If gifts or candies are to be distributed Mother Goose may make a final appearance immediately after the final Curtain, and speak substantially as follows:
Well, children, did you like it? Do you know, I rather wished I could try one of those magic nuts myself. I think I"d made a real cunning little girl, don"t you? But there is no use wishing for what you can"t have, and besides, there"s something more important to be attended to.
I notice that Santa Claus is a great one to give everybody presents, and sure enough he"s done it again this time just as usual. He"s brought boxes of candy for all you boys and girls. He left them outside on the door step, and I was almost afraid the snow might have spoiled them. But it was such dry snow, it didn"t do them any harm at all, and in a minute, when the curtains open, they"ll be brought indoors and handed out to you. Well, I guess that"s all for this year, except for old Mother Goose to wish you (or, to hope that you"ve all had) a very Merry Christmas, and (to wish you all) a Happy New Year.