18. How was the Church persecuted?

19. How did St. Paul speak of such times?--2 _Tim_. iv. 3

20. How long did these evil times last?

21. How was the Church in England restored?

22. Why are Calvinists called Presbyterians?

23. What evils were prevailing in the colonies?

24. How were they neglected?

25. What was the great sin of France?

26. What was the consequence of French unbelief?


1. What schism arose in England?

2. How has St. Paul warned us against separations?--_Romans_, xvi. 17.

3. Why is it dangerous to follow any unordained minister?--_St. John_, x. I.

4. How has our Lord taught us to cling to His Church?--_St. John_, xv. 4.

5. How can we be sure that ours is a true branch of the Church?-- A. Because our Bishops come straight from the Apostles, and our faith and our Sacraments are the same as theirs, and agree with Holy Scripture.

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