302 _wearie_, weary; _toile_, toyle.

303 _Druggs or Electuaries of new devise_, Or drugges or electuaryes of newe devises.

304 _Doe shunne_, that shame; _that trembles_, & tremble; _the_, thie; _price_, prices. In the Rawl. MS., lines 307-8 of the Petyt MS. follow here.

305 _Sufficeth all I haue, I yeald hir hole_, For that I allwayes had, I payd the wole.

307 _I paie our hostess_, I paid of both the; _and_, &; _at moste_, allmost.


308 _And_, yet; _and_, &; _anie_, any.

309 _can_, cann.

310 _doune_, downe.

311 _climbe_, clims; _banks_, bankes.

312 _gentlemen, if I_, gentleweomen doth this; _not thanks_, no thankes.

313 _so_, soe: _unto_, vnto.

314 _thread_, thred; _plaie is donne_, playes done.

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