The City of Terror

Chapter 66 - The Dust World’s Cui Hu University?

Chapter 66 - The Dust World’s Cui Hu University?

    Without trying, they only needed to look at the five men behind Cheng Si SI and know that she was not someone easy to provoke. With thick legs, muscular upper bodies, and face full of killing intent, they knew that they were stronger with their fists than with their brains.

    Who would dare poke the tiger?

    Naturally, they also thought more about the future.These seniors did not believe that these men would follow her everywhere.

    No matter what was said, Cheng Si Si had already paid for her tuition and finished the enrollment process. She was now a student of Cui Hu University.

    After sending Cheng Si Si to her dormitory and helping her clean the room, Cheng Bi Wu and the others left the university. 

    It would be bad if they didn’t leave. Cheng Si Si initially wanted to go to school alone. She never thought that everyone would follow her. If she did not consider needing the help, she would have already sent them away.

    After all, the student’s amazed gazes, more or less, made Cheng Si Si embarra.s.sed.

    “Junior apprentice sister, if any body dares bully you, just tell your senior apprentice brothers!” This was said by her big senior apprentice brother, Liu Jian Cheng’s words.

    “Junior apprentice sister, if you do not have enough money, remember to call me.” This was second apprentice brother’s words.

    “Junior sister, when weekend comes, I will come fetch you.” This was third senior apprentice brother’s words.

    “Little senior apprentice sister, study well and stay positive everyday.” This was Wei Xiao Bei’s words. He did not believe that the students of Cui Hu University could bully her.

    Just inside the dojo, Wei Xiao Bei’s appearance after being bullied by Cheng Si Si from time to time was enough proof.

    If it was martial arts, Cheng Si Si was naturally inferior to Wei Xiao Bei, but the amount of martial arts experts in Cui Hu University was questionable.

    After saying his departing words, Cheng Si Si glared at him. Wei Xiao Bei knew the meaning behind the glare, “Wait until the weekend, see how I will deal with you!”

    Their master, Cheng Bi Wu, did not speak. Only until they walked back to the van did he let out a sigh.

    Following Cheng Si Si’s enrollment, Cheng Bi Wu quickly appeared different from his usual self.

    For example, the kitchen was a mess. In the entire dojo, from master to disciple, no one could master the kitchen.

    Wei Xiao Bei was slightly better. However, his skills were only limited to surviving in the wilderness, so his only skill was cooking barbecue.

    They could not always eat barbecue in the dojo.

    As a result, after eating plain water noodles for two days, they finally gave up and bought ingredients from the store.

    Their desire was pure, but the result was tragic.

    Seeing the black pork meat inside the pot, they looked at each other.

    In the end, Cheng Bi Wu sighed, “Yao Wu, go hire a cook tomorrow.”

    The next day, Yao Wu went out to hire a cook, while Wei Xiao Bei returned back to his apartment.

    Following the beginning of, the Cheng Clan Dojo became more peaceful.

    For the current time, the students would only come during the weekends. The rest of their time would be taken up by their school for their studies and tests.

    Just like that, the work inside the dojo had been cut down by a lot. Wei Xiao Bei also gained a lot of free time.

    He felt a sense of urgency as he thought about The Dust World’s existence.

    As a result, when he finally had the time, he chose to once again enter The Dust World, striving to kill more monsters and gain more evolution points.


    After opening his eyes, the scene in front of him was the familiar ruins.

    However, it somehow looked even more destroyed than before.

    Wei Xiao Bei grabbed on the gla.s.s that had acquired a nick in it. He looked at it and sighed.

    In regards to the changes in the Dust World, he did not know whether it was good or bad. After thinking about it and not reaching a conclusion, he had no choice but to put it to the back of his mind.

    He grabbed the jerky underneath his bed and placed a portion of it in his backpack. Then he left the room while carrying the back pack and the pitchfork.

    Just like the interior of the house, two more of fluorescent lights above the corridor had broken, and the wallpaper seemed even more crumpled up more.

    When he came to the street, the collapsed courtyard wall gave him a sense of oppression.

    He squinted his eyes while standing at the center of the street.

    He decided not to go back to Lake Cui for now.

    As for the food street’s side, he did not know if the fight between the Mist Draconic Horse and the Big Tree Spirit was over.

    Should I go take a look?

    Wei Xiao Bei pondered and made a decision.

    Going to take a look was fine. If there was anything strange, he would quickly run away!

    In truth, he knew that he had more than one choice. If he just went over a few courtyard walls, he could choose a totally different direction.

    However, this decision was only caused by his own greed. The Big Tree Spirit’s sap had been constantly on his mind.

    After arriving at the food street, the skeleton’s of the Shangfu had already disappeared. This had immediately raised his guard.

    Moreover, the mist at the end of the street had disappeared. Wei Xiao Bei was able to look ahead. Tracks of those Green Dwarfs had also disappeared. The place that was originally a forest was left with holes of various sizes from where the roots had come out.

    Wei Xiao Bei was relieved and disappointed that those Tree Spirit’s did not return.


    What is that?

    Wei Xiao Bei swept his eyes over and could faintly see something that was blocked by the ruins left by the Tree Spirits, so he slowly walked there.

    He advanced while maintaining a normal pace while being vigilant of the surroundings. This was his best safety measure.

    However, Wei Xiao Bei was too cautious, nothing had happened as he reached the ruins.

    What the f.u.c.k!

    When Wei Xiao Bei saw the building about fifty meters away from the ruins, he couldn’t help cursing inside.

    What is actually going on?

    A tall memorial arch stood there. The gold plated words on top of it were clear: Cui Hu University!

    The rhyming couplet on its two sides had already disappeared.

    That’s right! This is Cui Hu University’s entrance!

    Although the entrance was in ruins, Wei Xiao Bei had just seen the entrance yesterday, so his impression of it was quite deep and he would never forget it. Moreover, there was a ruined pavement behind the gate. The withered plants on the side of the pavement continued onwards till the school building, plaza, and other places. Every single one of them told him that this was Cui Hu University.

    Isn’t Cui Hu University at the northern district of Cui Hu City? Why did it appear here?

    Although Wei Xiao Bei knew that things inside the Dust World were not to be compared with reality, the appearance of Cui Hu University four hundred meters away from his apartment had made him feel that there was something very wrong with s.p.a.ce and time.

    After a while, he patted his head.

    In The Dust World, everything is possible.

    Let alone Cui Hu University’s appearance, even if Yangtze River or Yellow River appeared, he was now prepared that it would not surprise him.

Chapter 67 - My G.o.d, there is actually such a thing like this?

    However, Wei Xiao Bei had a faint inkling that it might have something to do with him going with Cheng Si Si to enroll in Cui Hu University.

    But with his 7 points of intelligence, this was too complex for him to think about, so he did not think about the ‘ifs’ anymore.


    As he was slightly hesitating whether or not to go inside, he heard strange stepping noises.

    It was like a group of people walking with slippers, or probably with leather boots walking through the mud.

    Should I go in and look? This place seems to have nothing that I have to be vigilant about.

    Wei Xiao Bei was silent for a while, but his footsteps did not stop. He pa.s.sed through the ruined gate, moved along the shattered pavement, pa.s.sed through the plaza, followed through a fork on the side of the first educational building, and arrived at a gothic style building. Only then did he slow down.

    At that time, the sound of the footsteps became louder as he got closer. At the same time, he faintly smelled something stinky.

    He carefully stopped his breath and took a peek. His eyes shrunk and his back filled with cold sweat.

    Behind the gothic style building, there was a gra.s.s field. On the withered gra.s.s field, there were hundreds of humanoid objects walking slowly.

    There was one way to describe these humanoid objects.


    They all had ash gray skins, visible veins, lifeless eye, tattered clothes, and moved very slowly.

    Because of the slow movement, it was enough to identify them.

    The impact this had on Wei Xiao Bei’s was not small. Although, he knew that The Dust World was very mysterious and that any kind of monster could appear, especially when zombies were monsters that often appeared in games, novel, and movies. However, seeing people who were once human appear before him made him slightly numb.

    Luckily his willpower was 12.31 points, so he was able to quickly harden his heart and.

    In reality, the movements of the zombies were very strange. Some of them even had broken arms and legs, some had a hole in the middle of their bodies with their innards coming out. However, the zombies did not move out of a 1300 square metre box. 

    There were about a hundred of them, both male and female . A portion of them had decayed greatly. Their eyes were falling out and maggots resided in their bodies, making anyone who saw them want to puke.

    However, the other portion of the zombies still had their bodies intact and appeared to be around quite young.

    A few of the zombies even had textbooks in their hands.

    Wei Xiao Bei felt dizzy. He couldn"t help cursing The Dust World.

    Could this place be a fantasy world? There were even zombies appearing.


    When Wei Xiao Bei prepared to probe out the zombies’ strength, he could hear a female shriek from afar.

    There was a path across the gra.s.s field. A long haired girl wearing a yellow long skirt sat weakly on the ground from fright. A few textbooks that she had been holding were dropped on the ground.

    Following her shriek, the slowly moving zombies on the gra.s.s field all turned around and looked at her, facing her direction.

    Without a doubt, the zombies had noticed her existence from her shriek.

    A girl’s courage would normally be quite low.

    Moreover, with a hundred frightening zombie stares, she immediately lost her reasoning, picked up a textbook, and threw it towards the gra.s.s field.

    This was the only way she could release a bit of her fear.

    The textbook flew mid air, and finally landed a few meters in front. The zombies turned around and moved.

    Their slow movements became faster. However, their speeds did not exceed a normal person’s walking speed.

    However, if a normal person saw hundreds of terrifying zombies walk towards them, they would not be able to move at all.

    “Ah! Ah! Help!”

    Her continuous shrieks made Wei Xiao Bei who was hiding behind the small building frown.

    Seeing the girl, who still did not escape as the zombies approach her, made Wei Xiao Bei hesitate a little.

    This was not the first time he entered The Dust World.

    Although the Dust World was mysterious and dangerous place, it was still a huge treasure trove. A treasure trove where he could obtain a treasure called evolution points.

    Seeing other people enter The Dust World made him feel somewhat unpleasant.

    He was not willing to share this treasure with others. It was easy to imagine that if the other person had a status panel as well, he would have another strong rival.

    They could even become a threat, both in reality and in The Dust World!

    Wei Xiao Bei did not regard himself as a saint, or even a good person. His personality was only a little kinder and gentler than others, however, if he encountered something that contradicted his benefit, he would not be so soft hearted.

    His soft heartedness was only for his family and close friends.

    Moreover, the girl in question was a stranger. Even if she was a beauty with snow white skin, she was not his little senior apprentice sister, Cheng Si Si.

    Weak people were unable to live inside The Dust World.

    After contemplating for a moment, his eyes landed on the girl.

    He decided that if she could stand back up and run away from the zombies in front of her, then he might consider lending a helping hand. If the opposite happened, then he could not be blamed for his coldheartedness.

    After all, if she did not have any thoughts of saving herself, then even if she was saved this time, she might die the next time she entered Tthe Dust World.

    Looking at it from different angle, Wei Xiao Bei was just unwilling to have another rival!

    The zombies approached the girl, moving closer and closer, while the girl’s face became paler and paler.

    In the end, when the leading zombie was around 10 metres from her, she finally moved.

    Perhaps her fear had already gone past the limit that she stopped being afraid, or, perhaps, her courage welled up from desperation.

    The girl struggled to get up from the floor.

    Nine meters! Eight meters! Seven meters! Six meters!

    The zombie swayed as it continued to approach. After reaching five meters away, it could be viewed as within reach.

    The zombies that had been attracted by the girl’s scream extended their dirty, ash grey hands to catch the girl.

    “Die! Die!”

    The girl finally stood up from the ground, attacking the zombie with the textbook in her hand.

Chapter 68 - d.a.m.n! Even these monstrous things appeared.

    Naturally, if this continued on, then the girl was without a doubt going to die.

    The zombies were currently surrounding the girl in a half circle were about to completely encircle her if she did not start running away.

    Since she is willing to struggle, then I should make my move.

    Wei Xiao Bei thought and immediately leapt out from behind the building.

    “Circle around from the side.

    Wei Xiao Bei’s shout had immediately attracted the zombies’ attention. They extended their hands and grabbed the air a few times. Since they could not grab the girl, they decided to slowly turn around towards Wei Xiao Bei.

    The girl seemed to be too frightened. When she saw the zombies turn around, she unhesitantly took a few steps back, turned around, and ran, as if she did not hear Wei Xiao Bei at all.

    Most probably, the girl’s current speed was the fastest speed she had ever ran in her lifetime. In just a few seconds, the girl had charged towards the end of the pavement, turned around the corner, and disappeared within the dormitory.

    Wei Xiao Bei’s thoughts slightly darkened. He did not know whether the girl ran away due to fear of zombies, or was treating him as zombie bait.

    However, he did not have the energy to pay attention to this anymore.


    Wei Xiao Bei lightly shouted. He strengthened his arms and attacked using the pitchfork with lightning speed. In an instant, a male zombie had been pierced through. He kicked the zombie with his left leg while strongly pulling out the pitchfork, causing a kind of black liquid to flow out.

    The zombie stagger a bit before crumpling on the ground.

    Upon seeing this, Wei Xiao Bei immediately relaxed. He felt that the zombies were too weak. They had only half the strength of a normal human.

    In the following fight, Wei Xiao Bei kept using his hand and pitchfork to pierce through the zombies while slightly taking steps backwards to prevent the zombies from surrounding him. The zombies fell at his hands one by one.

    The zombies were without a doubt a treasure trove of evolution points. Eliminating a hundred zombies would only take him 5-6 minutes.

    The only question left was if his stamina could hold on.


    Something feels wrong.

    He unconsciously swept his status panel a glance, looking at how much evolution points he gained from killing zombies.

    However, his evolution points still remained at 1 point!

    This meant that killing the zombies would not give him a single point.

    Could it be due to increasing my strength, that these weak monsters won’t give me evolution points anymore?

    Wei Xiao Bei frowned, he couldn’t help think about a game that he had played. In that game, if the hero exceeded the monster’s level by 1, the monster would not give experience, money, nor treasure anymore.

    Could it be the same in The Dust World?

    However, he quickly understood the problem.

    The zombies that he had previously pierced through had slowly climbed back up, rejoining the zombies that were circling him.

    Luckily, thanks to modern movies and the internet, Wei Xiao Bei quickly understood why these zombies stood back up again.

    These zombies did not come back from the dead. It was only because he did not hit their weak points!

    Thinking about this, he clenched the pitchfork in his hands. With a fierce thrust, he pierced through the zombie’s eye socket.

    However, this might not have been able to kill the zombies. As a result, he twisted his hands to mix up the inside of the eye socket.

    The currently struggling zombie finally stopped moving. Its entire body limply fell on the ground.

    After pulling out, he beat back the incoming zombies and retreated a bit, then he looked at his status panel.


    It was really like that!

    At this time, the 1 evolution point in his status panel had become 9.

    Killing a zombie gave him 8 evolution points! It was not that different from killing the Green Dwarfs.

    The zombie’s strength was even weaker than the Green Dwarfs. However, their only weakness was their brain. By subtracting the pros and the cons, they were on the same level.

    Wei Xiao Bei couldn’t help become happy, and the pitchfork in his hands hastened.

    The pressure in his heart had greatly decreased after finding out the zombie’s weakness.

    The pitchfork continuously pierced through the zombies’ heads. Pierce, twist, pull out. One by one, the zombies fell to the pitchfork and Wei Xiao Bei’s evolution points kept increasing.

    However, his stamina had its limits.

    Under the encirclement, he could not always accurately pierce through the zombies’ brains. This had quickly drained his stamina. After all, his endurance was only a bit more outstanding than a normal person; it still hadn’t exceeded a human’s limit.

    After killing more than 50 zombies, he began to feel tired. He had probably thrusted his pitchfork more than 80 times. Moreover, while aiming at the zombie’s weak point, he had to retreat bit by bit.

    Wei Xiao Bei had already retreated to the side of the gothic style building while panting for air.

    With his current stamina, the remaining 50 zombies would give him the same pressure as the previous 100.

    When he was thinking of a strategy to recover his stamina a bit before continuing, he heard a shriek from the distance, “Help me!”

    Is that the girl that ran away?

    Hearing the familiar voice, he swung his pitchfork to repel the encircling zombies. His eyes looked towards the direction of the voice.

    Without a doubt, it was the girl with the eye-grabbing yellow long skirt.


    However, when he saw the two zombies chasing behind her, he couldn’t help but curse angrily.

    The two zombies were different from the zombies he was killing. Their entire body was without a single thread and their ash gray skin seemed as if they were going to erupt. The exposed muscles on their bodies made them look like leopards as they crawled on the destroyed limbs. They also did not have a skull, so the brains were on clear display.

    These were definitely not normal zombies!

    They should be the Lickers from the Resident Evil series!

    Although Wei Xiao Bei had not yet watched the show, he had played the games before.

    The impressions that the Lickers left in him was deep. He was able to instantly recognize them.

    Without a choice, anyone who faced it and died countless times to them would never forget it for the rest of their lives.

    Why did such a monstrous thing appear here!

    Wei Xiao Bei knew that the Lickers could not see. They relied on their hearing to kill people. Walking, running, breathing, even the beat of the heart, could be heard by their ears.

Chapter 69 - Powerful Strength!

    A Licker could not walk upright, but they relied on their four limbs to climb onto walls and ceilings. With their strong leaps and fast movements, it would be hard for even machine guns to accurately hit them. The most frightening thing was their tongue. They could instantly shoot it out and pierce through people’s body as fast and strong asa bullet.

    At the very least, it was like that in the game. If the two Lickers were the same as the game, let alone the yellow skirt girl, even he would be in danger.

    Even if Wei Xiao Bei was quite powerful, he did not dare face them head on. He retreated three steps and charged towards the entrance of the gothic style building without any hesitation.

    The Lickers were so fast that even Wei Xiao Bei would not be able to escape them!

    At this time, the yellow skirt long haired girl saw Wei Xiao bei and pankicked, “Help!”

    She was running quite fast, but her shout had made her speed decrease a little.

    The Lickers that were more than 10 meters behind her instantly closed in to less than 3 meters behind her.


    A sharp sound came out as the two Lickers shot out their long, slender, tough tongues from their mouths.

    Plop, plop. The two tongues pierced through the girl’s chest and neck. Her warm blood sprayed out, creating a mist of blood in the air.

    In the next moment, her body had been dragged back by the two tongues. Their mouths opened like a blooming chrysanthemum and bit down on the girl’s soft body with their sharp teeth.

    Wei Xiao Bei saw the scene, but his footsteps did not stop. With a leap he entered the building.

    The gothic style building seemed to be a building where students conducted experiments. The reinforced gla.s.s of the building had already been shattered due to age, allowing Wei Xiao Bei to freely enter.

    He swept the entire building with a glance, and immediately moved towards the spiral stairs in the inner-most part.

    The first floor was where the laboratories were located, and every room had a name plate.

    While he was moving up to the second floor, Wei Xiao Bei concentrated on the status panel.

    Evolution points: 441.

    I killed 55 zombies.

    Wei Xiao Bei did not count the amount of zombies he had killed, but this was the answer he got after calculating it.

    He had previously seen the speed of the two Lickers and it had exceeded his. As for their strength, he was not that sure of it because he had not fought with them head on. However, their bullet-like tongues would definitely inflict heavy injuries on him!!

    Because of this, he decided to use up all of his evolution points. He needed to use them all up and cover for his weak points!

    At this moment, Wei Xiao Bei was feeling a slight regret.

    If only he could find a suitable great spear right now, dealing with those two Lickers would be easier.

    Eh? What if I go kill one of those Tree Spirits? They were quite huge, so I don’t know how long they have lived for. But, I could definitely use their trunks to produce lumber.

    His second regret was not having enough evolution points!

    Thinking this, he had reached the second floor.

    The second floor appeared to be storage rooms for materials.

    Wei Xiao Bei looked at the name plates beside the doors and began to slow down while still going upwards.


    The biggest difference between him and the Lickers was speed.

    Should I place my evolution points in my agility?

    Wei Xiao Bei hesitated as he looked at his status panel.

    Hand-eye Coordination: 9.36, Flexibility: 11.36, Reflex: 11.36, Balance: 8.36.

    There were four sub-attributes below agility. From a certain point of view, these four sub-attributes determined a person’s agility.

    Wei Xiao Bei only had 441 evolution points. If he place them inside the four sub-attributes, his agility would only increase by 1.1 points.

    According to his distance from the Lickers, 1.1 points was simply too insignificant.

    It was like planting a tree in the desert and watering it once. The tree would live for at most two more days, but it would still wither in the end.

    A splash of water was not enough to make a tree live.

    From his point of view placing the evolution points in agility was useless.


    Wei Xiao Bei slightly pondered and firmly decided to put it in his muscle.

    His evolution points quickly decreased, while his muscle attribute quickly increased.


    While he was still moving up the stairs, his muscle attribute increased from 17.36 points to 20 points.


    At this time, Wei Xiao Bei staggered and kneeled down on the stairs. The muscles in his entire body began to wriggle, breaking down and reorganizing.

    This kind of autonomous muscle breakdown and restoration was extremely painful. It was like being cut by a thousand swords, or being torn apart by an itch caused by ten million ants.

    Wei Xiao Bei accepted the pain throughout the process. He did not allow himself to faint as the pain came one wave after the other, making his entire body shake and spasm.

    Sweat poured out like a tide from his entire body, dripping onto the stairs. Five seconds had not yet gone by, but Wei Xiao Bei’s entire body was covered in sweat.


    The pain was still continuing so Wei Xiao Bei could only curse in his mind. He did not know whether to curse himself or the status panel.

    While Wei Xiao Bei was enduring the pain, a smas.h.i.+ng sound came from the third floor.


    Following the loud sound, countless wooden fragments rained down below from the third floor.

    Plunk, plunk. Two wood fragments smashed onto Wei Xiao Bei’s body.

    With that much force, a normal person would already be screaming from the pain, but when it hit Wei Xiao Bei’s body, he felt that the pain decreased.

    Bring in a few more pieces!

    His muscles continuously broke down and reorganized. He was not even able to move, but he still wished that more wooden fragments would smash down on him.

    The Heavens seemed to have heard his plea because in the next moment, a rotten wooden cupboard immediately flew downwards from the third floor, and hit Wei Xiao Bei.

    The impact this time was not small as scarlet blood had even come out from his mouth from the blow.


    The pain from his body suddenly stopped, making Wei Xiao bei, who was familiar with the pain, feel a certain sense of bliss.

    The feeling of pleasure was so extensive it had, for just a moment, even surpa.s.sed his own physical needs .

Chapter 70 - Muscle Reconstruction

    What power!

    Wei Xiao Bei clenched his hands. The muscles in his entire body did not appear to have any changes, but the slight bulge was enough to make Wei Xiao Bei feel a sense of invincibility.

    Wei Xiao Bei felt that he could even lift up the entire building.

    Naturally, he knew that this was only a misconception. His strength had increased by a lot after his muscles reached 20 points. This strength simply should have already been at the apex of a human’s power.

    But just as he had concluded before, a new ability appeared after his muscle reached 20 points, Elementary Power Burst!

    From the name, this ability would increase his strength. As for how much, he had to try it to know.

    Did my weight decrease?

    He noticed this question while walking up the stairs and carrying the pitchfork.

    Without a doubt, the sweat he produced from the muscle construction had decreased his weight by more than 5 kg.

    He felt that this weight decrease was not a bad thing, and on the contrary, he felt even more nimble than before.

    This was definitely a good thing for his next battle.

    Naturally, this nimble feeling was only caused by losing weight, Wei Xiao Bei’s nimbleness attribute was still at 11.36.

    He was now left with 117 evolution points.

    This time Wei Xiao Bei did not hesitate and placed the rest of the evolution points on endurance.

    His stamina had already been drained by a lot, but the endurance attribute would allow him to fight longer.

    After placing in the evolution points, his endurance attribute increase to 13.98, allowing him to quickly recover the stamina that he lost. At the very end, Wei Xiao Bei was able to feel his power increase.

    Another thing was that, Wei Xiao Bei’s injury after being hit by the cabinet also quickly recovered.

    This meant that there were attributes that were linked with each other.

    Even if he was walking up, his mind was still filled with a jumble of information that he could not process quick enough.

    This distracted him, as he concentrated on the information.

    When he just stepped on the third floor’s corridor, a one meter long white monster pounced at him, frightening him since he was not paying attention.

    He immediately came back to his senses and pierced his pitchfork towards the white monster.

    The white monster leapt toward him, but because its strength fell short, it ran onto the tip of the pitchfork.

    The white monster had a very strong vitality. Even though the pitchfork had pierced through its body, it still kept on screeching and struggling with its four limbs. Wei Xiao Bei felt that it was a rare sight, as it could even contend against an adult.

    After being pierced by the pitchfork, the white monster’s white fur was dyed red. Its appearance was very frightening, but Wei Xiao Bei was not afraid at all. He lifted the pitchfork and strongly smashed the monster into the cement floor.

    Once, twice, thrice!

    The white monster that was smashed against the cement floor quickly met its end.

    Wei Xiao Bei pulled out the pitchfork and looked at his battlelog.


You have reached Cui Hu University’s Pathology Laboratory’s Third Floor

A normal cla.s.s Mutated White Mouse attacks.

Counter attack successful.

Mutated White Mouse dies.

Earned 30 evolution points.

    This was actually a mutated white mouse?

    Wei Xiao Bei looked at the unmoving white monster on the ground.

    Just as expected, the white monster had a pointed mouth, mouse tail, claws. These indeed made up a mouse’s characteristics.

    When Wei Xiao Bei inspected the white mouse, a smas.h.i.+ng sound appeared from above him.


    The sound of the wind pa.s.sed by. A Licked appeared at the very end of the corridor. However, it disappeared in the next moment and instead, a violent sound came from the roof top.

    Seeing the Licker appear, Wei Xiao Bei lost the mood to inspect the Mutated White Mouse. He raised the pitchfork and ran towards the end of the corridor.

    At the same time, he placed the 30 evolution points from the Mutated White Mouse in his st.u.r.diness attribute.

    He he did this, he was not just randomly placing his evolution points. 

    While he was in the dojo, he had strained his muscles from using too much force. From that, he understood that his st.u.r.diness was not enough and that there was actually a relations.h.i.+p between muscle and st.u.r.diness.

    After placing a hundred points into endurance and recovering 90% of his stamina from it, he was now confident enough to face the next battle.

    To further increase his fighting strength, he placed evolution points into his st.u.r.diness. It was a must in his current state.

    The change from putting 30 evolution points into st.u.r.diness was not visible. However, Wei Xiao Bei still felt itin his body.

    First, he felt his muscles swell a bit and then slowly expand. Wei Xiao Bei could even feel his joints forcefully pull apart.

    Luckily, this process only lasted for a single breath of time.


    When he reached the middle of the corridor, the doors on his left and right suddenly fell down. Then two Mutated White Mouse punced at him wiht their mouths open, exposing their sharp teeth as they try to bite him.

    Bang, bang!

    Two consecutive sounds of metal hitting flesh echoed. Although the Mutated White Mouse were not slow and they were in the right location, the sound of the doors falling down had already alerted Wei Xiao Bei of their presence.

    By swinging his pitchfork, the two Mutated White Mouse were beaten back.

    One of the Mutated White Mouse was lucky that it had been thrown back into the room, but the other mouse was sent smas.h.i.+ng onto the wall and then pierced to death by Wei Xiao Bei.

    If it was the Wei Xiao Bei that had just entered the Dust World, then the two white mouse would have probably bit him to death.

    However, Wei Xiao Bei was not his beginning self anymore. His strong strength and his Bajiquan had allowed him to deal with them much more easier than those Fishmen.

    Whoos.h.!.+ The Mutated White Mouse in the room once again pounced towards him, but was easily killed by Wei Xiao Bei.

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