☆、Chapter 11

“This zombie has a wood ability, please proceed carefully Host.”
098 continued.

Zeng Wuyue reacted very quickly, when the whoosh sounded, he"s already holding Ling Chunan in his arms, then dodged to the side, and at the same time, an electric current attacked the shadow.

However, the third grade zombie moved so quickly that it easily dodged Zeng Wuyue"s attack, and it doesn"t seem to have any intention to attack the two men, but rushed to the subordinates who had just walked out of the distance.

The subordinates who had just walked away unwillingly suddenly found that countless of vines had risen in the ground and bound their feet firmly in the place, and the people who were walking in the back didn"t even have the time to shout as their brains was dug out.

The power nucleus of a first grade ability user is about the size of a pea, but this zombie is clearly welcome to all.

Looking at their companions miserable death, even if most of the subordinates were in the prime of their age, their legs could not help but became soft. Almost all of those people are ability user, and they unexpectedly died so easily?

Fortunately however, everyone had a very tacit understanding these days, and after losing a few people, they spontaneously formed a line of defense that"s barely enough to block the the third grade zombie"s attack, but to their surprise, this zombie is not afraid of guns! The bullet couldn"t break its defenses at all.

At the next moment, the vines under their feet rose so suddenly that it even bound their hands together.

The third grade zombie was a female zombie with black hair and red eyes, and there"s no sign of rot on its body, its complexion was pale and greenish-blue, and looks a little delicate and pretty, but the corners of its mouth were still stained with those ability user"s brains, and looks a little terrifying.

Its attack missed once, and it rushed at the them again as fast as it could.

It"s over.

Despair spread through the crowd immediately.

At this moment, the desperate party standing in the front of the line suddenly sensed a burst of coolness came from the front, and in the blink of an eye they saw a thick ice wall in front of them, and the zombie"s claws met the ice wall, making a shrill friction sounds, shook everyone eardrums and gave them a pang of pain.

At the same time, a lighting bolt fell on the female zombie, causing its movement to stagnate for a moment, followed by countless of ice blades coming at her from all directions!

The zombie dodged too late, and unexpectedly was attacked head on. Its clothes were damaged, and all of a sudden there were a lot of wounds on its body. It let out a howl, and its two bloodshot red eyes stared at Ling Chunan. At the same time, several p.r.i.c.kly vines protruded the soil on Ling Chunan"s and Zeng Wuyue"s feet.

Ling Chunan and Zeng Wuyue looked at each other, and the two of them quickly backing out from the scope of the vine attack range, and attacked on both sides. Another lightning bolt accurately hit its body again, and then, the moment it paralyzed once again, Ling Chunan moves.

No longer using an ordinary ice blade, he went around the back of the female zombie at an abnormal speed, and it was unknown when he had an ice knife in his hand, but listened to the m.u.f.fled "pop" sounds, the knife in his hand has entered the back of the female zombie.

The zombie came to a complete standstill, uttered a slight wail in her throat, and then it went silent.

Ling Chunan"s hand released the knife, letting it to fall down, and just after the thump was heard, even though it was in a sorry state, the still intact zombie was unexpectedly falling and shattered to pieces.

When one looked closely, you can see that its body has already became a crushed ice fragments.

098 : “…Host, how did you do that?
Wasn"t ice ability can only be used externally?"

“Maybe I"m gifted?” Ling Chunan clapped his palm and his face was relaxed.


“Alright, didn"t you just saw me do my first ability moves into its body? After it went for almost ten seconds, it had almost frozen its internal organs, and then uncle1 attack it, but it was a zombie, and the crushed internal organs could not harms its life, so I personally gave it the ability again."

098 asked again, “It should not have been harmed on the outside, so why did it shattered?”

“I have an A grade physique." Breaking a boulders empty-handed is not a problem, not to mention a piece of freezing ice? Ling Chunan sighed slightly, “098, you really are an old system.”

The implication is that its IQ has degenerated.

Hearing what Ling Chunan has said , 098 no longer talking.

At the end of the battle, Zeng Wuyue walked a few steps over to Ling Chunan, “Baby, are you all right?”

Ling Chunan shows his smiling face, "It"s alright."

Still feeling uneasy, he checked Ling Chunan from top to bottom once, then Zeng Wuyue reached out to Ling Chunan and embrace him, and they exchanged a very pa.s.sionate kiss, then he said in a low voice : “Baby, you"re really awesome!”

Hearing the low and magnetic voice in his ear, Ling Chunan"s leg was a little soft. If it were not because of the many people here, he really wanted to become one with Zeng Wuyue in the spot.

On the other hand, the subordinates, who had been forgotten by their boss for a long time, finally came to their senses, and then looked back at the youth who had climbed to Zeng Wuyue" body with a changed eyes.2

So many of them were helpless against a high grade zombie, and he unexpectedly took care of it so easily? Even if this is the early stage of the apocalypse, and they do not know much about abilities, judging from the appearance of the zombie just now, they also know that it is not a simple zombie, it should even be the intelligent one, but they have also seen it, the battle was almost one sided and the enemy was defeated easily.

Looking at the zombies that was broken into pieces of ice on the ground, everyone could not help but feel a deep respect, and as they immediately thinking of their att.i.tude to Ling Chunan before, they felt a chill rising from their back.

What should they do is sauzi3 hates them?

During the continued journey, Ling Chunan"s treatment has a 180 degrees turn, and almost all of the subordinates respectfully call him Master Ling when they saw him, especially after one of the subordinates accidentally saw the scene of Ling Chunan biting Zeng Wuyue. The whole team eyes turned like the bodyguard brother"s when they saw Ling Chunan.

Really scared and respectful.

Afraid of Ling Chunan ferociousness, that even dared to bite Fifth Master"s flesh, but also afraid that he would want to bite them, after all, no one has that kind of strong recovery power like Fifth Master.

What they respected is Ling Chunan"s kicka.s.s strength. Even when excluding the ice ability, everyone can see with their own eyes that Ling Chunan could handle the boulders that blocked their path easily, when two of the level 1 strength ability user could not get the boulders away from the road while he can kick it over with one leg. Imagining that if that one leg was to kick their own body… How do anyone dared to be disrespectful to Ling Chunan even for a little?

They traveled for nearly a month, and setting off with 20 vehicles with a team of nearly 80 people and only about 50 people were left. Everyone"s faces has a look of exhaustion.

Yuan Wu gently knocked on the car window, and after a minute, the window gla.s.s slowly came down. He keep a calm face of the sight of Ling Chunan sitting in Zeng Wuyue"s bosom. He fixed his eyes straight and respectfully said, “Fifth Master, Master Ling, we have been resting for two hours, when are we leaving?"

“In half an hour.” Zeng Wuyue"s voice was a little hoa.r.s.e.


Looking at the window that was closed once again, Yuan Wu turned and walked towards his car, but his footsteps halted abruptly, looking like something was wrong.

Master Ling sitting position on the Fifth Master just now… Thinking of Ling Chu Nan"s red cheeks and Zeng Wuyue"s voice, Yuan Wu"s heart was beating like a drum, trying hard to calm himself and walking on, but ended up accidentally tripped over his own feet.

“Wu ge, are you all right?” The simple and honest brother on the side asking worriedly : “Why is your face so red? It"s not a fever, isn"t it? “

Seeing that Yuan Wu has leave, Ling Chunan gently bite Zeng Wuyue"s adam apple. “Half an hour, you"re really fast.”

Zeng Wuyue did not speak, but he gave a hard thrust at the place where the two were connected, and licked Ling Chunan delicate earlobe, “Baby, let"s see who"s faster.”

Half an hour later, the convoy set out on time, and the bodyguard brother who has came back to drive looked at Ling Chunan, who had fallen asleep, “Fifth Master, is Master Ling alright?” They obviously had rested for more than two hours, why does Master Ling look so tired?

“It"s alright, just let him rest for a little while.” Zeng Wuyue resting Ling Chu Nan into his arms.

098, who has watched everything want to says——you can"t live if you committed a sin.

Jeering at the old gong4 that will met its retribution.

Ling Chunan was already in bed when he woke up. He haven"t been touching a sheets for a long time and could not help rolling around two times, “098, where"s Zeng Wuyue?”

“He was downstairs with his men planning the next route.” 098 replied, “This is Jingyang5 Village. In the plot, the male and female lead team will also pa.s.s through here. According to the time, it happens to be tonight.”

“What is the level of the male lead"s ability?”

“At the peak of A grade, you can still beat him.”

“I"m a pacifist and I don"t advocate fighting.”

“Oh.” 098 voice was cold, wondering who was the man and woman wearing sacks at that time was?

However, the male lead is indeed a difficult problem. Ling Chunan sighed, in addition to the reborn female lead who wanted to kill him and get his s.p.a.ce at any time, it was unknown how they will gang up on him together.

Zeng Wuyue opened the door and saw Ling Chunan that was lying on the bed and wrapped up in a roll looking like he"s pondering hard, and with a hint of smile in his eyes, he reached out and fished him into his bosom from the quilt, “Baby, what are you thinking about?”

“Just thinking about my old cla.s.smates. I don"t know if they"re safe or not. Ling Chunan sighs.

Zeng Wuyue"s eyes darkened slightly, with an stable voice said, “Baby thinking of which cla.s.smate?”

“You saw him too, and you put him into infirmary at that time.” Ling Chunan pursed his lips, the spot between his eyebrows creased, "And also one of my female cla.s.smate who had confessed her love to me before I asked for a leave of absence." Ignoring Zeng Wuyue"s face that"s getting uglier and uglier, he sighed again, “I wonder how they are doing.”

“It"s okay baby, the lucky people have their own way6, they should be fine.” Zeng Wuyue touched Ling Chunan"s head. “How about this, you tell me their names, and I"ll ask about them later.”

“En,” Ling Chunan said without any suspicion, and uttered two names easily, “Qin Haoyuan, Tong Xiaoxiao.”

“Got it.” Zeng Wuyue bowed his head and kissed the corner of Ling Chunan"s lips, “I will go out because I still have something to do, Baby, sleep a little more.”

“098, what do your think about this method of lending knife to someone?”7

“Host, you"re doing this wrong, you didn"t see how dark his face was when he heard you say those names, what if Zeng Wuyue killed the male and female lead?”

“Don"t worry.” Ling Chunan yawned and wrapped himself in a quilt, “It"s unlikely that he would kill them.”

Tong Xiaoxiao and Qin Haoyuan are high spirits at this time, they had collected a lot of little brother8, a group of more than ten people traveled northward and came to a small village. It was rare that all the zombies in an area seemed to have been cleaned up.

They even saw living people at last!

Raw words count : 3.422

Hey guys, if you didn"t see my announcement on my last , here"s the short version :

I set a goal on my kofi for a bonus chapter for every 10 kofi. It won"t be an immediate translation but I"ll try to translate the chapters whenever I"m free.

Anyway, my mtl always want to translate Yuan Wu to Yuan Mo. :v

A rotten bird little theatre (it"s back now)

All subordinate: "Please, Master Ling." "Good morning Master Ling." "Have you eaten yet, Master Ling?" blablabla m(_ _;m)

A depressed(?) system drawing a cursed paper on the dark corner : mumbling "He said my IQ is declining. He said my IQ is declining. He said my IQ is declining…" (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

Yuan Wu : "…my three views were broken once again…" (;*´Д`)ノ

Bodyguard bro: "?????" (。ヘ°)?

Two oblivious incoming peoples : "There"s peoples! Were safe for now!"

Dear Host Nan Nan : "tee hee." (^_^)

A Male G.o.d that just drinking a bottle full of vinegar : "…" ( ̄へ ̄井)

On the side, the forgotten parents of a very specific person : "…" щ(゜ロ゜щ)

Nan Nan called Wuyue as uncle, remember? This time he called him big uncle though. ↩ basically their opinion of him has changed. ↩ Chinese pop lesson~ 嫂子 (sǎo zi) mean sister in law. It sounds awkward seeing them calling him that so I"ll be using the pinyin. ↩ 攻 (gōng) mean attack, or the top on h.o.m.os.e.xual relationships. The bottom is called shou. ↩ 景阳 (Jǐng yáng) mean bright sun, I a.s.sume from the translation. ↩ 吉人自有天相 (jí rén zì yǒu tiān xiàng) G.o.d (in the Chinese it"s the Heaven) blesses (helps) the good man is an idiom to a life full of lucky escapes. ↩ 借刀杀人 (jiè dāo shā rén) translated to lending someone a knife to kill other. It mean to get someone else to do one"s dirty work or to attack using the strength of another. The short translation is dirty trick. I just feel like suffering. ↩ again, this is not a real lil bro. It"s just mean they are either younger or is a worshipper (lol) of them. ↩

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