The City of Terror

Chapter 81 - Underground Fighting (2)

Chapter 81 - Underground Fighting (2)

    This place was also the most famous entertainment place of the southwest district. In the eyes of high officials, its status was quite high.

    The floor above was mostly a nightclub, but the place that truly attracted the members was what lied below.

    An underground casino!

    This place even invited a top-notch dealer from Macau to oversee the place. Normal experts who came here were only courting death.

    However, the most dazzling place here was the huge underground arena.

    This place was the most important place in the entire club.

    For those high officials, they had already normally enjoyed beautiful women, famous wine, etc. Everything was already in their hands, but the scent of blood, and excitement from underground fighting made them unable to stop coming back.

    "This place would regularly have experts from Southeast Asia to fight in their rings."

    Captain Zheng threw down these words before he left Wei Xiao Bei and Liu Jian Cheng to a lounge and helped Wei Xiao Bei register.

    Experts from Southeast Asia?

    Was this a kind reminder or a warning?

    Wei Xiao Bei smiled and looked at his big senior apprentice brother.

    "Xiao Bei, when you go up, remember this, if you really can"t handle it, give up. Giving up is not really that humiliating.

    Compared to Wei Xiao Bei"s carefree appearance, his senior apprentice brother was somewhat serious.

    He was not like Wei Xiao Bei. Ever since he had entered the Cheng Clan Dojo, he had already fought in many different levels of underground fighting.

    If it was Liu Jian Cheng, himself who went up, there would be nothing to worry about.

    However, the person going up this time was his junior apprentice brother, so Liu Jian Cheng was a bit worried.

    Although his junior apprentice brother was a martial genius, the amount of time he trained was far too short. His junior apprentice brother should still be a little disadvantaged in terms of real fighting experience. If he were to face real underground experts, then a split second of hesitation was equivalent to death!

    Since this was the case, Liu Jian Cheng once again hastily reminded his junior, "Xiao Bei, you are not weak. You senior apprentice brother only wants to warn you. When you go up there, do not be lenient!"

    While saying this, Liu Jian Cheng"s face darkened as his muscles twitched with ferocity and his tone was filled with killing intent.

    Wei Xiao Bei never could have imagined that the martial arts maniac, his big senior apprentice brother, would care this much about him. For a moment, his eyes moistened and hastily replied, "Big senior apprentice brother should not worry, your junior apprentice brother understands."

    It was a lie to say that Wei Xiao Bei had the power to sweep across everyone. Since Captain Zheng was one of the Southeast Asia"s experts, one could tell that the level of people in this underground arena was not low.

    Wei Xiao Bei"s attributes were also unbalanced right now. This had caused him to be weaker than what his attributes seemed to portray, but Wei Xiao Bie had a fatal move, releasing electricity!

    Even if the opponent"s strength far surpa.s.sed his, once he releases electricity, he would be able to easily turn the tables around.

    With their feelings out of the way, they began to talk more, improving their relations.h.i.+p a lot.

    Approximately 20 minutes had pa.s.sed. When their conversation just started warming up, the lounge door opened and Captain Zheng entered with a bag.

    The bag contained a tight fitting sports underwear and a nightgown that was not at all bad quality. It was tough and durable, which signified that this underground arena truly followed the rules.

    Talking about whether an underground arena followed the rules or not is kinda funny.

    "This is?" Seeing Captain Zheng hand an A4 paper to him, Wei Xiao Bei was slightly confused.

    However, his big senior apprentice brother received it and looked over it once and said, "This is a life and death contract."

    After looking at it one more time,perhaps checking that there was nothing wrong, his big senior apprentice brother pa.s.sed the life and death contract to Wei Xiao Bei, signifying that he should take a look.

    Wei Xiao Bei was stunned when he heard the words life and death contract, but he was not the slightest bit afraid. He received it and excitedly looked over it.

    However, when he saw it, there were two black words on top, duel contract. And below it was a s.p.a.ce for both contestants to sign. Below that, were the clauses of the contract such as, injures, disabilities, or deaths caused by the duel were the partic.i.p.ant"s own responsibilities.

    Wei Xiao Bei was silent, but when he thought about it, there was nothing wrong.

    In reality, this was indeed a life and death contract, but they only changed the name. There were no words like Lou Lan Club, or underground fighting in the contract. Even if someone wanted to cause trouble, they could not use the contract to do anything.

    He looked over it again. Since the contents of the contract was simple, he found no problems in it. Moreover, the contract did not even have any effect in front of the law and it was only used as a cover up.

    Wei Xiao Bei signed the contract and returned it back to Captain Zheng. He quickly left since he still needed to let Wei Xiao Bei"s opponent sign it.

    As for appearance fee, shares, and other things, those had already been set.

    Although Wei Xiao Bei was a newbie that was strongly recommended by the Cheng Clan Dojo, the appearance fee would still be 50,000 yuan and the share was 2%.

    Every victory would increase the appearance fee by 10,000 and the share would increase by 1%, until it reached the limit of 5%.

    However, Wei Xiao Bei was already satisfied with this amount.

    How much did he earn the last time he partic.i.p.ated in underground fighting? This time"s amount had increased by several folds.

    As long as he won a battle, he did not need to worry about his expenses for half a year.

    After Wei Xiao Bei worn the underwear and draped on the nightgown, Captain Zheng returned with the contract signed by both parties. In the underground world, this signified that both partic.i.p.ants were ready. Any attempts at backing out would receive heavy beating from the management.

    Naturally, this kind of circ.u.mstance rarely appeared. After all, the income in this underground fighting arena was not small. Any person who would enter into this kind of business had already made ample preparation.

    "Let"s go. Two more matches and it"s your turn.

    Captain Zheng pa.s.sed Wei Xiao Bei to a young attendant and left with his big senior apprentice brother.

    After all, only the fighter and the guide could walk in the corridor leading to the stage, while the fighter"s mentor, friends, etc. must walk through a different corridor.

    "Mister Wei, your opponent is a Muay Thai fighter from Thailand. His name is Ka Kong, nickname is Flying Demon, 27 years old. Ever since he started fighting, he had won 78 times and lost 31 times. He is also an expert in leg skills."

    The young guide introduced the opponent to Wei Xiao Bei while walking with him.

    Wei Xiao Bei nodded at the young man. He had already examined a few sources about underground fighting on the internet. The young man introducing him the opponent beforehand was already a great show of deference.

    Even if the man had just introduced the opponents name, it was seen as good enough.

    From this introduction, Wei Xiao Bei was able to deduce a lot of things.

    27 years old meant that the person name Ka Kong was in his golden phase.

    Because Muay Thai"s training method severely ruins one"s body, a Muay Thai expert would be at their peak from the ages 22 to 28.

Chapter 82 - Expert?

    Without a doubt, at the age of 27 years old, a person"s stamina was at its peak, and after experiencing more than ten years of fighting, their experience was also at the peak.

    78 wins and 31 losses were no small feat.

    Many people might think that 31 losses meant that the person was weak, but this was underground fighting!

    An arena where you either die or become disabled!

    Being able to lose 31 times while keeping your life was already an incredible feat.

    This proved that Ka Kong was extremely shrewd. Otherwise even if he had ten lives, he would not be able to live the extravagant career of underground fighting.

    The other point was that he was an expert in leg skills. With his nickname Flying Demon, it could probably mean that Ka Kong liked to use flying knee to dispatch his opponent.

    Wei Xiao Bei slowly walked on the red carpet as he thought about it.

    "f.u.c.k him up!"

    "Twist his neck!"

    "Kill him!"


    At the end of the corridor were two thick curtains, but the curtains were not able to block out the crazy howls of the audience.

    "The current match is between German Shepherd and White Hegemon. One of them is a black american and the other a white russian. The next match will be your turn."

    Seeing Wei Xiao Bei attempting to peek past the curtain, the young man gave him information.


    In the end, an penetrating blood-curdling scream penetrated through the loud cheers, through the curtain and to his ears.

    Wei Xiao Bei"s eyes slightly pulled back as he heard the clear sound of bones breaking straight after.

    Without a doubt, the winner was inhumanely torturing the loser.

    Although Wei Xiao Bei had spilled quite a bit of blood, he still hadn"t spilled the blood of humans.

    This made him slightly nervous, but he was not worried about being defeated by his opponent. However, he became uncertain about something, he was worried that he might also become that cruel and unfeeling in the future.

    Very quickly, the curtains flapped open and a few young men were carrying a horribly distorted body inside. The black man whose body was full of blood was rushed away.

    Wei Xiao Bei slightly retreated to let them pa.s.s.

    The young man beside him, on the other hand, became silent. For him, although he had seen many underground fighting matches before, his heart would still cramp up everytime he saw this tragic scenario.

    The blood that dripped on the carpet was quickly soaked up, disappearing from sight, just like a dew drop meeting the morning sun.

    "Respected gentlemens! Beautiful ladies! After a fierce fight, the great White Hegemon has obtained victory. Let us give a heated round of applause to this king!"

    The host"s voice immediately sounded, inviting the audience to clap once more.

    The next period was a small amount of time allocated for a break. Those who needed to go to the toilet went to the toilet, those who needed to drink water went to drink water.

    However, the names of the next partic.i.p.ants were already announced to let some of the audience place their bets earlier.

    Thailand fighter "Flying Demon" VS Chinese fighter "Iron Mountain Lean"

    The name Iron Mountain Lean was the nickname that Wei Xiao Bei chose, based on the same powerful skill Iron Mountain Lean.

    On one side was a terrifying demon that could fly and on the other, was a mountain made of iron. Who knew what the outcome would be when both sides clashed.

    After fifteen minutes, the host"s high voice rung throughout the arena, "Respected gentlemen and beautiful ladies, the eighth round of our unrestricted fighting match is about to begin. Our friends who have not yet placed their bets should hurry up……"

    After this was a long speech to stir up the audience. In short, as long as the bets had not yet reached a certain level, then the host would not stop shooting out his saliva!

    Luckily, the audience members who could come here and watch the show were not the poor or misers. They had huge amounts of money with no place to spend it and this was a place where they could obtain excitement. Thus they had no qualms about spending them here.

Time pa.s.sed and the host finally stopped.   

    However, he was only drinking water and began to speak up again, "Next, let us invite the 48th rank in Thailand, Flyiiiing Demon!"

    Immediately, a round of heated cheers erupted from the building.

    "Next, let us invite the disciple of Bajiquan, Iron Mountain Lean!"

    Compared to Ka Kong"s introduction, Wei Xiao Bei"s introduction was bland and tasteless. After all, Wei Xiao Bei was not famous enough like Ka Kong who had previously fought seven rounds in the place.

    As a result, the people who cheered for him were nonexistent.

    This, however, was nothing. If Wei Xiao Bei knew that all the bets were placed on Ka Kong, he might also let out a bitter laugh.

    "Mister Wei, it"s your turn to go up."

    The young man was still respectful towards Wei Xiao Bei. In fact, every staff member were very respectful towards these underground fighters.

    One must know that any underground fighter may have probably taken lives before. Being respectful to them was better than bringing trouble unto themselves.

    The curtain opened and Wei Xiao Bei followed the red carpet while surveying his surroundings.

    The Lou Lan Club was truly a rich and imposing place. Just the chandelier at the rooftop was enough to tell how much income the place made.

    The elevated stage at the center was the lowest place in the area. Around it was a field of sand and outside the sand was a steel cage.

    The audience seat was like a lecture theater, surrounding the stage in a circular elevation. Most of the seats were filled with well-groomed gentlemen and gorgeously-dressed ladies, who were laying down their bets in a betting machine. They would use their eyes to observe Wei Xiao Bei and pretend to pull out a cigar. Some of them were even eating steaks and drinking wine with bunny girls serving beside them.

    It was very clear that as long as one had enough money, anything that they asked for could be realized.

    Finally, Wei Xiao Bei"s eyes pa.s.sed through the steel cage and landed on Ka Kong who was currently warming up.

    Ka Kong was thin with a height less than 170 cm. He was currently baring his naked upper body, jumping up and down, while practising his punches. To a normal person, they would be oblivious to the fact that he was a fighter.

    Just with this alone, could he already be considered an expert.

    Wei Xiao Bei quickly judged the strength of his opponents. From just his movements, it was clear that he was not weak.

    However, they needed to fight for Wei Xiao Bei to get a concrete measure.

    There was a TV screen that was displaying numbers on top of the cage. This was the amount of bets each fighter had. Ka Kong"s had already reached 5 million, while Wei Xiao Bei"s had not even reached 1 hundred thousand!

    This was also the reality of the underground fighting ring. As long as a person had not yet shown their abilities, then the audience would not easily place their bets on the person.

    When he arrived in front of the steal cage, an attendant was already waiting while holding the door open.

    When Wei Xiao Bei entered and the door closed, he felt as if he was trapped inside a cage.

    "Swine! You have come!"

    Without waiting for Wei Xiao Bei to approach the stage, Ka Kong was already there and staring at Wei Xiao Bei like a tiger looking at their prey. As soon as Wei Xiao Bei entered, he started spitting out harsh words from his mouth.

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