☆、Chapter 6

Three months later.

"Ling Chunan, I, I like you."

On the school lane, a pure and lovely looking girl stands in front of Ling Chunan. Surprisingly, it was actually the female lead of the plot, Tong Xiaoxiao, whose face flushed scarlet at this moment, with her fingers rubbing the pink envelope on her hands restlessly.

Ling Chunan looked at the love letter on her hands, and a slight smile formed on his face, "Sorry."

Soon after, he left the girl whose eyes filled with sorrow. He turned around and leave with a large stride, "098, check if the female lead has mental problem?"

"Answering the Host, there"s nothing wrong with the female lead."

"Then isn"t this precisely something wrong here?"

It"s been three months since school started, and before today, the female lead never tried to spoke with him, and everytime he was about to face her, she also turned around to leave at once, and he didn"t even tried to conceal her disgust, yet today she unexpectedly looking for him to confess her feeling…

"How"s the development of the male and female lead relationship?"

"Answering the Host, currently the male lead and female lead were preparing for the New Year"s Day evening party event."

Ling Chunan nodded. The force of the plot is formidable, even though he has smashed the male and female lead"s beautiful first meeting, yet when he didn"t pay attention for some time, the male and female lead still begin to get in touch with each other, and it certainly will result in good feeling to both of them.

In addition, even though the male lead was not hostile to him now, but the male lead"s family clan has gradually linked the clues that the incident of the male lead"s car falling down the cliff that day was pointed to him, if not for Zeng Wuyue, maybe he would have been at odds with the male lead"s family clan now.

In the original plot, he died shortly after because he"s a villain, and now, his counterattack value was still stuck at 60%.

Thinking of Zeng Wuyue, Ling Chunan feels that he"s a little hungry again.

Didn"t know what he"s been up to recently, Ling Chunan haven"t seen Zeng Wuyue for almost two weeks, and because of this, his wrist have been covered with bandage at this moment.

Just when Ling Chunan walked at the school"s gate, 098 hesitated for a moment, "Host, I just received the data. Actually, when you pa.s.sed through and came here, I didn"t gave you the complete story plot."

"En." Ling Chunan was not surprised at all. If the plot is complete, then his counterattack value will be higher than this early on, "Pa.s.s it to me."

The follow up plot that developed after he died after.

There is no sweet, sweet love between the male and the female lead, but the end of the world. Out of nowhere, the virus appeared and centering around the city they"re on, spreading silently. Less than three months, most human beings in the world have become zombies.

And as for the peoples that didn"t get infected by the virus, some of them are just an ordinary person which are physically strong, and another portion of them evolving unusual abilities.

The female lead Tong Xiaoxiao is just an ordinary person, and ten years after she struggled to survive in the apocalypse, together with her boyfriend, aka the admired male lead were driven to the horde of zombies.

That"s right, she was reborn.

The female lead who was reborn knows what will happen in the next ten years, and that means she also knows that there"s a spatial1 pendant in the hands of the future Zombie King, and having the spatial pendant with the spirit spring inside the s.p.a.ce also means that it is possible for the plants to grow.

So she confessed to the villain, whom has some feeling towards her, and gained his trust. In the end she seized his Spirit Spring s.p.a.ce2, and with the help of the s.p.a.ce, she gained a rare healing power, and relying on the s.p.a.ce and the ability, she survived the apocalypse very comfortably, and married happily to the male lead who was the number one powerhouse in the apocalypse.

It was still two weeks away from the beginning of the apocalypse, that is to say that the female lead was reborn last night.

Is that why she confessed to him? Ling Chunan stroked his chin with his hand, "This kind of plot just getting interesting, the one before is very boring."

As for the Spirit Spring s.p.a.ce, Ling Chunan stretched his hand to the front of the shirt on his chest, and traced out a jade pendant. Is this the one?

He didn"t know what kind of tactic the female lead that failed to confess will use later.

Returning to the villa outside the campus, Ling Chunan yawned, "So my mission now is to live until the end of the apocalypse?"

"Yes, host."

"Am I going to have an ability?"

"Answering the Host, the Spirit Spring s.p.a.ce will be able to activating your ability.”

"What about Zeng Wuyue?" He apparently haven"t seen any description about that man at all in the plot hereafter.

"Answering the Host, there is no trace of thas person in the plot, and no information about him can be found. “

If the man dies or became a zombie right away in the apocalypse, doesn"t that mean he"s going to starve? Looking at the bandage on his hand, Ling Chunan feels a little regretful.

The rejected Tong Xiaoxiao returned to the dormitory with a gloomy face, “It"s not right, Ling Chunan obviously likes me, why wouldn"t he accept my confession? Is he reborn too?" thinking up to here, she shakes her head, "Impossible, he died before the start of the apocalypse, even if he became the Zombie King, it"s impossible for him to remember his past live, what"s the possibility in rebirthing? In the end, where does the problem lies?"

At this moment, the dormitory door was pushed open, and her roommate"s voice sounds fl.u.s.tered, “Xiaoxiao, I heard you confessed to the most handsome boy in the school! Didn"t you usually hate him? Why did you suddenly thinking to confess to him?"

"Hate him? ” Tong Xiaoxiao seems to have grasp onto something. “Why do I hate him?”

"Have you lost your memory?” her roommate"s look doubtful, “Did you forget that he disguised himself as a ghost and scaring you at the start of the school? And then the next day he make you look bad in front of everyone in the canteen?"

Tong Xiaoxiao was stunned, she did not remember these two things.

But at this point, it could be said that Ling Chunan didn"t like her. If she can"t take the Spirit Spring s.p.a.ce, isn"t that mean she"s going to become a normal person like her previous life? Looked down by everyone else, and ultimately died in a mound of zombies?

No, she"s unwilling.

"Xiaoxiao, what are you thinking? Your face look scary." Her roommate jumped in fright by the coldness that came from Tong Xiaoxiao.

"It"s nothing, I just suddenly thought that he was nice and good looking. By the way, Qian Qian, I heard that your birthday was in the weekend, so I"ll be wishing happy birthday to you in advance." Tong Xiaoxiao smiled, "Do you invited Ling Chunan to your birthday party?"

"Not yet. I"m going to invite him myself tomorrow, but I don"t know if he has time to come." her roommate face looked shy.

"He will." Tong Xiaoxiao took out a notebook, going along with her roommate who"s got caught up in daydreaming mode.

She doesn"t know exactly what went wrong, but since the emotions card doesn"t work, she could only do it another way.

In the previous life, Ling Chunan died after Lin Qian birthday party when a truck hit him and sent him flying, then a pa.s.sing mini car broke both of his legs. Not only that, he didn"t die on the spot, rather, three hours later, he died on the operating table.

And then after he died, it was not even Ling Chunan"s body that got cremated, and the ashes that was send to Ling family is that of other person"s, and in the end, Ling Chunan"s body himself was thrown deep in a mountain of ten thousand mu3 by someone"s order.

Really to die without a burial site.

As for who"s responsible for Ling Chunan death, the peoples who knew the truth were silent.

Tong Xiaoxiao did not know about this until five years later. At that time, she still had some sympathy for Ling Chunan, but after going through things later, she soon understood that her most important task is to survive, and not sympathizing with others.

Ling Chunan is going to die anyway, right? So wouldn"t it be better to give her the pendant?

(T/N : b.i.t.c.h NO. F U. A smart person would think of saving the future BOSS and get him to their side. How stupid can you be?! Sorry for the plug in. :p )

At this moment, Ling Chunan has taken down the pendant that was hanging on his chest and put it in front of his eyes for careful observation.

This is a very ordinary crescent moon shaped jade pendant, the quality is not that good and it"s even a little bit rough, "Is there really a s.p.a.ce here?"

It"s not surprising that Ling Chunan feels weirded out, he didn"t live past twenty years old in his previous life, and except for movie scripts, he only ever read a few novels.

"Answering the Host, according to the plot, you can make it recognize you as the owner right away by dripping your blood directly on it." 098 answered.

Ling Chunan nodded, then he undoing the bandage of his left hand. The badly butchered wound on his arm has stopped bleeding, and he took another bite on his arm mercilessly. Seeing that the blood had gushed out, he reluctantly dripped a few drops on top of the jade pendant.

Just after seeing the jade pendant sucked in the blood, it turned into a white light and sank into a s.p.a.ce between Ling Chunan"s eyebrows.

Raws words count : 2.481

@Cookies n" Cream , remember when I answered your question some chapter back saying Nan Nan is just an ordinary guy in this world?

Hehe, I"m taking it back. (:з」∠)

Shouldn"t make conclusion before I translate the whole thing. (/ω\)

That comment is deleted now so for not confusing the early readers, hehehe…

Also feeling proud to not have much notes in this chapter. I hope I can make it even less from now onwards…

And also, not sure if this is clear enough from this chapter, but if you don"t get the female lead backstory (somehow), basically it"s like this : on the first world, villain dead (Nan Nan body"s owner), and he"s the zombie king (since he have the spatial pendant) and so the female and male lead died. After the female lead rebirth, she took away the spatial pendant, and kicked villain aside, then got power and living happily ever after with the male lead. This is the plot for the whole.

Nan Nan were in the middle of the rebirth version, so he"s here to obstruct the female lead from getting the spatial pendant from him, and the event followed haven"t happened yet.

Rotten Bird Small Theater

(having an existential crisis and asking oneself if anyone even reading this… OwQ)

Dear Host Nan Nan : "Can"t let my precious ration die! Must protect! Anyway, where are you?!"

The Ration Uncle : "Baby really care about me, I"m so happy! Don"t worry, I"ll be back soon, baby!" ignoring the ration part

A System in the Corner : "…You realize he"s only using you as a reserve food, right?"

The Ration Uncle : "Ah? Who"s talking? I must be hearing things… Maybe because I haven"t seen baby much. Need to hurry up and finishing this matter then go home to hug hug hug then kiss kiss kiss~"

Dear Host Nan Nan : "Wait. What about the s.m.u.t?"

The Ration Uncle : "Of course it"s outside the readers eyes~"

A System in the Corner : "…"

The mandarin is 空间 (kōngjiān), literally mean s.p.a.ce. I don"t really know the difference between s.p.a.ce and spatial, but I will be using s.p.a.ce and spatial at the time I feel it was the "correct" one to put on the sentence, but when you see them, the Chinese characters is the same. ↩ 灵泉空间 (Líng quán kōngjiān) basically mean soul/spirit spring s.p.a.ce or spatial spirit spring. I will be using the English name instead since it"s easier to remember though it is a little lame of a name. XD ↩ 亩 (mǔ) is a measure word for fields. It"s a unit of area that"s equal to one fifteenth of a hectare. ↩

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