttered. She could guess that, after she lost value from losing her power, there would no longer be a border master level person guarding her.

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