And ...

I saw the war-horse ramping And shake his forelock fine-- By a weeping willow tree Beside the Dead Sea.

I"ve been to Palestine.


Old John Brown.

Old John Brown.

I saw his gracious wife Dressed in a homespun gown.

I saw his seven sons Before his feet bow down.

And he marched with his seven sons, His wagons and goods and guns, To his campfire by the sea, By the waves of Galilee.

I"ve been to Palestine.


I saw the harp and psalt"ry Played for Old John Brown.

I heard the ram"s horn blow, Blow for Old John Brown.

I saw the Bulls of Bashan-- They cheered for Old John Brown.

I saw the big Behemoth-- He cheered for Old John Brown.

I saw the big Leviathan-- He cheered for Old John Brown.

I saw the Angel Gabriel Great power to him a.s.sign.

I saw him fight the Canaanites And set G.o.d"s Israel free.

I saw him when the war was done In his rustic chair recline-- By his campfire by the sea, By the waves of Galilee.

I"ve been to Palestine.


Old John Brown.

Old John Brown.

And there he sits To judge the world.

His hunting-dogs At his feet are curled.

His eyes half-closed, But John Brown sees The ends of the earth, The Day of Doom.

And his shot-gun lies Across his knees-- Old John Brown, Old John Brown.

III. King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba

(A Poem Game.)

"And when the Queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon, ...

she came to prove him with hard questions."

Men"s Leader: The Queen of Sheba came to see King Solomon.

I was King Solomon, I was King Solomon, I was King Solomon.

Women"s Leader: I was the Queen, I was the Queen, I was the Queen.

Both Leaders: We will be king and queen, Reigning on mountains green, Happy and free For ten thousand years.

Both Leaders: King Solomon he had four hundred oxen.

Congregation: We were the oxen.

Both Leaders: You shall feel goads no more.

Walk dreadful roads no more, Free from your loads For ten thousand years.

Both Leaders: King Solomon he had four hundred sweethearts.

Congregation: We were the sweethearts.

Both Leaders: You shall dance round again, You shall dance round again, Cymbals shall sound again, Cymbals shall sound again, Wildflowers be found For ten thousand years, Wildflowers be found For ten thousand years.

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He goes forward to the footlights.> Both Leaders: And every sweetheart had four hundred swans.

Congregation: We were the swans.

Both Leaders: You shall spread wings again, You shall spread wings again, Fly in soft rings again, Fly in soft rings again, Swim by cool springs For ten thousand years, Swim by cool springs, For ten thousand years.

Men"s Leader: King Solomon, King Solomon.

Women"s Leader: The Queen of Sheba asked him like a lady, Bowing most politely: "What makes the roses bloom Over the mossy tomb, Driving away the gloom Ten thousand years?"

Men"s Leader: King Solomon made answer to the lady, < p="">

The King wooing with ornate gestures of respect, and courtly animation.> Bowing most politely: "They bloom forever thinking of your beauty, Your step so queenly and your eyes so lovely.

These keep the roses fair, Young and without a care, Making so sweet the air, Ten thousand years."

Both Leaders: King Solomon he had four hundred sons.

Congregation: We were the sons.

Both Leaders: Crowned by the throngs again, You shall make songs again, Singing along For ten thousand years.

Both Leaders: He gave each son four hundred prancing ponies.

Congregation: We were the ponies.

Both Leaders: You shall eat hay again,

Men"s Leader: King Solomon he asked the Queen of Sheba, Bowing most politely: "What makes the oak-tree grow Hardy in sun and snow, Never by wind brought low Ten thousand years?"

Women"s Leader: The Queen of Sheba answered like a lady, Bowing most politely: "It blooms forever thinking of your wisdom, Your brave heart and the way you rule your kingdom.

These keep the oak secure, Weaving its leafy lure, Dreaming by fountains pure Ten thousand years."

Both Leaders: The Queen of Sheba had four hundred sailors.

Congregation: We were the sailors.

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