I were best not call; I dare not call. Yet famine, Ere clean it o"erthrow nature, makes it valiant.

Plenty and peace breeds cowards; hardness ever Of hardiness is mother. Ho! who"s here?

If anything that"s civil, speak; if savage, Take or lend. Ho! No answer? Then I"ll enter.

Best draw my sword; and if mine enemy But fear the sword, like me, he"ll scarcely look on"t.

Such a foe, good heavens! Exit into the cave


BELARIUS. You, Polydore, have prov"d best woodman and Are master of the feast. Cadwal and I Will play the cook and servant; "tis our match.

The sweat of industry would dry and die But for the end it works to. Come, our stomachs Will make what"s homely savoury; weariness Can snore upon the flint, when resty sloth Finds the down pillow hard. Now, peace be here, Poor house, that keep"st thyself!

GUIDERIUS. I am thoroughly weary.

ARVIRAGUS. I am weak with toil, yet strong in appet.i.te.

GUIDERIUS. There is cold meat i" th" cave; we"ll browse on that Whilst what we have kill"d be cook"d.

BELARIUS. [Looking into the cave] Stay, come not in.

But that it eats our victuals, I should think Here were a fairy.

GUIDERIUS. What"s the matter, sir?

BELARIUS.. By Jupiter, an angel! or, if not, An earthly paragon! Behold divineness No elder than a boy!

Re-enter IMOGEN

IMOGEN. Good masters, harm me not.

Before I enter"d here I call"d, and thought To have begg"d or bought what I have took. Good troth, I have stol"n nought; nor would not though I had found Gold strew"d i" th" floor. Here"s money for my meat.

I would have left it on the board, so soon As I had made my meal, and parted With pray"rs for the provider.

GUIDERIUS. Money, youth?

ARVIRAGUS. All gold and silver rather turn to dirt, As "tis no better reckon"d but of those Who worship dirty G.o.ds.

IMOGEN. I see you"re angry.

Know, if you kill me for my fault, I should Have died had I not made it.

BELARIUS. Whither bound?

IMOGEN. To Milford Haven.

BELARIUS. What"s your name?

IMOGEN. Fidele, sir. I have a kinsman who Is bound for Italy; he embark"d at Milford; To whom being going, almost spent with hunger, I am fall"n in this offence.

BELARIUS. Prithee, fair youth, Think us no churls, nor measure our good minds By this rude place we live in. Well encounter"d!

"Tis almost night; you shall have better cheer Ere you depart, and thanks to stay and eat it.

Boys, bid him welcome.

GUIDERIUS. Were you a woman, youth, I should woo hard but be your groom. In honesty I bid for you as I"d buy.

ARVIRAGUS. I"ll make"t my comfort He is a man. I"ll love him as my brother; And such a welcome as I"d give to him After long absence, such is yours. Most welcome!

Be sprightly, for you fall "mongst friends.

IMOGEN. "Mongst friends, If brothers. [Aside] Would it had been so that they Had been my father"s sons! Then had my prize Been less, and so more equal ballasting To thee, Posthumus.

BELARIUS. He wrings at some distress.

GUIDERIUS. Would I could free"t!

ARVIRAGUS. Or I, whate"er it be, What pain it cost, what danger! G.o.ds!

BELARIUS. [Whispering] Hark, boys.

IMOGEN. [Aside] Great men, That had a court no bigger than this cave, That did attend themselves, and had the virtue Which their own conscience seal"d them, laying by That nothing-gift of differing mult.i.tudes, Could not out-peer these twain. Pardon me, G.o.ds!

I"d change my s.e.x to be companion with them, Since Leonatus" false.

BELARIUS. It shall be so.

Boys, we"ll go dress our hunt. Fair youth, come in.

Discourse is heavy, fasting; when we have supp"d, We"ll mannerly demand thee of thy story, So far as thou wilt speak it.

GUIDERIUS. Pray draw near.

ARVIRAGUS. The night to th" owl and morn to th" lark less welcome.

IMOGEN. Thanks, sir.

ARVIRAGUS. I pray draw near. Exeunt


Rome. A public place


FIRST SENATOR. This is the tenour of the Emperor"s writ: That since the common men are now in action "Gainst the Pannonians and Dalmatians, And that the legions now in Gallia are Full weak to undertake our wars against The fall"n-off Britons, that we do incite The gentry to this business. He creates Lucius proconsul; and to you, the tribunes, For this immediate levy, he commands His absolute commission. Long live Caesar!

TRIBUNE. Is Lucius general of the forces?


TRIBUNE. Remaining now in Gallia?

FIRST SENATOR. With those legions Which I have spoke of, whereunto your levy Must be supplyant. The words of your commission Will tie you to the numbers and the time Of their dispatch.

TRIBUNE. We will discharge our duty. Exeunt


Wales. Near the cave of BELARIUS

Enter CLOTEN alone

CLOTEN. I am near to th" place where they should meet, if Pisanio have mapp"d it truly. How fit his garments serve me! Why should his mistress, who was made by him that made the tailor, not be fit too? The rather- saving reverence of the word- for "tis said a woman"s fitness comes by fits. Therein I must play the workman.

I dare speak it to myself, for it is not vain-glory for a man and his gla.s.s to confer in his own chamber- I mean, the lines of my body are as well drawn as his; no less young, more strong, not beneath him in fortunes, beyond him in the advantage of the time, above him in birth, alike conversant in general services, and more remarkable in single oppositions. Yet this imperceiverant thing loves him in my despite. What mortality is! Posthumus, thy head, which now is growing upon thy shoulders, shall within this hour be off; thy mistress enforced; thy garments cut to pieces before her face; and all this done, spurn her home to her father, who may, haply, be a little angry for my so rough usage; but my mother, having power of his testiness, shall turn all into my commendations. My horse is tied up safe. Out, sword, and to a sore purpose! Fortune, put them into my hand. This is the very description of their meeting-place; and the fellow dares not deceive me. Exit


Wales. Before the cave of BELARIUS


BELARIUS. [To IMOGEN] You are not well. Remain here in the cave; We"ll come to you after hunting.

ARVIRAGUS. [To IMOGEN] Brother, stay here.

Are we not brothers?

IMOGEN. So man and man should be; But clay and clay differs in dignity, Whose dust is both alike. I am very sick.

GUIDERIUS. Go you to hunting; I"ll abide with him.

IMOGEN. So sick I am not, yet I am not well; But not so citizen a wanton as To seem to die ere sick. So please you, leave me; Stick to your journal course. The breach of custom Is breach of all. I am ill, but your being by me Cannot amend me; society is no comfort To one not sociable. I am not very sick, Since I can reason of it. Pray you trust me here.

I"ll rob none but myself; and let me die, Stealing so poorly.

GUIDERIUS. I love thee; I have spoke it.

How much the quant.i.ty, the weight as much As I do love my father.

BELARIUS. What? how? how?

ARVIRAGUS. If it be sin to say so, sir, I yoke me In my good brother"s fault. I know not why I love this youth, and I have heard you say Love"s reason"s without reason. The bier at door, And a demand who is"t shall die, I"d say "My father, not this youth."

BELARIUS. [Aside] O n.o.ble strain!

O worthiness of nature! breed of greatness!

Cowards father cowards and base things sire base.

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