_Off._ One Angelo, a goldsmith: do you know him?

_Adr._ I know the man. What is the sum he owes? 130

_Off._ Two hundred ducats.

_Adr._ Say, how grows it due?

_Off._ Due for a chain your husband had of him.

_Adr._ He did bespeak a chain for me, but had it not.

_Cour._ When as your husband, all in rage, to-day Came to my house, and took away my ring,-- 135 The ring I saw upon his finger now,-- Straight after did I meet him with a chain.

_Adr._ It may be so, but I did never see it.

Come, gaoler, bring me where the goldsmith is: I long to know the truth hereof at large. 140

_Enter _ANTIPHOLUS of Syracuse_ with his rapier drawn, and _DROMIO of Syracuse_._

_Luc._ G.o.d, for thy mercy! they are loose again.

_Adr._ And come with naked swords.

Let"s call more help to have them bound again.

_Off._ Away! they"ll kill us.

[_Exeunt all but Ant. S. and Dro. S._

_Ant. S._ I see these witches are afraid of swords. 145

_Dro. S._ She that would be your wife now ran from you.

_Ant. S._ Come to the Centaur; fetch our stuff from thence: I long that we were safe and sound aboard.

_Dro. S._ Faith, stay here this night; they will surely do us no harm: you saw they speak us fair, give us gold: 150 methinks they are such a gentle nation, that, but for the mountain of mad flesh that claims marriage of me, I could find in my heart to stay here still, and turn witch.

_Ant. S._ I will not stay to-night for all the town; Therefore away, to get our stuff aboard.

[_Exeunt._ 155



and the Officer.] Capell. with a Jailor. Ff.

5, 6: _messenger. That ... Ephesus,_] Rowe.

_messenger, That ... Ephesus,_ F1 F2 F3.

_messenger; That ... Ephesus,_ F4.

_messenger, That ... Ephesus:_ Capell.

14: Dro. E.] Off. Edd. conj.

15: _hie_] _high_ F2.

17: _returned_] _come_ Anon. conj.

18: [Beating him.] Capell. [Beats Dro. Pope. om. Ff.

29: _ears_] See note (VII).

38: SCENE IX. Pope. The stage direction "Enter ... Pinch,"

precedes line 38 in Ff, and all editions till Dyce"s.

Pinch.] a schoolmaster, call"d Pinch. Ff.

40: _the prophecy_] _the prophesie_ F1 F2 F3 F4. _prophesie_ Rowe.

_to prophesy_ Dyce.

39-41: _or rather ... talk?_] _or rather, "prospice funem,"

beware the rope"s end._ Ant. E. _Wilt thou still talk like the parrot?_ Edd. conj.

41: [Beating him.] [Beats Dro. Ff.

46: _what_] _in what_ Hanmer.

65: _Dined_] _Din"d I_ Theobald. _I din"d_ Capell.

72: _Certes_] Pope. _certis_ Ff.

74: _bear_] _beares_ F1.

75: _vigour_] _rigour_ Collier MS.

_his_] _your_ Pope.

83: _master_] _mistress_ Dyce conj.

_rag_] _bag_ Becket conj.

84: _not thou_] _thou not_ Capell.

87: _bear_] _do bear_ Pope. _now bear_ Collier MS.

89: _is_] _are_ Rowe.

101: _these false_] Ff. _those false_ Rowe.

102: [Flying at his wife. Capell.

Enter ...] The stage direction is transferred by Dyce to follow 105.

106: _me? Thou ... thou,_] Rowe. _me, thou ... thou?_ Ff.

110: [They ... Dro. E.] Edd. om. Ff.

117: [They bind ANT. and DRO. Rowe.

124: _nothing?_] _nothing thus?_ Hanmer, reading as verse.

126: _help, poor_] Theobald. _help poor_ Ff.

_idly_] Pope. _idlely_ Ff.

127: _go_] _stay_ Pope.

[Exeunt all but ...] Exeunt. Manet ... Ff (after line 128).

129: SCENE X. Pope.

133: _for me_] om. Hanmer.

141: SCENE XI. Pope.

143: [Runne all out. Ff.

144: [Exeunt ...] Exeunt omnes, as fast as may be, frighted. Ff.

150: _saw ... speak us ... give_] F1.

_saw ... spake us ... give_ F2 F3 F4.

_saw ... spake to us ... give_ Rowe.

_saw ... spake us ... gave_ Pope.

_see ... speak us ... give_ Capell.


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