The Client

Chapter 6

6: In Which She Deflowers a Reed (Although Reeds Aren"t Flowering Plants)

“You"re an idiot,” Dawn enlightened me.

“I didn"t call you to get insulted,” I mumbled into my phone, nearly tripping over a stone in my haste to get to the wall I"d been shooting at the previous day.

I had no idea why I called my best friend. Maybe, just maybe, I was hoping she"d dish out the sensible advice and tell me to back off from Reed and just let him be. However, Dawn and sensible didn"t go in the same sentence unless there was a negation in between them.

“Well, what do you expect me to do when you tell me you turned down the guy that inspires your wet dreams?”

“Like I said, he wasn"t himself. Call me crazy, but who wants their first time to happen when they"re high?”

“Back in the day, you weren"t so opposed to drunk or stoned s.e.x, Len.”

“But it"s different with Reed. He"s…innocent,” I finished lamely.

“Not anymore, thanks to you.”

“Gee, thanks, Dee. Way to make me feel better.”

“Listen, Len, you"ve reached the point of no return with this guy. You"ve seen each other naked,” she rattled off in my ear. “For goodness" sake, the man has rubbed his s.e.m.e.n into you! Sleep with him.”

I lifted my a.s.s onto the wall and sat down. “A small percentage of me doesn"t want to.”

“My advice? Get your gun and shoot that little killjoy.”

I laughed. “And they say I"m bad.”

“What are you wearing?”

“You haven"t even bought me dinner yet, Reynolds.”

“Humour me,” she scolded.

“You know, the usual. T-s.h.i.+rt, cargo pants – where"re you going with this?”

“Jesus, who are you, Johnny Test? How do you plan on seducing a guy dressed like a guy?”

“This isn"t Fas.h.i.+on Week, Dee. I"m on the job,” I said a little defensively. “Cut me some slack.”

“At least tell me you have some s.e.xy lingerie. I swear, if you"re wearing boxers under there, I"ll cut you and mail you to your mom.”

“Well, since you asked, the lace thong I"m currently wearing is digging up my a.s.s something fierce.”

A loud hacking sound – much like a cat choking on a fur ball – came from behind me, startling me into cutting the call and unceremoniously falling forward, Humpty Dumpty-like.

“s.h.i.+t, I"m so sorry,” Reed sputtered, effortlessly leaping over the wall to help me up from the gra.s.s.

“This creeping thing you"re doing… Is it gonna become a habit?” I allowed him to lift me to my feet.

“Yeah. I m-mean, no. No. I was…you know, about yesterday.” He exhaled. “What I said? I feel terrible about it.”

And in that instant, I knew exactly why I"d turned him down yesterday. It was this Reed that turned me on; the one that frequently stammered, the one that couldn"t really make eye contact with me. The unsure Reed. The introverted Reed who turned into an animal when he was too turned on to control himself. This was all evidenced by the flood of moisture in my pants the second his voice faltered.

I was a sick, sick human being.
“It"s OK,” I rea.s.sured him. “I"ve been there myself.”

His hands were deep in the pockets of his surprisingly white board shorts. “I apologise for my behaviour. I do stupid things when I"m stoned.”

“Do you actually remember what you did?”

He flushed. “Some. Again, I"m sorry.”

I sighed heavily, because I was, too. I was sorry I had a conscience that kept making cameo appearances in the sitcom that was my life. “That"s OK. Wanna take a walk?”

He gave me a small smile that seemed brighter than the sun in the sky. “Sure. I"d like that.”

I didn"t hesitate when he held his hand out for mine.


It was strange, having dinner with Reed. I was willing to bet no bodyguard at Anosov Security ate with their charges but I hadn"t had the heart to tell this to Reed when he"d done the equivalent of asking me out.

Dawn"s foolish words echoed in my head, making me consider – only for a nanosecond – actually dressing up. The only concession I"d make was to wear a sweater that didn"t look like a hand-me-down from one of my brothers but by the time I made my way to the dining room, even that felt stupid. It was one thing to l.u.s.t after a guy and have his d.i.c.k in my mouth, and another thing to sit at a table with him like we were on a date.

But perhaps he just needed to be with someone.

For Reed, an entire conversation with me was close to miraculous but actually telling me about his accident? No one but his family knew the details of his mother"s battle with depression, how she"d put her youngest kid in the front seat of her Benz with her, intent on killing them both. She"d only managed to end her own life, leaving her son blinded upon being thrown out the winds.h.i.+eld. Nathan"s saving grace had been a sleepover at a friend"s house. Reed just hadn"t been that lucky and my heart bled for him.

“Hey,” I said, entering the dining room in a few long strides.

Brenda had set the oblong table before she left for the night and I could only imagine the I"ve-just-eaten-lemon-whole look on her face as she put out two plates of roast beef and potatoes. Then again, I couldn"t have given two shíts about that woman or her food because when I saw Reed, the only thing I wanted to eat was him.

Obviously, he"d just taken a shower and his hair was still damp, slicked back with moisture. He"d rolled up the sleeves of his black b.u.t.ton-down s.h.i.+rt and the dark blonde tips of his hair only just went past the collar. And what was it about denim hanging low on a man"s hips? I could practically see that s.e.xy indented V of his pelvis, X-ray vision be d.a.m.ned.

It was so going to be difficult to remember that this man wouldn"t be able to handle a minx like me.

“Is everything…OK?” he wanted to know, making me realise that I"d been ogling him much like a construction worker eyeballing a pa.s.sing female.

“Yeah. Yes. Um, I"m just famished.”

“Yeah, I bet you"re hungry,” he remarked with a smile. Oblivious to how suggestive that sounded, he pulled out a chair for me, staring at me expectantly.

“You don"t have to do that,” I mumbled, embarra.s.sment setting in as I took the proffered seat. “I"m no lady.”

“You couldn"t be more wrong.” His breath kissed the sh.e.l.l of my ear and heat instantly warmed my cheeks. “Wine?”

I found myself nodding, watching the easy way he moved as he poured me a gla.s.s of red.
“You"re not joining me?” I croaked, when I noticed he hadn"t poured any for himself.

“I don"t drink.”

He was still standing beside my chair and, if he kissed me, made any move on me, I wasn"t going to be responsible for my actions. Dawn was right – I needed to sleep with him. Maybe it would be so awful it"d put me off him for life and I could pretend it never happened. Maybe he"d be one of those premature ejaculators. Maybe he"d accidentally stick his díck in the wrong –

“…and so I was really hoping you"re not a vegetarian. Lena?”

I only managed to catch the end of Reed"s sentence as he settled in the chair opposite mine. Tumbling back to reality, I a.s.sured him that I loved meat as much as the next person before my mouth snapped shut. I was unsure of what to say, what to do, and it was highly upsetting because it wasn"t like me. Any minute now, I"d start stammering and blus.h.i.+ng.

“This is awkward for you,” Reed stated, his eyes glued to his steaming plate. “I"m sorry for making you eat with me.”

I felt like the worst kind of s.h.i.+t. “No, I want to. I"m just… I don"t know how to act.”

“With me,” he said bitterly.

“No, with men in general.” I sucked in air, unable to meet his emerald gaze. “I"m either one of the guys or somebody"s one-night stand. You"re so sweet for inviting me to have dinner with you and I haven"t even said a thank-you.”

When I did look at Reed, most of his face was flushed with embarra.s.sment. Maybe he didn"t like being called “sweet”. I tried to come up with a more masculine adjective but his voice stopped me.

“You"re always so comfortable in your own skin,” he said in a low voice he couldn"t possibly have known was s.e.xy. “I don"t enjoy making you uncomfortable. Maybe this was a stupid idea.”

“Reed, shut up.” Ignoring the look of surprise on his face, I rose from my seat, rounded the table and came to his side. “This doesn"t make me uncomfortable.” And I grabbed him by the hair, made him tilt his head, and mashed my lips against his.

His lips parted slightly in surprise and my tongue slid inside the recesses of his mouth, slow and gentle, coaxing his tongue to life. I pulled back to look into his searing eyes. There was a hunger there, and it wasn"t for Brenda"s dinner.

He sighed, his eyes locked with mine. “Do you want to skip dinner and go upstairs?”

“That depends,” I replied, already backing away from him. The staircase seemed so far and I needed a head start.

“On what?”

“Whose room is closest, of course. I vote mine. Come and get me, Lancaster.”


The lampshade on my nightstand was our only light. The instant we stumbled through the door, mouths fastened to each other, I knew all bets were off. Reed carried me as if I weighed nothing and, with my legs encircling his waist, I began to pull at his s.h.i.+rt until the b.u.t.tons popped, skittering to the carpet. Hot, hard skin met my fingertips and I sighed, dragging my nails up his long back.

“Christ,” he murmured, laying me on the bed. Gooseb.u.mps were appearing where I touched him.

Ego, fed.

“Undress me,” I whispered, but he already was. With his eyes, and then, almost hesitantly, with his hands. “If you don"t hurry…”
My sweater was tugged over my head, revealing my completely naked chest. The instant Reed"s eyes raked over my nipples, they hardened, and I pulled at them, fixing the man hovering above me a challenging stare.

He gulped, his Adam"s apple bobbing. “You are so…stunning,” he breathed, popping the b.u.t.ton of my jeans. He hooked his fingers in the waistband and pulled, taking my underwear with it.

“Now, yours,” I said, bringing myself up into a seated position, eye-level to the straining erection in his jeans. He allowed me to unzip him, tug his pants down, and simply gape at what was hiding in his Calvin Klein briefs. I ran my fingertips along the outline of his c.0.c.k and his hips jerked, a reflex. “You have no idea, do you?” I whispered.


“How badly I want you.” I couldn"t help myself – I placed a hot, open-mouthed kiss against his cotton-encased erection. The low moan that left Reed"s lips made my pússy ache for him to fill it.

Slow just wasn"t going to cut it.

“Reed,” I began feverishly, “I need –”

“Yes,” he growled, pus.h.i.+ng me onto my back. I gasped in surprise, head swimming as I watched him strip completely. “G.o.d, yes, Lena.”

Sighing, I reached out and tried to wrap a hand around his semi-erect c.0.c.k, marvelling at the silkiness, at the growing stiffness. Moisture glistened at his tip and I had to stop myself from raising myself to lick it away, to have the taste of him on my tongue. Above me, Reed"s face was contorted in pain, his jaw flexing.

“What do you want?” I asked, because I wanted to hear him say it, wanted to know that this was what he wanted. No one could accuse me of taking advantage of the innocent.

“Please,” he groaned, rocking into my hand.

“Please what?” I squeezed.

He grabbed my hand, wrenching it off his c.0.c.k and pressed it against the pillows as he lowered his mouth to mine in a desperate kiss. He was hard against the inside of my thigh but his kiss was harder. Our teeth clashed and our tongues twirled. As quickly as it had started, the kiss ended and he released me. I instantly missed his touch, until his fingers found my b.r.e.a.s.t.s again.

“Yes,” I said breathlessly, putting my hands over his. “Suck my t.i.ts, Reed. I need you to suck my t.i.ts.”

“Shít, yes.” His voice was broken, needy.

I sobbed with pleasure when his hot, wet mouth latched onto one nipple, his faint stubble a pleasant friction against my soft skin. My hands dug into his wild hair, my nails digging into his scalp. He transferred his attention to my other breast, sucking and gently nipping at the nipple, releasing the occasional moan as if this was pleasing him as much as it was pleasing me.

“Condom,” I gasped, afraid that I would burst before he got inside me.

He raised his head, looking boyishly sheepish. “I, uh, don"t have one.”

“Nightstand.” Apparently, I was only good for one-word sentences.

Reed reached out and dug in the drawer, retrieving a square packet and tearing into it. I sat up.

“Lie down.”

His breathing became laboured at my harsh command and, after handing me the rubber, he obliged, stretching out beside me.

This is his first time, Lena. Don"t be selfish.
It was hard not to be. He was so beautiful and he blushed, for Christ"s sake. I wanted to make it good for him because G.o.d knows how s.h.i.+tty my first time was. I straddled his hips, feeling a sudden burst of déjà vu, and stared at his cöck lying pa.s.sively against his belly. I could have wept at the beautiful sight. So long. So thick. And all mine.

“I"m going to fúck you silly,” I murmured, taking him in my hand and paying homage to him with a kiss to the slick head. I rolled the condom on, enjoying the way he moaned softly and jerked at my touch. “But first, tell me what you want, Reed.”

“You,” he said, so low I almost didn"t hear him. “To fúck you. I need to fúck you.”

Satisfied, I leaned over him, kissing his bristly cheek. “Try not to come too soon, Lancaster.”

He chuckled, his smile morphing into a grimace when I went for his cóck again, my hand wrapping around it as I began to sheathe him with my sopping pússy.

I took him to the hilt in one final descent, crying out, “Oh, G.o.d,” at the same time Reed cursed loudly.

He was too big, too deep, filling me up like no man before him ever had. His size made this uncomfortable and it actually hurt to have him stretching me like this. Pain constricted my insides and I breathed deeply, placing my hands on Reed"s chest.

“You OK?” he bit out, putting his hands on my waist. His fingers were soft but his grasp was far from gentle.

“Yeah,” I a.s.sured him, giving him a weak smile. Holy s.h.i.+t… Abort mission… Abort the d.a.m.n mission before you get split in half! “I knew you were big but I never… Wow. Wow,” I repeated.

“Sorry about that.”

I shook my head. “Sorry you"re big? Baby, no. It"s perfect. You"re perfect. I just need to get used to you.”

“I don"t think I can…hold myself.”

I tipped forward, just a little; enough to feel a bit better about the uncomfortable stretch. The movement resulted in our groans of pleasure mingling in the air.

“Better.” I moved against him again and pleasure radiated from the place where we were joined. “Much, much better. You feel so, so good, baby. Fúck me now. Hard. Don"t hold back.”

His grip on my waist turned brutal as he held me still and thrust into me, jarring my entire being with how deep he was reaching. I pushed down against him, my clít hitting his groin each wonderful time. The pleasure intensified. Only a few minutes had pa.s.sed and I was lost in sensation. The room was alive with the noise – his painful grunts, my loud cries, the sound of skin slapping skin. I was aware of my b.r.e.a.s.t.s swaying and his beautifully deep eyes glazing over as he stared up at them.

“Gonna come,” Reed grunted on yet another beautifully deep thrust that made his hard flesh connect with my clít.

“Do it,” I begged, and then there was nothing left to say as his face changed, contorted in pain as he climaxed.

His final thrust brought him against a delicious spot inside me and my own orgásm washed over me, so violent and quick it took my breath away and left me boneless. I slumped onto Reed"s chest, breathing heavily.

I should have pulled away when his arms came around me or, at least, taken his díck out of me – but I didn"t.

Instead, I was listening to his slowing heartbeat and wondering if it would be weird to continue our talk about the accident that had taken his mother"s life and his sight in one go. About how he"d regained his sight. About his father"s murder. About his brother and Brenda, his only remaining family. About…everything. Post-coital conversations were un-Lenlike. I was horrified and highly disgusted with myself.

“You regret this.” Reed"s chest vibrated with those three words.
I lifted my head and stared into his eyes. “I don"t. Do you?”

“I thought I would. But” – he pushed my hair out my face – “it"s hard to regret coming so hard.”

I ran a finger around a flat, male nipple, feeling him grow inside me, startling me anew with his girth. “You get hard so easily,” I said absently.

He closed his eyes. “What are you…doing?”

“This?” My pússy clenched him in a tight fist once more and he swore under his breath, rolling me over until I was under him.

He pulled out, his eyes watching his withdrawal, making me wish I could see it, too. My body felt bereft without him inside me. There was a wastepaper basket under the nightstand and he flung the knotted condom into it before focusing on me.

“Turn,” he rasped, and instead of staring at my b.r.e.a.s.t.s, his darkened eyes were locked with mine.


“I want to see what you look like from behind.”

He was reaching for the drawer and my entire body was thrumming with instant excitement. Thanks to my healthy s.e.xual appet.i.te, I never went anywhere for a long period without a huge box of protection.

“Let me,” I breathed, trying to get the foil packet from Reed"s hand.

He held it away from me, arching an eyebrow. “I can put a condom on, Lena. I"m not an idiot.”

“I didn"t say– Holy h.e.l.l.”

His fingers were pressed against my clít, the slight pressure making my back arch off the bed. A sly smile played across his lips as he slid off the bed and rolled the condom on, his c.0.c.k standing proud away from his belly.

“Turn around for me, Lena.”

“S-sure,” I murmured shakily, rolling over and pulling myself up to my knees, my a.s.s in the air. “Reed?”

“Hmm?” His fingertips glided down the curve of my spine, pausing at my tailbone, circling the ticklish spot.

“Was… It was good for you, right?” Instantly, I regretted my words, and a huge part of me was relieved that my burning face was half-pressed into the pillows.

“Lena, you have no idea,” he growled, and for a second I was mystified because it felt like his hot breath was right at my cúnt.

But that can"t be because Reed would never know how –

His hands held me steady as his tongue licked around my opening, slow and teasing. Shock morphed into an intense, unbearable pleasure I could only give myself to. I moaned, wanting to push back against him, but his grip was tight, unforgiving, and I could only arch obscenely as he swept his tongue against the folds of my pússy.

“Oh, G.o.d, Reed,” I cried, because just then, my clít was sucked into his mouth and pleasure seized my nerve endings, sending me spiralling over. “Please,” I gasped. “Get inside me.”

“I could watch this all day,” Reed was saying, his voice raw. His fingers spread the lips of my pússy apart, rubbing the sensitive flesh. “You, coming for me. Coming because of me.”

I could only imagine what a crude picture I made; swollen, pink l.a.b.i.a glistening with my own juices, b.u.t.t tilted high in the air. Listening to his dirty talk brought on a fresh flood of moisture and my cúnt throbbed, the memory of his thickness inside me indelible.

“Reed, please,” I was begging, as if this were my first time.

“Can"t help it,” he groaned, and the pressure of the tip of his c.0.c.k was testament to that.

I was so eager, so ready, I pushed back against him, until he plunged himself deep inside me on a powerful thrust. Starlight burst behind my closed eyelids and my knees buckled. Reed sighed with pleasure when my inner walls clamped around him, never wanting to release him. His arm was banded around my waist now, his chest pressed against my back, and when he began to move inside me, the only thing that truly existed in that moment was him.

“G.o.d, yes, Reed, please,” I heard myself cry. “Fúck me harder, baby. Don"t stop.”

He raised himself off me, his hands on my hips, and thrust deep. My entire world spun on its axis and my vocabulary simply became nonexistent. Incoherent babbling was all I could emit and with each stroke of his hard c.0.c.k into me, Reed could only say just as much.

My climax was within reach and yet…I needed more, was too greedy to settle for any less. “Touch my clít,” I whimpered, crying out on a brutal thrust. “Please, Reed. Rub my clít.”

He groaned s.e.xily, and a hand came up under me. I bucked against him when the tip of his finger stroked the tiny b.u.t.ton, sending me diving into my orga$m. A wave of sheer ecstasy washed right through me, leaving me spent and spineless. Reed was plunging into me, chasing his own release, when suddenly, his palm connected with my a.s.s.

He froze. “Oh, G.o.d, Lena. I"m sorry. I didn"t mean to –”

“Do it again,” I begged, my entire body aflame with need.

I heard him sigh, felt him swell to a bigger size deep within me. “You clenched your pússy around me when I did it. But I swear, I didn"t mean to hit you.”


The sweet sting of his hand on my a.s.s was made a thousand times better by the way he drove himself into me at the same time, giving me the fastest, most intense climax of my life. He rubbed the place he"d spanked, his thrusts growing shorter, choppier. “Feel…so…fúcking…good,” he breathed, his fingertips biting into my hips. “Love…fúcking…you.”

“Love you fúcking me,” I countered, the raw honesty surprising me. I"d never had anyone better – a virgin was giving it to me good. So good.

Former virgin, my conscience reminded me.

“Gonna come,” Reed warned. I could already feel him releasing himself inside me, the heat of his s.e.m.e.n muted by the condom.

Spent, he collapsed on top of me before pulling out and rolling us onto our side. Moments later, he rose and padded to my bathroom. Eyes shut, I was too exhausted to say anything beyond his name when he eventually snuggled up against me, pulling the comforter over our naked, sweaty bodies.


A/N: Right - this is my last update until July holidays. You have been warned. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and until my next update: Remember that a reed is a type of gra.s.s ;) xo -Kim

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