☆、Chapter 4

Ling Chunan closed his eyes, like a cooked duck1, obediently letting Zeng Wuyue at his disposal, but he"s not that calm on his mind, “Fortunately, the wound on my hand has healed, otherwise it would be embarra.s.sing to be seen.”

098 advertised with a cold voice : “The system produces a powerful healing medicine, you deserve it.”

To 098 relief, Zeng Wuyue simply stripped off the host and kissed his small mouth, then hugging him and preparing to sleep, and didn"t think of this and that kind of thought.

"Host, your plan to lose your virginity has failed2."

"Why do I feel that you"re feeling joyful of someone else"s misfortune?"

"Host, you think too much, 098 does not have such humanistic emotion like feeling joyful of someone else"s misfortune."


Throwing the system aside, how could Ling Chunan let his meat eating plan failed? Taking advantage of the fact that Zeng Wuyue was lying down, he murmured, wrinkling his nose and climbed on top of his arm, then conveniently slipped to his embrace.3

Nevertheless, Zeng Wuyue was actually surprised, his patience had been greatly challenged from the time he undressed the youth before, and now that the youth has make his way to his embrace, unavoidably touching a certain place that has reacted for a long time.

What kind of person is Zeng"s Fifth Master? Uncountable male and female has been trying to throw themselves to his arms everyday, although he didn"t like this kind of aspect, but he also able to gain a lot of contacts, but there has never been a person like this boy. He didn"t even need to move, for him to lose his entire soul.

But he didn"t want to do it when the youth was unconscious, and their first time shouldn"t be in this rudimentary clubhouse.

Almost a little fl.u.s.tered, the so called two ways of black and white big boss Zeng"s Fifth Master4 was holding the still flailing little fellow and bind him on his bosom entirely.

"098, is he doing it or not?" Ling Chunan, who was forced to lie down on the man"s chest and could not move was somewhat melancholic.

"Looking from the physiology point of view, this person belong in the healthy category in any aspect." 098 paused and said, "So according to 980 careful a.n.a.lysis, it must be because host lacked charm, so it is suggested that host exchanged the product on the System Department Store called the Ten Thousand Fans Halo."

Ling Chunan : "Then I will be superior than anyone else?5

098 : "…No, you"ll be loved by everyone."

Ling Chunan thought about it, then shakes his head and refused, "Forget about it, right now I"m already loved by everyone, having so much admirers is very distressing for me."

098 : "Sorry for disappointing host."

Ling Chunan : "Never mind, I"m already used to disappointment."

098 : "…"

In the middle of Ling Chunan"s plan, what he possibly can"t done. But the meat cannot be eaten, lying on the man"s body and sniffing at the man"s smell, Ling Chunan looks a little intoxicated, then he can"t endure it any longer and opened his mouth and bite down.

With a fresh and fragrance flavour on his mouth, Ling Chunan cannot help but be moved and sobbed by the emotion. This is the best meat he has ever eaten! Better than his own!

098 : "Host, you really bite it?! No good. The Fifth Master is awake! Hurry up and run!"

Then Ling Chunan took another bite with his eyes closed.

098 : …

Zeng Wuyue : …

Since he turns nineteen years old, he already sat on the top of the family master seat, at twenty four, he completely established himself on the two ways of white and black, and for this past ten years, the Zeng"s Fifth Master hadn"t been injured even once.

And today, his flesh have been bitten off by a boy he like, and he took two pieces in a row, and it seems that it has been swallowed. What"s more scarier is that he unexpectedly think that his boy"s satiated expression while he closed his eyes is… very cute?

The youth stuck out his tongue and licked his still bleeding wound, and Zeng Wuyue only felt a crisp tingle coming from the wound, the color of his pupils is profound, and that thing down there that haven"t calmed down was getting more and more spirited. He took a deep breath, holding the youth even more tightly, Zeng Wuyue voice was a little hoa.r.s.e, "Baby, what are you doing?"

Ling Chunan naturally aware of man"s change, and it seems that he was moving uncomfortably and pressed his loins on the sheet. Only after hearing a clear hissing sounds, he slowly lifted his head, eyes looking confused, as well as pure and innocent, "I"m eating meat, it"s very fragrance."

After he said that, he licked the beads of blood from Zeng Wuyue wound, then rise to kiss Zeng Wuyue lips. He said with a laugh, "Sweet, really like it."

Why would Zeng Wuyue let go of the meat that was delivered to his door?6 He directly pushes Ling Chunan head and deepened their kiss. After kissing, he kisses Ling Chunan forehead, "Baby, if you like me, just marry me. After that, l"ll let you bites me. How about that?"

Inside Ling Chunan eyes that seems to be having an intoxicated desire, he tilted his head after hearing that, appear as if he"s pondering upon it, then nodded his head slowly, "Marry you, eat meat."

In the end, Zeng Wuyue didn"t do anything special except kissing, and didn"t do anything out of line with Ling Chunan. On the contrary, Ling Chunan bit off several pieces of flesh on Zeng Wuyue"s body again. Drenched with bloods, it looks painful.

Nevertheless, Zeng Wuyue didn"t even wrinkle his eyebrows, but he embraced Ling Chunan even more enthusiastically instead, guiding Ling Chunan mouth to where it should go7, until the time when the sky almost turns bright, the two finally stopped their action.

098 : …I don"t understand this perverted world, I"m just a lonely system.

"098, I think I"ve met my true love." Before going to sleep, Ling Chunan said that to the system.

098 : "Host, please remember to follow the counterattack rules."

"Got it." Ling Chunan lazily rolled over to the man"s bosom, answering m.u.f.flingly.

The second day, when Ling Chunan woke up, Zeng Wuyue was already dressed and ready for breakfast, when he saw him coming over, he rubbed the youth"s soft black hair, “Baby has wakes up, hurry and go wash up, the toothbrush and towel is new, and after you"ve done washing up, come out to eat breakfast.”

Seeing that Ling Chunan looking at him motionlessly, he can"t help but laugh, "If baby want to eat me, you still have to wash up first."

Ling Chunan finally has a reaction, he tilted his head and looking at the man, eyes completely at loss, "Uncle, you"re not afraid of the pain?"

"I"m afraid, I"m in terrible pain." Zeng Wuyue gazed towards the youth, his expression somewhat looks like someone who has been wronged. Looking at the youth"s bewildered and sheepish appearance, he suddenly laughed and took him into his arms and kissed him on the mouth, "But it"s okay, no matter how hurts baby bites me, I"ll still like it," then he folded up his right sleeve and place it in front of Ling Chunan face, showing his beautiful st.u.r.dy arm, "Looks, it"s already healed."

Ling Chunan holded and looked and looked again at the man"s arm unbelievably, then he jumped into Zeng Wuyue"s lap and pulled his clothes, just to see a smooth, tight, and fine muscle. “It"s really all right.”

Once again, the fire on the Zeng"s Fifth Master body was stirred up again, and holding the youth to his embrace again, "That"s why, baby, don"t bite yourself in the future. If you want to eat meat, you can look for me.”

Ling Chunan stared at Zeng Wuyue for a moment, then leaped up with a "whoosh" and said, "I"m going to wash up."

Looking at the youth red ears, Zeng Wuyue eyes are full of determination.

Closing the bathroom door, Ling Chunan"s face was still, “098, can you find out why this person recovered so quickly?”

098 were silent for a moment, “I"m sorry host, 098 can"t find out what"s wrong with this person, maybe it"s what the human called extraordinary physique.” Aren"t you also very extraordinary? Whose have teeth as strong as yours, so much that it could easily bites off human flesh.

When it thought of its lost energy, 098 doesn"t say the following sentence.

Ling Chunan stood again, then burst to laughter suddenly.

"I really have met my real love! We meet each other for the first time, and unexpectedly, the secret wound I hid was discovered by him. If it"s not true love, then what is it?" Ling Chunan said to 098 happily.

098 : …I finally understand what kind of real love the host means.

As 098 though, Ling Chunan type of true love is precisely someone that"ll let him bite, and in addition won"t go bad afterwards.

By coincidence, that is Zeng Wuyue.

After breakfast, Zeng Wuyue send Ling Chunan back to school, while the bodyguard sitting in front resisted his strong curiosity, keeping his eyes fixed on the road all the way. Finally, after parking the car, he couldn"t hold back and looked behind him. In the end, what kind of goblin8 that unexpectedly able to charmed Zeng Wuyue, he looked in time to see a scene where the goblin tore a pieces of flesh from the top of their Zeng"s Fifth Master shoulder, yet their Fifth Master that"ll break one"s leg even if he was b.u.mped lightly was unexpectedly laughed with a pampering face.9

The bodyguard turned his head stiffly. He must haven"t been awake fully this morning. The Fifth Master surely won"t took fancy of this savage goblin, he recite it for self hypnotizing, then he heard his family"s Fifth Master said with a voice that is so gentle and soft it could have been coated with honey, "Is that enough? Do you want another bite?" …Wuwuwu, he"s so scared.

The perfectly satisfied Ling Chunan walked to the cla.s.sroom with light steps.

When he barely arrived at the cla.s.sroom door, he finally saw the male lead who was constantly looking at this way, and he was startled that there"s two big black circles on the male lead face, "098, does the male lead indulging himself excessively last night?"

098 feeling lazy to deal with Ling Chunan, and also rolled its eyes at him.

Last night, Ling Chunan suddenly disappeared, and Qin Haoyuan was very frightened. A lot of this little brother bodyguard were searching for a long time, then finally, it was confirmed that he had been taken away by Zeng Wuyue, and he immediately felt that the sky had collapsed.

Who is Zeng"s Fifth Master? Even he, the young master of the first family of the capital big brother did not dare to offend him at all. Although Ling Chunan family is also rich and powerful, their power too, is definitely not enough to confront Zeng"s Fifth Master. Qin Haoyuan practically already able to guess Ling Chunan"s fate. Qin Haoyuan was about to go to look for Zeng"s Fifth Master immediately, but he was beaten up with several punches and got thrown down the stairs, and later, he went to seek his parents, but he was locked up all night.

But the thought of Ling Chunan were to be taken by other… His heart feel like it was sliced apart by a blade, then got poured a pitcher of burning knife10 on top of it. It was so painful he couldn"t even breathe properly.

Qin Haoyuan came to school early in the morning, gnashing his teeth soundly, and his eyes always fell on the door.

He didn"t know the state of his own mind was. He was afraid that Ling Chunan wouldn"t be going to the cla.s.s, and also afraid that Ling Chunan will showed up with injuries.

So when he saw the young man was in perfect condition at the door, he jumped up immediately. The chair made an piercing and harsh sounds when it scratched the floor, and Qin Haoyuan was no longer in his seat.

Watching the male lead pa.s.sionate embrace was getting closer and closer, Ling Chunan hesitated for a second, "098, should I avoid it? Or should I get away?"11

098 : "It is suggested that host should just accept it, raising the male lead favourable impression level is beneficial to the success of counterattack."

"En." Ling Chunan acted as if he"s accepted the suggestion seriously, then when Qin Haoyuan was about to pounce on him, he was pulled back by a force in a flash, and fallen into a firm and board chest.

And the male lead?

He flew out.

Looking at the male lead who flew out from the cla.s.sroom door to the podium, Ling Chunan gave him two seconds praying of tribute in his mind, but when he recalled his unpalatable meat, he threw that little sympathy that barely risen to the high of the clouds12 right away. Turning his head to look at the solemn faced rations13, he curved his eyes and smiled : "Uncle, what are you doing in our cla.s.sroom?"

Swallowed the two indecent words that had reached the edge of his mouth, Zeng Wuyue rubbed Ling Chunan"s hair, “Baby, you"re so popular.”

Raws Words Count : 3.391

Sorry for the long wait, lol, I don"t have the time to translate. :3

If you don"t read the post, I will say that I might get even more busier with my additional job, so please don"t throw me away just yet. starry eyes staring intently with a hint of water on the edges

Anyway. Some stuff.

On the day I put up this novel on novelupdates, I looked up to the "latest series" just to see if its over here or not.

And not even one minutes after I put up the first chapter, it already have a 1✩ rating.

Whoever this guy or gurl is, ur fast. clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap to the oblivion~~~

Thought today, there"s already 5✩ and 3✩ ratings which made the overall rating to be 4.2 out if five with a total 38 voters and it also receive a positive review by Nymnbol and housyspecial (which full of spoilers that I didn"t read, but bless their kind soul) that"s full of love (I guess I can say so :3 ).

Show this novel some love. It is pretty messed up but great story is great story. You can"t argue with that, lul.

Go to and give it a ratings of what you think is just for this novel, and give some review if you feel like it. I also added the link to NU on the description page.

This novel and the MC and ML need some love from you~~~

Also, I can"t help laughing like h.e.l.l because of the MC and ML shamelessness. The dog food o mai gah! While the little mind inside my heart screaming how perverted and how psycho they looks like.

Little Bird Small Theater

Dear Nan Nan : "It"s good sob the meat taste so good ah~" crying with happiness

Mysterious Uncle Male G.o.d : "As long as you"re happy" squealing how his Nan Nan is so cute inwardly

This Birb : squeal squeal squeal (σ≧▽≦)σ

A Pitiful System Called 098 : "…let me bang my head on the corner"

A Poor, Nameless Bodyguard : "…can I accompany you?"

The Didn"t Know Anything ML : "…"

okay, something funny. 鸭子 (yāzi) means duck, but as a slang, it means male prost.i.tute. Nice pun, author. XD ↩ 098 didn"t say anything about virginity, but losing his body (and as the translation goes, losing his morality and conduct), and instead of failed, it actually said bankrupt. I got what it mean but it is weird to translate it in English, so I use failed. ↩ seems like I"m getting rusty. For some reason I don"t really understood these sentences completely. 他趁着曾无岳躺下,唔了一声,皱着鼻子攀上了他的胳膊 ↩ at this point I"m just confused with the t.i.tles. What the frick is two ways black and white ah… Please send help, wuwuwu… Raw : 号称黑白两道老大也不为过的曾五爷把仍在他身上乱动的小家伙整个箍进了怀里。 ↩ am I stupid or what? I can"t really make sense of this. 到时我就是人人想上? ↩ am I still a translator? 曾无岳哪里肯放过送上门来的肉 ↩ if it"s not clear enough, he"s guiding Nan Nan where to bite his flesh from. ↩ this goblin, 小妖精 (xiǎoyāo jīng) could also mean hussy or coquettish young girl. ↩ completely unsure. This is the best I can make out of it. 而他们那位被人轻轻撞一下都要打断人腿的五爷居然笑得一脸宠溺。 ↩ yup, it did said a (bottle) of burning knife. Not sure why, either a typo or it is me who didn"t get it. 然后倒了瓶烧刀子在上面 ↩ the joke here is that Nan Nan actually using the same "stay out" (of trouble etc) and "avoiding" (somebody) character. 躲开 (duǒkāi) ↩ 九霄云外 (jiǔ xiāo yún wài) have several translation, but however it"s said, it"s basically said far, faaaaarrr away~ ↩ I almost racked my brain thinking what the duck is a mouth grain, when I realize that Nan Nan did called his soul mate as preserved/emergency rations. XD ↩

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