_Demonstration_: The fireless cooker.

_Roll call_: Waste; what is it?

_Paper_: The household waste.

_Paper_: Fuel and fuel economy.

_Demonstration_: Paper-bag cookery.

_Roll call_: Emergency luncheon menus.

_Paper_: Modern problems in the home. The servant problem.

_Paper_: The seamstress problem.

_Paper_: The nurse, or the hospital?

_Paper_: The guest.

_Demonstration_: How to shape croquettes and seal molds.

_Roll call_: Supper ideas.

_Paper_: A balanced dietary.

_Paper_: Suitable combinations of foods.

_Paper_: Food values.

_Demonstration_: Supper dishes.

_Roll call_: Ways of serving fruit.

_Paper_: Soups and soup-making.

_Paper_: Planning the menu for a formal luncheon.

_Demonstration_: Laying the luncheon table.

_Roll call_: A chafing-dish menu.

_Paper_: Planning the meals so as to reduce cost.

_Paper_: The chafing dish; is it practical?

_Demonstration_: A chafing-dish luncheon.

_Roll call_: Where shall we market?

_Paper_: Marketing and the cheaper cuts of meat.

_Paper_: The old market and the new.

_Discussion_: Is it more economical to buy bread or make it, for a small family?

_Demonstration_: A luncheon costing twenty cents per capita.

_Roll call_: Breakfast dishes.

_Paper_: The adjustment of home duties to social requirements.

_Discussion_: Fats; lard, b.u.t.ter, b.u.t.terine, etc.

_Demonstration_: Cakes made with different shortenings.

_Roll call_: How shall we replenish the preserve closet in winter?

_Paper_: Sweeping made easy.

_Paper_: Labor-saving devices.

_Demonstration_: New labor-saving devices.

A teachers" club in the West has an excellent travel and study program based upon books of current interest.

_Roll call_: Current Events. _Paper_: "Through the Heart of Patagonia."

_Roll call_: Unique Customs of Countries. _Paper_: "Changing China."

_Roll call_: Quotations from Doctor Grenfell. _Paper_: "The Possibilities of Labrador."

_Roll call_: Persian Epigrams. _Paper_: "Modern Persia."

_Roll call_: Anecdotes of Famous People. _Paper_: "The Pa.s.sing of Korea."

_Roll call_: Conundrums. _Paper_: "Tripoli the Mysterious."

_Roll Call_: Selections from Spring Poems. _Paper_: "Turkey and the Turks."

_Roll call_: Epigrams. _Paper_: "The Balkan States."

One of the most interesting clubs in New England has a membership of farmers" wives and daughters, scattered around for ten miles. It has astonishingly clever programs, prepared with few library helps. Each program is clearly written on a small folder, adorned with a Perry picture bearing on the subject of the day. One program was:

_Our Friend the Horse_. Music; Current Events; paper, "Horses, Past and Present"; reading, "The Council of Horse," by Gay; reading, "The Blood Horse," by Barry Cornwall; reading, "The Leap of Roushan Beg," by Longfellow; paper, "Some of the Horses in Bookland"; reading, "How They Brought the Good News from Ghent to Aix," by Browning.

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