The City of Terror

Chapter 73 - Both Sides Suffer?

Chapter 73 - Both Sides Suffer?

    Seeing this scene, Wei Xiao Bei couldn"t help but be affected.

    If it was him facing the white mice, he would have probably fallen earlier.

    However, compared to the Lickers, Wei Xiao Bei had a method to deal with them!

    By Releasing Electricity!

    Should I join in and a.s.sist?

    Wei Xiao Bei plotted.

    The white mice were definitely enemies with the Lickers.

    Wasn"t there a quote that says "the enemy of my enemy is a friend"?

    Wei Xiao Bei shook his head. If it was a creature with even a bit of intelligence, he would not think too much about it. However, the white mice were wild animals, even if he extended the symbol of peace, they would probably bite back at him.

    It would be better for him to wait until both sides suffer, before picking up the peaches off the ground.

    After thinking of a countermeasure, Wei Xiao Bei relaxed his tense body. He treated the time he took watching the fight as his resting time.

    The white mice had the advantage, but the opponent was stronger, so the white mice were actually carrying a huge risk.

    The white mice attacked countless times, but as long as they did not hit the Lickers" brains, then the Lickers would still be able to fight like normal. On the other hand, if the white mice were hit only once, the impact would be more than just a simple injury.

    The next instance had shown this logic.

    The injured white mouse that had its guts spilling out, had its vitality greatly decrease as it continued to fight. Because of that, it had been too slow in dodging one of the tongues and got killed instantly by a Licker.

    The Licker was able to kill the white mouse in one move because it reacted slower.

    The Lickers were still zombies in the end,even if they were faster and stronger than normal zombies, they still did not have the ability to think.

    After killing the white mouse, the Licker pulled back its tongue, attempting to drag back the mouse with it.

    The speed at which the Lickers shot out their tongue was fast, but the speed at which it dragged its kill was the opposite.

    In that instant, six of the white mice surrounded the Licker and attacked it from all sides.

    Even if the other injured Licker shot out its tongue, it would not be able to fend them off.

    The bewildering fight continued on.

    Two of the white mice had been killed and another had suffered serious injuries.

    However, the Licker had paid a high price for it.

    Three of the white mice had bit off a Lickers leg and had just torn off its other leg.

    Until now, the white mice were down to ten, one of them had simply retreated.

    However, the injured Licker had completely lost its speed, without its legs, it could only with the white mice in melee range.

    Seeing this, Wei Xiao Bei suddenly tightened his grasp on the pitchfork, gathered his high willpower, and almost directly charged out without any hesitation.

    From an observer"s point of view, this was simply too great of an opportunity!

    But after a while, Wei Xiao Bei came back to his senses. Although the two Lickers had lost their speed, fighting against the teamwork of 9 white mice was not easy to deal with.

    He slowed down a bit, calculated, and made his final decision.

    However, this decision would soon make him endlessly regret. This would soon cause him to prioritize increasing his intelligence.

    Only fifty seconds had pa.s.sed since the opportune moment had come about.

    One of the white mice took advantage of a Licker that was aiming towards another mouse, and leaped from at it from behind, jumping on its head.

    The next events need not be said.

    Even if the Licker were to beg for mercy in front of the white mouse, it would not be able to stop its actions.

    The white mouse opened its mouth and bit the Licker"s exposed brain.

    Ash gray brain juice splashed everywhere. Moreover, it was one of the stronger Lickers that had been jumped and lost its ability to fight as it laid on the ground, losing its life.


    The white mouse proudly stood above the Licker"s corpse and roared. Its cry was different from the squeals of the white mice Wei Xiao Bei had previously encountered.

    The sound seemed to be stronger and louder, as if it was from a tiger coming down a mountain.

    One of the Lickers died?

    Wei Xiao Bei was dumbstruck. He still did not know how many evolution points killing a Licker would give, but he knew that its worth would not be lower than a Thunder Worm!

    It seems that he was slightly unlucky this time.

    I cannot wait anymore!

    Seeing that the white mouse was different from before, he understood that monsters in The Dust World could also level up by killing.

    It was easy to imagine that if the remaining Licker was killed too, then dealing with the stronger white mice that remained would be very hard!

    A strong group of bandits could never win against a strong army!

    As a former soldier, he understood this point.


    He shouted from his throat and threw wooden fragments that he had collected from the stairs.

    His 20 points in muscle and 12.47 points in st.u.r.diness represented how powerful these wooden fragments were.

    With a whoosh, the wooden fragments shot out like a cannonball, startling the white mice, while allowing the Licker to kill another white mice.

    These white mice had great cooperation, but in the end they were only a group of wild animals.

    Their swift and flowing attacks on the Licker was like a well trained army.

    However, now that a new opponent appeared, the white mice did not know how to deal with the situation.

    A few white mice continued their attacks on the Licker. A few of them became frantic and ran to the edge as if they wanted to escape.

    The amount of white mice that charged towards him were only two!

    However, Wei Xiao Bei did not underestimate them.

    This was because among the white mice attacking him, one of them was the evolved white mouse that had killed the first Licker!

    The white mouse"s speed had fully surpa.s.sed its previous speed, but perhaps because its evolution had still not finished, the white mouse was rapidly growing, looking almost obese.

    If little girls were to see it, they would probably shout and cheer in delight.

Chapter 74 - Intensifying Battle

    No matter what was said, the white mouse currently looked adorable.

    Wei Xiao Bei knew that the white mouse was not only cute, but also had the strength to kill him in an instant.

    Ever since it killed the Licker, Wei Xiao Bei felt that the threat coming from the white mouse had increased.


    Wei Xiao Bei shouted. His lungs expanded, then fiercely contracted. The air fiercely flowed through his narrow vocal chords, creating a loud voice that momentarily stopped the other white mouse, preventing it from following up.

    At the same time, the pitchfork in Wei Xiao Bei"s hand thrust out, creating a black line as it pierced towards the evolved white mouse.

    Seeing Wei Xiao Bei"s fierce momentum, the evolved mouse did not continue charging forward, instead, it used its four paws to make an upward leap and nimbly evaded Wei Xiao Bei"s thrust.

    Afterwards, the evolved white mouse took advantage of this moment to jump onto Wei Xiao Bei"s forehead.

    This move was the move that it used to kill the Licker.

    However, this move was useless in front of Wei Xiao Bei. Wei Xiao Bei simply lifted the pitchfork back up while continuously letting out electricity!

    As the pitchfork aimed at the evolved white mouse, it had wanted to escape, but its body suddenly stiffened. Wei Xiao Bei could release an electricity of 37 Volts and 10 milliamperes, which made it effective when handling normal people.

    However, using it to deal with the evolved white mouse was not as effective, however, this was not really a problem since Wei Xiao Bei was an expert. Just a single moment was enough for him to gain victory.

    The evolved mouse was instantly sent flying away upwards like a golf ball.

    The height at which the evolved mouse flew was even higher than twice the length of the pitchfork. As a result, he did not rush to kill it. Instead, he swept the pitchfork on his left, sending the other white mouse back, while at the same time, the electricity flowed through the white mouse"s body, causing it to be paralyzed in place.

    Wei Xiao Bei would naturally not let this opportunity go. With a big stride, he thrusted his pitchfork towards the white mouse.

    Puchi. The sharp iron weapon pierced through the white mouse. The white mouse that had attempted to ambush Wei Xiao Bei now hung at the tip of his pitchfork.

    Killing one white mouse granted Wei Xiao Bei 30 evolution points!

    But he did not immediately use the evolution points, and decided to save it up.


    The evolvedmouse that had been sent flying upwards advanced towards Wei Xiao Bei after it fel to the ground.

    Wei Xiao Bei let out a smile and tilted the pitchfork upwards, softly poking it.

    The sharp sound from the mouse echoed as it was poked by the pitchfork in its abdomen. Electricity flowed causing its body to stiffen and immediately after, Wei Xiao Bei smashed the pitchfork to the ground, thoroughly piercing through the evolved mouse.

    These monsters did not have enough intelligence. As long as Wei Xiao Bei chose the correct method of attacking, dealing with them was not hard.

    The evolved mouse made a final struggle on the pitchfork, making a horrible screech that attracted the attention of several Mutated White Mice that were currently restricting the Licker.

    Whoooosh, four of the white mice gave up surrounding the Licker, turned around and charged towards Wei Xiao Bei, even three of the white mice that had escaped to the side had followed.

    Without a doubt, the white mice now viewed Wei Xiao Bei as a much more dangerous opponent compared to the Lickers.

    Facing 7 white mice, Wei Xiao Bei did not retreat at all. He pulled out his pitchfork and thrusted a few times, killing the evolved white mouse.

    90 evolution points!

    Without a doubt, the evolved white mouse had a higher worth than the normal Mutated White Mouse. However, it was still difficult to deal with this many of them. If Wei Xiao Bei had not found the right attacking method, it would have been much more difficult to deal with them.


    Out of the seven charging white mice, three of them attacked from the front, while the other four moved to his left and right, attempting to attack Wei Xiao Bei from the sides and behind. However, Wei Xiao Bei used one hand to hold the pitchfork, pointed the tip outwards, and made a circular sweep, sending all seven white mice jumping backwards.

    Wei Xiao Bei let out a smile as he waited for the time they jumped and thrusted the pitchfork at them.


    The incoming pitchfork did not even give the mouse an opportunity to dodge as it was immediately pierced through its head and died on the spot!

    This was not yet enough as Wei Xiao Bei stomped the ground with his left foot. The ground shook as he made a somersault and thrust the pitchfork towards another mouse that had thought of ambus.h.i.+ng him from behind.

    Blood flowers blossomed in midair. The death of this white mouse was much more tragic than the previous one. It had been pierced through the throat and was thrown down to the ground..

    From a white mouse"s view, it was a lethal injury. Its throat and backbone had been pierced, but because of its tenacity, it still struggled on the ground, causing its injury to continuously leak out red bubbles.

    Whoosh. At this time, the five remaining white mouse decided to go all out. They ignored the Wei Xiao Bei"s pitchfork and once again pounced towards him.

    Wei Xiao Bei was now in a bad position. Because he had placed too much strength in his previous attack, he had strained the muscle in his left thigh. When he had just swept the pitchfork towards the three white mice, he felt pain in his left thigh as if it was being torn off from his body. This made him lose his posture which caused the pitchfork to be in the wrong position.

    Because of this, two white mice were able to pounce on Wei Xiao Bei"s chest and back. The white mice opened their mouths and bit him with their sharp teeth.


    Wei Xiao Bei screamed as the two white mice torn pieces of flesh from his body.

    Compared to a monster like the Shangfu, these white mice were smarter by leaps and bounds.

    After tearing his meat, the white mice tried to climb up Wei Xiao Bei"s body, attempting to bite his throat and kill him.

    Although Wei Xiao Bei was not smart, he was not an idiot. How could he allow the two white mice to prevail.

    He decided to let go of his pitchfork and threw it towards one of the white mice. He didn"t even care whether it had hit or not. He just continuously let out electricity and fiercely threw his back on the ground, just like Mount Tai that suppressed everything around it!

    The white mouse on Wei Xiao Bei"s back slammed to the ground, causing blood to spray out of its mouth.

    At the same time, Wei Xiao Bei grabbed onto the throat of the white mouse that was on his chest. He stretched upwards, catching another white mouse in its mouth.

    He focused his strength in his hands and used the white mice he had to smash towards two more attacking white mice.

    Bang. The sound of bodies. .h.i.tting bodies echoed.

    The two white mice that were attempting an ambush became disoriented.

    But at the same time, the two mice in Wei Xiao Bei"s hands had recovered from the numbness of the electricity and began to struggle.

    Wei Xiao at this point, did not have much stamina left. Releasing electricity had also affected his stamina by a lot. As a result, he had to stop releasing electricity in order to preserve his stamina.

Chapter 75 - Crafty Licker

    "What are you even struggling for!"

    Wei Xiao Bei got up into a kneeling position and fiercely smashed the struggling white mice on his hands on the floor.

    Even if those white mice were tenacious, they would still turn into meat paste after being smashed on the ground countless times by Wei Xiao Bei"s 20 points of muscle.

    When the two white mice finally died, he felt sharp pain in both his arms. When he took a look, his heart blazed up in fury. The two mice that he had sent flying had taken the chance when he was not paying attention to bite his arms, attempting to tear off his flesh.


    In his rage, Wei Xiao Bei cursed in gibberish, but his hands did not slow down. With one move, he grasped on the necks of the two white mice and strongly pinched them, causing their voice boxes to shatter.

    At the same time, he fiercely smashed them onto the floor countless times, and in the process, carelessly torn apart their throat.

    The long throat and even a portion of their lungs were pulled out, making Wei Xiao Bei feel nauseous at the sight.

    After tossing the throat away, he walked two steps and retrieved the pitchfork that had buried itself into a white mouse, only then did he let out a sigh of relief.

    His entire body was currently felt numb all over. This was not caused by his special ability, but because he had strained his muscles in the fight, and also the effect of his Elementary Regeneration.

    One, two, three…….

    Each and everyone of them, even those that were still struggling and the mouse that was heavily injured, all of them were killed in close range by Wei Xiao Bei.

    Eh? Something is wrong.

    Wei Xiao Bei suddenly remembered.

    Where is the Licker?

    Wei Xiao Bei looked around him, but the roof did not have any signs of the Licker.


    Wei Xiao Bei cursed, only now did he feel the effect of his pitiful intelligence.

    He had actually forgotten the most dangerous opponent.

    Could it be that I am really all brawns and no brains?

    Wei Xiao Bei did not have time to consider this question anymore. He carefully approached the place where the Licker fought and inspected the place.

    The ground was covered in black blood that had already started drying and a scratch that remained from the previous battle.

    He did not believe that the Licker could escape the roof that easily.

    It would be possible if it had been in good condition, after all, Lickers had the ability to climb up walls. However, after having its leg broken, leaping onto different roofs would be a hard thing to do.

    It was the same if a normal person had one of their legs broken, running as if flying would be impossible for them.


    The wall on the roof had traces of blood which continued outwards.

    Could it be that the Licker jumped off the roof to escape?

    Now this was possible!

    Wei Xiao Bei did not think about it anymore and walked in front of the wall. Then he extended his head to take a look.

    He never imagined that when he took a look, his small life had almost ended.

    As he extended his head, his heart almost stopped beating.

    The last Licker was actually hiding below a cement protrusion under the wall.

    When a sharp air-piercing sound approached, Wei Xiao Bei could only see the black line.

    I can"t dodge this!

    Wei Xiao Bei could only block it with the pitchfork!

    Bang! A loud sound echoed. The long tongue striked on the pitchfork, causing it to shake.

    Wei Xiao Bei"s left chest started to ache, then blood sprouting like a blooming flower appeared.

    He had been hit.

    Taking advantage of the pain and the time the tongue took to be pulled go, Wei Xiao Bei stepped on the wall and kicked himself more than 10 meters backward.

    In this gap, he looked at the pitchfork in his hands and became surprised. The pitchfork had actually bent after being hit by the tongue.

    The force of the impact was enough to tell how strong the Licker"s tongue was.

    Although the pitchfork was a bit overused and had rusted here and there, an iron weapon being bent by just a tongue was supposed to be an exaggeration. If Wei Xiao Bei did not block the tongue with his pitchfork and the tongue hit his body, his throat and back would have probably been pierced through.

    Wei Xiao Bei felt incredibly lucky as he rubbed his left chest. Only a small hole appeared after being hit by the tongue because he had blocked it with the pitchfork.

    This was something that he did not imagine. A wild beast like the Licker was actually capable of performing ambushes!

    The Licker that had attacked him, climbed up the wall. Its ash gray eyes looked at Wei Xiao Bei as it swayed its tongue hanging out its mouth.

    The distance that its tongue could reach was 3 meters.

    Wei Xiao Bei"s distance from the Licker was more than 5 meters.

    The Licker looked at the pitchfork in Wei Xiao Bei"s hand and hesitated. It not seem to be willing to climb down the wall.

    It was actually treating Wei Xiao Bei as a huge threat. After all, one of its legs was broken, affecting its flexibility and speed.

    However, Wei Xiao Bei"s condition was also not that good. The injuries that he had received from the fight against the white mice were quickly recovering, but it would take at least 2 days to fully recover.

    Moreover, the blood that he had lost greatly decreased his stamina.

    If the two of them continued this deadlock, Wei Xiao Bei"s disadvantage would only get worse.

    At this time, Wei Xiao Bei felt his throat burn, as if it was a dry desert.

    After staying in deadlock for a while, Wei Xiao Bei slowly retreated. The Licker finally came down from the wall after he retreated a few meters.

    After seeing Wei Xiao Bei retreat, the Licker finally regained its predatory instincts.

    In the Licker"s eyes, creatures like Wei Xiao Bei could only be their prey.


    When the Licker jumped down from the wall, the pitchfork in Wei Xiao Bei"s hand shot out, leaving a black trail behind it!

    Facing Wei Xiao Bei"s attack, the Licker quickly reacted. It opened its mouth, and sent its tongue shooting out like a bullet. Bang. The pitchfork was. .h.i.t by the tongue and was sent flying upwards.

    Wei Xiao Bei was like a tiger that had come down the mountain. When he threw out the pitchfork, he planted his feet on the ground and took huge booming strides towards the Licker.

    He used all the strength in his body, placing all the strength from his legs and waist to his shoulders!


    The reaction time of the Licker was not slow. It immediately tried to retreat with its all;even though it only had one good leg left, it still jumped onto the wall.

    From the looks of it, the Licker wanted to hide back under the cement protrusion under the parapet wall.

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