A club in Pennsylvania has this somewhat unusual program:

_The American Government_.

_Colonial Times_. Reading, Colonial Heroes.

_Territory Gained by the Revolution_. Reading, "Paul Revere"s Ride."

_The Const.i.tution_. Reading, The Amendments.

_The Louisiana Purchase and the Acquisition of Florida_. Reading, The Department of Agriculture.

_The Monroe Doctrine_. Reading, The Pan-American Union.

_The Annexation of Texas; the Mexican Cession_. Reading, The Weather Bureau.

_Settlement of the Oregon Boundary; The Gladsden Purchase_. Reading, The Post Office Department.

_The Alaska Purchase: Alaska of To-day_. Reading, from Beach"s Silver Horde.

_Hawaii_. Reading, The Smithsonian Inst.i.tution.

_Porto Rico_. Reading, The Patent Office.

_Cuba_. Reading, The Interstate Commerce Commission.

_The Philippines_. Reading, Our Insular Possessions.

_The Panama Ca.n.a.l_. Reading, The Public Health.

_Expansion_. Reading, The White Man"s Burden.

_The Executive Department_. Reading, The State Department.

_The Judicial Department_. Reading, The Civil Service Department.

_The Legislative Department_. Reading, Library of Congress.

_The United States Army_. Reading, The Treasury Department.

_The United States Navy_. Reading, The National Capital.

_Discussion_: Woman Suffrage.


"_WE PLEDGE OURSELVES_ to use our united strength to make better homes, better schools, better surroundings, better scholarship, and better lives; to work together for civic health and civic righteousness; to preserve our heritage--the forests, and the natural beauties of the land; to procure for our children an education which fits them for life--the training of the hand and the heart as well as the head; to protect the children not our own, who are deprived of the birthright of natural childhood; to obtain right conditions and proper safeguards for the women who toil."




Their Beginning and Growth; The Story of Toynbee Hall.

The Work for Women; Cooking and Sewing Cla.s.ses.

The Work for Girls; Dancing Cla.s.ses.

The Work for Men; Coffee and Reading Rooms; Men"s Clubs for Discussion.

The Work for Children; Free Kindergartens; Fresh Air Work.

The Work for Babies; The Creche; Good Milk; Ice.

Playgrounds in Cities.

Jane Addams and Hull House.

These topics will all promote discussion, and it is possible that personal experiences may be brought out which will be exceedingly interesting. Plenty of good material for papers will be found in magazine articles.


I. _The Problem Presented_: Papers or talks on

(1) The increase in the price of food-stuffs.

(2) The increase in rents.

(3) Higher wages of servants.

(4) The more complex social life and greater demand for luxuries.


II. _The Problem Discussed_:

(1) Possible reduction in the expense of food by simple living.

(2) The movement of city people to the country.

(3) Is the elimination of the servant possible?

(4) How far is woman responsible for the state of things, and what can she do to reduce social expenditure?

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