The City of Terror

Chapter 238 - Offender against my clan! Die!

Chapter 238 - Offender against my clan! Die!

    Naturally, if given the choice between the jian and the great spear, he would choose the great spear.

    Thegreat spear was the king of spears, and he had trained in them. If itwas not due to losing an arm, Wei Xiao Bei would have given the HardMetal Jian to Huang Kun.

    This did not mean that the Hard Metal Jian was not precious, but it just did not suit him at all.

    If he wanted to make full use of the Hard Metal Jian, he needed time to polish his skills in it.

    In truth, after the fight, only a few Wooden Training Dummies were left in the outer practice ground.

    Theones that were in good condition had already ran to the edge of theline. On the other hand, a portion of the damaged ones had already died.As for the remaining ones, Wei Xiao Bei tested the Hard Metal Jian andsmashed them to pieces.

    Therewas slight movement in the Small Holding Bag. Wei Xiao Bei touched itto feel the movement inside and discovered that there was anotherspearhead.

    This was the result of the White Mist Great Spear"s twin effect where a new spearhead would be created every week.

    Wei Xiao Bei could not help but sigh. How great it would have been if the twin appeared earlier.

    IfWei Xiao Bei had stuck the twin spearhead onto the White MistSpearhead, he might have been able to kill the Monster Jian before itsummoned Qin Qiong and prevented himself from losing his arm!

    Atthe same time as his sigh came out, a stone door quietly appeared andopened in the center of the outer practice ground. At the same time, thewooden doors of the inner practice ground opened.

    Asharp aura surged out from the wooden doors, causing a stiflingpressure to shoot towards Wei Xiao Bei. When the aura spread and reachedthe Wooden Training Dummies, they all performed same movement, kneelingtowards the wooden door.

    “Offender against my clan! Die!” A voice that shook the air and sounded like metal hitting each other echoed.

    An unsupressable sense of danger rose from within Wei Xiao Bei.

    Howcould he still dare hesitate. He quickly placed the Wood Man Heart,that had just floated up, and the Hard Metal Jian into his Small HoldingBag. Then, he ran towards the stone door and called out to Huang Kunand Zhu Xin Yi who had just finished a battle, “Leave quickly!”

    HearingWei Xiao Bei"s order, both Huang Kun and Zhu Xin Yi were dumbstruck.This was the first time they saw Wei Xiao Bei"s fleeing figure. Thusthey did not dare slow down and charged towards the stone door that hadappeared on the wall.


    A sharp air-shattering sound came from behind Wei Xiao Bei.

    He felt a p.r.i.c.kling pain from behind him. It told him how powerful his opponent was.

    Thestone door was in front of him, but Wei Xiao Bei did not dare chargeinside. He ducked down and pressed his right hand on the ground, sendinghis body dodging to the left side.

    Atthis time, a loud pop echoed. Wei Xiao Bei saw that the stone door onhis right was. .h.i.t by the sharp white light. The stone door shook, and afew cracks even appeared on it.

    Not good!

    WeiXiao Bei knew that the stone door would not be able to endure anotherattack. If it was destroyed, then he would be trapped inside.

    It was easy to imagine that the enemy who released this attack was one that he could not easily deal with!

    Risk it all!

    Onceagain feeling a sharp pain on his back, Wei Xiao Bei gritted his teeth.He stamped both feet on the ground and controlled the direction of hisright hand. As if he was a struggling fish, he tried to dive into thedoor head first. Without a sound, his head entered the stone door.

    Whenhe had just entered the door, another white light shot out from withinthe wooden door. With a loud boom, the light struck the stone door.

    At this moment, the stone door shook and could not support itself anymore as it shattered to pieces.

    ZhuXin Yi who was about to leave the stone door paled when she saw thisscene. Two tear drops took the opportunity to come out from her eyes.

    HuangKun, who was following behind, also had red eyes, but he was much moreimpulsive than Zhu Xin Yi. He turned around wanting to charge over, buthe was stopped by Zhu Xin Yi. They touched the stone door anddisappeared on the spot.

    When they appeared, they were outside the dojo walls.

    ZhuXin Yi and Huang Kun looked at each other in the eye and swept aroundthe surroundings. They attempted to find the figure of their master, butother than the both of them and Zhu Xin Yi"s charmed monsters, therewas no other figure.

    “Nothing bad will happen to master right?”

    HuangKun"s voice was gloomy with a slight sob. He did not blame Zhu Xin Yifrom pulling him away. He knew that no matter how impulsive he was, hecould not do anything and just become another victim.

    “Nothing bad will definitely happen to master.”

    ZhuXin Yi seemed to be talking to Huang Kun, and she also seemed to betalking to herself. Her voice was firm as if she had matured a lot.

    “Bu-but master lost his left hand.”

    HuangKun disputed, and his face became paler. Even he understood how much ofan  impact losing one hand was for a Guo Shu Expert.

    “I said that nothing bad will definitely happen to master!”

    Zhu Xin Yi"s voice suddenly became more severe. This was something that had never happened in their conversations before.

    “Enough, master will definitely return. We must now do well in our own things.”

    Zhu Xin Yi meaningfully looked in front as Zombies had just appeared from the corner of the street.

    Onthe other hand, in a distance less than one kilometer later, a monsterthat was covered in flesh suddenly stopped. Its expression blanked outas its target disappeared.

    Itcircled around in place a few times before crouching down, as if it wastrying to listen attentively to something. Soon after, it stood up,chose a direction opposite the dojo, and began running and leaping.

Everywhereit pa.s.sed through whether a wall or a single-story house, it onlyneeded one jump to pa.s.s through them. This showed how strong its jumpingability was.

    Huang Kun and Zhu Xin Yi turned their longing for their master into hatred for the Zombies and began to ma.s.sacre them.

    WhenWei Xiao Bei entered the stone door, he felt the s.p.a.ce around him shookviolently, as if it was about to tear him into pieces.

    WhenWei Xiao Bei was at his limits and his body was about to crumble, thesharp voice of a woman that was at death"s door came from his body. Inthe next moment, Wei Xiao Bei felt his vision blur. When he opened hiseyes, he appeared somewhere that he did not recognize.

    Cold!A chilling wind blew by, causing Wei Xiao Bei to uncontrollablytremble. However, in the next moment, his muscles automatically shookdissipating the cold.

    Theplace where he was at was a world of gray-colored snow. Everything thatentered his eyes was covered in gray snow. Far away, he could see anincomparably tall tree that stood upright between heaven and earth. Theonly thing similar to Cui Hu City in the Dust World was that the skyremained gray, and the gray sun"s rays did not carry any warmth.

    WeiXiao Bei extended his hands and grabbed a clump of snow. He examined itand saw that the snow was not pure as it was mixed with large amount ofdust.

    Wei Xiao Bei nodded. If it was not like that, then he would have thought that he was somewhere other than the Dust World.

    At this moment, a terrible pain took ahold of him from his left arm, causing him to pay attention to it.

    Althoughthe illusion of Qin Qiong had made his left arm disappear, the woundopening was burnt black, preventing blood from flowing out. Otherwise,even if Wei Xiao Bei had strong recovery ability, he would have lost alot of blood while the wound staunched itself.

    Wei Xiao Bei looked at his arm and felt sad. Losing an arm had too much influence on him.

    He turned his attention to the battlelog.


User has been hit by the Monster Jian"s Sa Shou Jian.

User lost an arm.

User has killed the Monster Jian.

The 3-Star Terror Creature, Flying Divine Monster Spear, was enraged.

User has received the Flying Divine Monster Spear"s Spear Suppression.

Flying Divine Monster Spear let out spear qi attack.

Change has happened to the teleportation.

Evil possession has received heavy damage and disappeared.

    Wei Xiao Bei frowned.

    Flying Divine Monster Spear? 3-Star Terror Creature?

    It seems that killing the Monster Jian had provoked a big problem.

    However, the battlelog did not show why he appeared in the world of snow.

    He immediately used [Precise Calculation] to a.n.a.lyze the situation from beginning to end. Then he came to an understanding.

    This was definitely caused by the spear qi destroying the stone door!

    Thestone door was originally something that teleported people outside, butafter its collapse, the teleportation had been sent into chaos. In theend, he had been teleported to this place.

    Additionally, the evil possession seemed to have subst.i.tuted him in receiving the feedback from the chaos in teleportation.

    Thinking up to here, Wei Xiao Bei did not know whether he should be thankful to the evil possession or detest it.

    Againstan unknown variable attaching itself to his body, Wei Xiao Bei had ahard time gaining a favorable impression. He felt that the farther itwas the better.

    Nomatter what was said, Wei Xiao Bei"s strength had declined due tolosing an arm. However, he was not willing to return home just likethat. He needed to wait before being able to enter the Dust World again,which was a huge waste of time.

    Helooked at his evolution points. After killing the Wooden TrainingDummies and the Monster Jian, his evolution points had reached a newrecord of 3900 points!

    So many gains! But it has such a heavy price.

    If he could, Wei Xiao Bei would rather exchange these evolution points to get his arm back.

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