As soon as she got onto the carriage, Mo Qingli sat up, looking nothing like her previously intoxicated self. With some surprise, Mu Tianlang asked, “You… weren"t drunk?”

Mo Qingli leaned her head against her hand. She raised the curtain to the carriage, staring onto the streets outside in a daze. It was impossible to know what she was thinking.

The small fox wanted to struggle out of Ge Yueming"s tight embrace. However, this b.a.s.t.a.r.d unexpectedly tightened his grip on its ribs. With just a little force, it was enough to fill his entire body with pain.

At first, when it had realized Mo Qingli had sobered up, it had been extremely happy, making whimpering noises towards her direction. It hoped Mo Qingli would rescue him out of this man"s arms.

However, Mo Qingli acted like she couldn"t hear it no matter how much the small fox tried to call out to her. Eventually, Ge Yueming became furious. He struck the small fox on the head, threatening menacingly, “If you don"t shut up, I"ll kill you and then rip out your neidan and eat it!”

The small fox immediately stilled in fear, then sat obediently in Ge Yueming"s lap, not daring to move. The neidan he had painstakingly cultivated for years, to be eaten just like that… ai, what Elder Brother said was true! Humans really weren"t good things.

Mu Tianlang looked at Ge Yueming with some interest. This human… unexpectedly knew about neidan?!

As if sensing Mu Tianlang"s gaze on him, Ge Yueming turned his head, giving a gentle smile. “h.e.l.lo, Mu Tianlang. I am Ge Yueming.”

Afterwards, he turned and pointed to Xiaoyao Yunyan, who was currently resting. “This is a prince from the Xiaoyao Kindom. He is the Sixth Princess"s second consort, Xiaoyao Yunyan.”

“Oh?” Mu Tianlang said, raising an eyebrow. “So this mute is actually a prince of the Xiaoyao Kingdom. I thought that he was some servant the Princess had picked up!”

Mu Tianlang pretended not to hear Xiaoyao Yunyan"s t.i.tle as the “Sixth Princess"s second consort.” Instead, he verbally attacked the other person.

Xiaoyao Yunyan"s expression did not change.

Mu Tianlang thought that this person was really boring. He really didn"t understand why Mo Qingli would have chosen him as a consort. Could it be the she happened to be hungry, and, not being particularly picky, had accidentally bit him?

Yes, it was definitely this.

Mu Tianlang lost interest and immediately turned his attention back to Ge Yueming. “How do you know my name?”

“The Princess pampers you day and night, so of course I know of you, the G.o.dly Doctor"s, esteemed name! I don"t think there is any beauty in the Sixth Princess"s residence that doesn"t know of you!” Ge Yueming replied.

Ge Yueming"s flattering words were comfortable to Mu Tianlang"s ears. He looked closer at Ge Yueming, finding that although his features themselves could be considered ordinary, arranged together they seemed to give him particularly unique character.

However, the most noticeable thing was the unique aura being emitted by his body. It was unlike anything Mu Tianlang had ever encountered before in a human, making him feel some sense of unease.

Before Mu Tianlang could fully think about this matter any deeper, the carriage came to a halt.

Mo Qingli exited the carriage first. Afterwards, she instructed Yue Yao to prevent Mu Tianlang from following her.

Mu Tianlang could only watch Mo Qingli disappear from his line of sight. He hatefully glared at Yue Yao. “Move over!”

“G.o.dly Doctor,” Yue Yao said, gritting her teeth as she pushed back against Mu Tianlang, preventing Mu Tianlang from chasing after Mo Qingli. “This… this is the Princess" command. The Princess wanted some alone time for herself. G.o.dly Doctor, please forgive me! Please forgive me!”

Xiaoyao Yunyan exited the carriage, entering the residence without looking back. Ge Yueming, on the other hand, seemed to have some conscience. He gently patted the furious Mu Tianlang"s shoulder. “The Princess is probably using the restroom right now!”

As Mu Tianlang contemplated on why Mo Qingli had left so urgently for—the only reason he hadn"t given chase after her was because he was half afraid she really was using the restroom—Ge Yueming impolitely threw the small fox in his hands into Mu Tianlang"s arms. He smiled. “Look, this is the Princess"s favorite pet, so I"ll give it to you for safekeeping. When the Princess finishes using the restroom, at night you two can…”

A wicked smile appeared on his face as he nudged his shoulder at Mu Tianlang a few times. Then, giving a large yawn, he said, “I"m tired today, so I won"t wait with Brother Mu Tianlang for the Princess. I"m going to sleep. Good night.”

Mu Tianlang sat outside the Princess"s residence, hugging the small fox in his arms as he waited for Mo Qingli. Yue Yao had no choice but to accompany him.

However, the small fox in Mu Tianlang"s arms was extraordinary gloomy. Mu Tianlang this b.a.s.t.a.r.d clearly wasn"t hugging him, but pinching and kneading him. All his fur was about to rubbed off by this d.a.m.ned wolf demon!

He angrily yowled a few times, expressing his frustration.

Mu Tianlang looked at the small fox with immense dislike. “If you keep yelling, I"ll tear you to shreds and feed you to the wolves.”

The small fox"s eyes brimmed with tears at Mu Tianlang"s threats. He had made a grave mistake. He regretted not listening to Elder Brother"s advice and running out. Wu, wu… who would save the pitiful him. Wu, wu, wu…

Mo Qingli wandered through the streets, her mind a chaotic mess. She felt that the current her was a failure. She couldn"t even pretend to be a normal human, she couldn"t even gather the courage to bring the person she loved the most to her side.

All she could do was watch as he sat with someone else"s side, as he cheerfully made conversation with someone else, as he held hand with someone else…

Ahhhhhh… she was about to be tormented into madness!

“Oh?… Isn"t this Elder Sister Li?”

From nearby, a surprised voice rang out.

Mo Qingli turned around, suppressing her current mood as she looked towards the person who had called out to her. The person had dark skin with a pair of lively eyes, giving their entire air an energetic and youthful feeling.

She pa.r.s.ed through the memory of the previous Mo Qingli. Suddenly, she remembered. Wasn"t this that General Li"s only daughter, Li Mingxiang? What was she doing, walking through a street this late at night?

Li Mingxiang walked to Mo Qingli"s side, slipping her arm around Mo Qingli"s elbow. Happily, she said, “Aiya, Elder Sister Li, Xiang Xiang missed you so much! It"s all Mother"s fault. After the war, she refused to let me go out to find you.”

She was too overjoyed to notice that when she held onto Mo Qingli"s elbow, the other person made an extremely uncomfortable expression.

“Do you know what she says? Right now the Second Princess hates us to the bone, so there"s danger if we go out, and so on and on,” Li Mingxiang said, telling Mo Qingli everything.

Her words sparked a memory in Mo Qingli"s mind. Before, when Xiaoyao Yunbo had died, she had heard an imperial bodyguard mention that it had been General Li who had discovered Mo Qingqin"s evildoing, and thus revealed everything.

General Li seemed to be afraid of her daughter getting retaliated against by Mo Qingqin, and so didn"t let her go out. However, this girl must have slipped out during the Empress"s birthday feast.

“I had to trick Mother into getting intoxicated, and then beg Daddy to let me go out.”

Mo Qingli"s lips curled upwards. It appeared that she had guessed correctly.

i did an internship this break and learned nothing… back to college i guess

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