☆、Chapter 9

The sunrays that shone through the windowsill was too blazing than it used to be compared with the past sunrise, that it shone the the room brightly.

Ling Chunan opened his eyes and looked at Zeng Wuyue, who was still asleep, “098, tell me about the situation.”

“It"s 10:30 in the morning, and according to the plot, the virus infection has begun, people will faint for a day and a night, weak people will become zombies, and tomorrow morning the world will be occupied by zombies.” 098 voice was calm, “Because the Host awakened ahead of time, you did not faint.”

Zeng Wuyue"s physique is the strongest that Ling Chunan has ever seen, but for the sake of the ration perfection, Ling Chunan still wants to confirm, “Is there a possibility that he can become a zombie?”

“By calculation, the target has a 33.3% chance of becoming a zombie.” 098 answered.

Ling Chunan: “…” One-third of the odds became ordinary people, one-third of the odds became abilities holder, and the remaining one-third became a zombie, which even he can calculate. Thinking of this, Ling Chunan sighed and said, “Would it be effective if I gave him the Spiritual Spring water?”

098 was surprised, “Didn"t you not allowed him to touch Spiritual Spring?” Then it said again : “It"s useless. Spiritual Spring water can only cure wounds, not zombie viruses. In the plot, it is the female lead"s healing ability that cures the zombie virus.”

“Oh.” Ling Chunan nodded and sighed again.

Seeing Ling Chunan"s face full of reluctance, 098 couldn"t help but console him, “Host, please don"t forget your ident.i.ty, you cannot be emotional to the characters in the plot…”

The rest of the sentence was choked in 098 throat.

If it had a body, it would be very dumbstruck at the moment.

Ling Chunan, who was a face that said reluctant to part just now, has begun to ruthlessly gnawing at Zeng Wuyue arm.

098 found that the Host before was still very moderate, and today he seemed to be particularly ferocious. At least he has never chewed out human bones before…

Looking at Zeng"s Fifth Master"s badly mangled wound, 098 could not help but feel a fit of chilliness. It looks really painful. Fortunately, its wit is directly attached to Ling Chunan"s soul.

After sighing regretfully or a moment, 098 finally regained its composure and said carefully: “Host, you do this for?”

“I"m not sure if I still can eat his meat if he turns into a zombie.” Ling Chunan licked his lips with a satisfied look and touched his stomach, feeling a little full.

The part of Zeng Wuyue"s body that was bitten off by Ling Chunan has begun to heal. His flesh and blood have recovered very quickly, and not even that long after, his arms have grown the strong muscles again. If it were not for the fresh bloodstains on his body and the sheets, no one would be able to understand what has just happened here.

After eating his fill, Ling Chunan sat cross-legged beside him, eyes staring at Zeng Wuyue"s body unblinkingly, and finally landed on his handsome face. With a serious face, he said, “I"m worried about him.”

098: “… I don"t believe a word.”

Ling Chunan"s expression became a little aggrieved. “As a partner, especially the one who I may continue to cooperate for a long time in the future, you actually don"t believe me.”

…It seems like what the Host said is very reasonable? 098 wavered a little, and then Ling Chunan threw down his pitiful bed. Accompanied by the bloodstained bed, he put on his clothes and was ready to go out.

He didn"t even covered him with a quilt!

Sure enough, you can"t believe even a word that Ling Chunan said.

Zeng Wuyue"s villa had been reinforced a few days ago, and the servants had been dismissed. Ling Chunan went downstairs, turned on the TV casually, and changed several channels, which all of the programs were already set up.

Feeling bored to the death while leaning to the sofa and changing the channels, "098, what should I do now?”

“Supplies.” 098 reminds him, “You still have a lot of place on the s.p.a.ce.”

“The sun is too bright, I"ll go out at night.” Ling Chunan made a small piece of ice and putting it into his mouth and biting it with a loud noises, then explaining: “The weather is getting hot, I am afraid of the heat.”

Can an ice ability holder be afraid of the heat?

098 innermost core were filled fluctuation, so much so that it want to beat up Ling Chunan at once.

After lying down for awhile, Ling Chunan finally decided to go back to sleep.

After sleeping until the middle of the night, Ling Chunan finally woke up. “I feel a little cold.”

098: “Host, please don"t joke around, you have an A level physique now, in addition to the ice ability, so it is impossible for you to be afraid of the cold.”

“I"m just joking, there"s no need to be so serious.”

Because the peoples were falling asleep very early in the morning, the city has not yet reached the busiest time, so even if peoples were suddenly fell asleep, there is no traffic jam on the road, but contrary to one might expect, there were more traffic accidents scene in contrast.

Most of the vehicles crashed to the greenery area or houses that near the street, and Ling Chunan sped his car against the one way traffic lane, “Next target, downtown department stores.”

Regarding the Host who have fallen into the collecting frenzy state, 098 don"t have the heart to tell him that all of those items can"t be taken away, but it still says, “Host, there are enough things in your s.p.a.ce for thousands of people to use for decades, but please note that this s.p.a.ce usage is only limited in this world only, you can"t take them away.” After saying that, 098 could not help but feeling a burst of gloominess, and although it knew that it was wrong to do so, but getting him feeling defeated once, really make it feel happy.

T/N : this is rare. 098 actually use the informal "you" this time.

Unfortunately, 098 imagination that Ling Chunan would be shocked and immediately returned home didn"t happen, the hand that was holding the steering wheel remained stable.

The lamp of the only car hit in the empty and lonely driveway, which seemed a little creepy, but Ling Chunan was still full of interest, “Have you forgotten the plot? The male lead is in the centre of the city right now, and there are still five hours before he wakes up."

“…So you"re going to beat him up?” 098 was a little scared.

“That was secondary.” Ling Chunan did not deny it, and immediately completed a beautiful drift, the corner of his lip risen to a wicked smile, “The primary is a different matter.”

Soon 098 will know what the so-called primary matter Ling Chunan mean is.

He unexpectedly fed the Spiritual Spring water to the female lead beside the male lead!

“I like her healing powers very much. I remember that until the end of the plot, no antiviral vaccine had been developed. Maybe her ability can be useful for studying the zombie virus, don"t you think so, 098?" After feeding her the water, Ling Chunan got up straight and clapped his hands with satisfaction.

“You want to send the female lead to the research inst.i.tution?” 098 quickly followed Ling Chunan"s line of thought.

“How bad am I in your imagination?” Ling Chunan asked in reply.

098 do not know how to refute, and then it saw Ling Chunan took out two piece of sacks.

Because Ling Chunan did not appear at Lin Qian"s birthday party, nor was he killed by a sudden car accident, Tong Xiaoxiao"s wishful thinking was shattered, and she did not get Ling Chunan"s Spiritual Spring s.p.a.ce. When she saw that the apocalypse was coming, she have no choice but to pick the same path as her previous life.

In any case, hug Qin Haoyuan"s thighs1 tightly first.

Today is the second day of their relationship, and it is also the beginning of the apocalypse. Like the previous lifetime, Qin Haoyuan still asked her to come to the mall to buy gifts for his grandfather who is about to celebrate his birthday.

Originally, Tong Xiaoxiao was reluctant to go out, but when she thought of Qin Hao"s angry appearance, she nodded her head and agreed.

Not surprisingly, they blacked out when they visited the gold counter on the first floor of the shopping mall.

When she woke up again, Tong Xiaoxiao felt a lot of pain on her body, and there was still a sheet of darkness before her. She tentatively wanted to move her body, but she could not move just like when one was having a sleep paralysis.

After struggling for a long time, she finally found out that it was not that she has been pressed by a ghost2, but that someone was lying on her body, and the darkness in front of her wasn"t because she was blind, but because… there"s something that covered her face.

After laboriously turned over the person on her body and break open, only then Tong Xiaoxiao discovered that her head was wrapped with a rough sack.

She reached out and touched the corners of her lips, and the pain in her face made her couldn"t help but sucking in a breath, and she thought unbelievably that she had been beaten in a sack!

And the “ghost” that just pressed on her body was Qin Haoyuan, and the sack on his head looks exactly the same as hers.

Tong Xiaoxiao removed the sack from Qin Haoyuan"s head and then became silent.

An unmatched handsome man, unexpectedly turned into a pig head3, she cannot help but feel like laughing a little, and then touched the wound on her face. Her face is also black and blue, and she does not seem to be much better…

Just as Tong Xiaoxiao examines Qin Haoyuan, his eyeb.a.l.l.s moved and he slowly opened his eyes.

At this time, many people around them also moved with a particularly stiff movement, and slowly got up from the ground, with the eyes that whites has turned muddy, they stared straight to the two, still breathing humans.

After putting up the sacks to the male and female lead, Ling Chunan walked lightly and impolitely took away all the meat in the mall"s freezer compartment, and conveniently took away a warehouse of packaged food, and then returned to Zeng"s Fifth Master"s villa with satisfaction. He sat next to Zeng Wuyue"s side impatiently, waiting for the ration to wake up.

Of course, the premise is to ignore the chains with the thickness of two thumbs he holds on his palm, and the depiction of the iron shackles on the man"s collarbone, "If he becomes a zombie, I"ll tie him to me with this shackles and then raise him up.”

“…It"s good that you"re happy."

Ling Chunan stays on guard for a while, then he got sleepy and fell asleep right away.

After some time, when he"s still half asleep, he noticed that someone was licking him, then he subconsciously holding the neck of the person in front of him and responding enthusiastically.

“Host, don"t you want to lock him up?” 098 said sarcastically.

“Zombies has no temperature. He"s warm, so I"m going to sleep with him now.” Ling Chunan breathed heavily and answered to 098 in his mind.

“Baby, you"re not paying attention.” Zeng Wuyue"s action increased a little.

“Ngh…” Ling Chunan could not help but crying out because of a numbing feeling that spreading from his tailbones to his soul, “098! What"s this guy"s power?"

“Answering the Host, after a.n.a.lyzing it, it"s a thunder…”

Ling Chunan didn"t hear clearly what 098 was explaining next. He"s only thinking of one thing now. He"s unexpectedly use his ability in this aspect, really… cool! Zeng"s Fifth Master was really gifted and deserves to be his favorite ration. Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and took another bite on the man"s shoulder.

Ling Chunan squinted happily, delicious.

Raw words count : 3.303

Woooh~ apocalypse started, baby!

I don"t have much to say so here the little theater.

Rotten Bird Small Theatre

Dear Host Nan Nan : beating the male and female lead relentlessly

A System : "…"

Dear Host Nan Nan : still beating

A System: "Host, that"s enough, let"s hurry up and leave."

Dear Host Nan Nan : paused "Why? Don"t you want me to beat them up? If you didn"t mention it I probably won"t even thought of it."

A System: "…" I never said it okay?! Don"t make a conclusion on your own!

Dear Host Nan Nan : beating a few more times "Alright, alright. I"ll stop now."

A System : "Good, now let"s-."

Dear Host Nan Nan : beating the protagonist one last time "Well, that was a good stress reliever time!" ^_^

A System: "…" -"_"-

This bird : *couldn"t make a good joke atm. _(:3/

if you don"t know yet, hugging one tights basically mean sucking up or staying on a powerful person side. ↩ it means sleep paralysis. Ghost were pinning you down so you couldn"t move. ↩ 猪头 (zhū tóu) literally mean pig head. It also mean jerk or fool. In this context I a.s.sume Nan Nan beat him up so he looks as ugly as pig. ↩

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