Prologue 1

Naga and Harrigan were facing each other in the residence building of the fort.

Harrigan, as always, wore her thinly-made clothing, which exposed many parts of her body, and sat on a folding stool.

Naga was at first surprised by the witches’ clothing, but had recently gotten used to it.

Thanks to that, the number of times he became captivated by the witches’ scant dress was reduced compared to when he had first arrived…. However, he couldn’t stop thinking perverted thoughts once in awhile; he was a man after all.


Today as well, Naga sat at the table while wearing his hakama with flashy hues, the same one he wore when he fell into this world for the first time.


Rather than that, since those were the only clothes he owned, that was the only thing he wore.


Right now, both of them were about to a.n.a.lyze the extent of the Kasandora Kingdom’s military power and their disposition.

Otherwise, they won’t be able to determine the details of their strategy.


Yuki, who conducted the reconnaissance of Fort Ein, said:

“Judging from the time I saw them, I think there are around one thousand of them, and it will probably keep increasing.”


Saying that, the remaining issue, in the end, will be the a.s.sessment of the total enemy forces.

“What do you think about that Harrigan?”


Naga was looking for confirmation, and Harrigan responded.


“Kasandora Kingdom’s biggest mobilization of power will probably be more than 2000. If we consider the conscription of new units from the populace, there’s a chance it would range from 2500 to 3000, I think, but perhaps they won’t do so.”

“Why do you think so?”


“It seems that, a while ago, a battle between human armies concluded. Therefore, it could be said to be one of the reasons why it would be unreasonable to forcefully conscript their own citizens. What’s more, they have to pay attention to other countries’ mobilization.”


“Hm?” – Naga frowned and creased his eyebrows.


“Other countries? What do you mean?”

“Despite the fighting between each country calming down, as well as the support and backup coming from the church, if you show any weakness, you’ll be taken advantage of. Such is the way of this world.”

“I see. If you show a moment of weakness, you’ll be taken advantage of… is that so? I have the feeling it’s a story I’ve heard and seen before.”


For a while, a gruesome smile appeared on his face; nevertheless, it disappeared right away.                 

“In other words, we can’t take the protection of our base lightly.”


Seeing the unusual smile, which appeared on his face, Harrigan felt bothered, however, now wasn’t the time for questioning that.


“That’s right. If they recruit a new army from the public, the fact about the royal capital guard’s defense will be disclosed to the surrounding countries. Deploying newly recruited soldiers would mean the same as spreading around the news about the royal capital being vacant. Knowing that there are no guards will result in the nearby countries trying to aim for it, just like an empty nest, which is possible. That’s why, such conduct is out of the question.”


“Speaking of which, was it 2000… you were talking about?”

“I see it that way. At present, it would probably be their limit.”

“When it comes to that, their raid…. that’s right, it will depend on the extent of the preparations done by the Kasandora kingdom or something like that.”


Naga took the sketched map, drawn by Yuki, in his hand.


“From Fort Ein to this place, there are neither towns nor settlements. There are also no fortifications that could be used to store an army’s provisions. This means that, in order to support the invading army, they will have to carry the provisions themselves.


Naga muttered while focusing on the map.


“If so, they have to a.s.sign 300-400 of their people to their light and heavy troops reducing their actual army to around 1600-1700? Well, I wonder if it also depends on how long they expect the battle to last. Then, were we to consider factors such as their low level of armament, provision, and tactics…”


Raising up his head, Naga said toward to Harrigan.

“I wonder if it will be about 10 days til the start of the battle.”


Harrigan answered while making a difficult expression.

“About 10 days? Indeed, we nearly have no time left.”


“Kukuku”- Naga chuckled as he nodded.


“Far from nearly, we don’t have any time at all.”


His smile, which seemed to be pleased with the difficult challenge and situation, could be said to express a certain seriousness.

“Still, we have the weapons which their comrades left while fleeing. Good thing they didn’t have arrows and bows with them. What’s more, we got our hands on their horses.”


That’s right, at the moment Naga & Co. drove away the troops of Kasandora’s troops, who were occupying the fort, the enemy left spears and bows while fleeing.


Naga and the rest were able to pick up a good amount of the enemy’s weapons without making a great effort.


Nevertheless, the witches didn’t know how to use swords and bows.

With that, picking up the weapons would be useless.

Just what he was aiming for?


“Despite that, to think that the day when I’d ride a horse would come.”

She gave off a sigh.


“But despite saying so, I know it would be different in case of Ais, who runs way faster than a horse, but I think you’re probably different.”


“As expected, when it comes to a running compet.i.tion, I can’t be compared with Ais.”

“You’re making quite the sad expression there, aintcha’?”

“To be honest, I don’t feel inclined to ride a horse.”

“Why is that?”

“No, how should I explain it?”


Harrigan eyes wandered around; nevertheless, she shook her head as if giving up and said.

“Isn’t it scary?”

“You? You mean you’re scared of horses?”

“Don’t laugh!”

“No no, it’s not like I’m laughing. Still, to think that there’s something you’d be scared of, that’s quite unexpected.”

“You’re laughing!”


Snap – Harrigan pointed at Naga as her hair writhed and rose into the air. Seeing that, Naga waved his hand hurriedly.

“Wait wait! To be honest, I’m a little bit scared as well.”

“W, what?”


Because Harrigan’s hair fell limp, Naga gave off a sigh of relief  and said。

“Somehow, I feel like the horses here give off a different sensation in comparison with the ones I know.”


Making a suspicious face, Harrigan asked.

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t quite get it by myself, but, I wonder whether or not I rode horses a long time ago when I was much smaller. Somehow, the sense of compatibility with my body and the horse size are not agreeing with each other.”

“Is that so? So it has something to do with your lost memories…You still can’t recollect anything?”

Once Harrigan asked with a sad face, Naga answered nonchalantly.

“Should I say as much….? It mostly doesn’t improve, but, I’m fine that way. I’ll remember little by little without rushing.”

It was a manner of speech which made one unable say whether the concerned person had amnesia or not.


“Rather than that, I wonder if we shouldn’t return to the topic of horses.”


“It depends on whether the horse is big or small. If we plan to have a good command of it, the bigger one should be better. It can run long distances, and also has good endurance. You, who are witches, in comparison with humans are indeed faster and have better endurance, but still are inferior to horses. As long as it’s convenient, to obtain a result, you ought to use everything at your disposal. Isn’t it better to be prepared?”


“When it’s necessary, I’ll come to help you.”

While saying so and laughing, Harrigan sent him a doubtful glance.

“Even if you say help, how exactly do you plan to do so?”

“True. For example, by picking you up once you fall from a horse?”

“Wouldn’t helping me be something to do before falling?!”

“It’s fine, don’t be angry. Well… in that case, won’t you ride together with me on my horse? By doing so, you won’t have to control the horse, and also there’s no fear that you will fall, right?”

“O-Oh, this is what you mean? I see, it doesn’t seem to be half as bad.”

“In exchange, in order not to fall, you better cling to me, otherwise it might be troublesome, you see? I need you to clasp your hands around my lower back and put your strength into arms, so as to press your chest firmly to my back, you see.”

“So this is your aim?!”


Again, Harrigan’s hair became a bundle and rose up with a swoosh.


“Uwah, wait wait, that was a joke! Don’t hit me with your hair just because of a joke!”


Waving energetically with his hands in front of his eyes, Harrigan’s hair, which was raised in a bundle, fell gently. Naga sighed with relief deep within his heart.



(This girl’s hair is hard, it’s no joke. Were I to be hit with all her might, I’d certainly die.)

“Let’s get back to the topic.”

“I have no objections, but you see…”

“Well, if it’s related to horse riding, you will somehow manage it with a little bit of practice.”

“That’s right. I used to ride a little bit as a little child, so if I practice a bit, I’ll probably grasp that feeling from long time ago.”

“Oh, so there was time you rode?”

“I think I should have told you, but in the past, there used to be vagabonds who would control their horses and visit the black forest. That’s why; we would buy and raise horses together with other clans.”

“By other clans, you mean witches?”

“That’s right, I think this also should’ve been mentioned, but there are several clans of witches inside the black forest. Originally, we wouldn’t interact with them that often, even now, we would mingle with them every now and then.”


Hearing Harrigan’s words, Naga showed an expression of thinking about something.


“The other clans… is it unreasonable to request cooperation with them?”

At Naga’s question, Harrigan answered with a gloomy face.


“I’ve just said, but, we don’t interact that much. Furthermore, the clans of witches usually prefer to work within their own group, so they don’t have any regards for other clans. Not to mention, they don’t seem to ask for a help, unless they, themselves, are in danger.”


”Is that so? So you’re the same?”

“If it were to be the other clan requesting for our help because they are under attack, we would help. Nevertheless, as you can see, we lack manpower, which is not enough to make a difference. We wouldn’t be able to repel even the scouting troops with just 5 or 6 people.”


While folding his hands, Naga nodded, having a serious face.

“That’s true….”

“The other clans are much the same. They are occupied with protecting their own territory. If we try to rescue other clans only to be annihilated by ourselves, wouldn’t it be the same as putting a cart before the horse?”


“If the other clans are annihilated, our position will also be in danger. Look, don’t they say ‘the teeth are exposed to the cold if there are no lips’ ?”


“Do they say so…?”

“No…I think they did say so, but…”

Naga suddenly tilted his head.


“I know what you want to say. Once there are no lips, the next thing that is exposed to the cold are bare teeth, is what you say. However, unfortunately, there’s no person among the witches who would see the future that way. No… there is probably one person that is willing to do so… but let’s leave that for later. Since, for this battle, all the members are already under our leadership, we have to proceed in accordance with the tactics. If we were to add the guys from the other clans right now, it might cause misunderstandings, thus, it may lead to confusion. Wouldn’t that be troublesome?”

“Yea, it’s as you say. If we don’t have all the members operate in union, it will become a bother.”

“What’s more, if we can win this battle, they will probably change that watch-and-see att.i.tude of theirs, and might become interested in listening to us. First, we, the Clan of Harrigan have to win.”

Harrigan declared in a strong voice.

“Well then, we can only do it in accordance with the plan.”


Naga nodded deeply, as he approved of her words.


“Providing that matter is solved for the time being, let’s go back to the main topic. Our strategy is what I explained the other day. Consider that the key to success and failure lies in how much preparation we can do until the enemy attacks.”

“10 days was it? Til then, we have to complete the preparations.”


“No, it requires time to transport and prepare at the spot. What’s more, there is possibility that the army of Kasandora will advance faster than what we expect. For that reason, yes, I’d like to finish the preparations in about 6 days,  7 at the latest.”


Harrigan raised her head as if staring at the room’s ceiling and said.


“Around 6 to 7 days? It seems we won’t have time to sleep or rest.”

“As for that, please give up.”

“I don’t care. If we can protect the fortification with that, we will do whatever it takes. Still…”

For the first time, a shade of anxiety was visible on Harrigan’s face.

“Can we truly repel Kasandora’s army with such a plan?”

“I should have probably told you. In battle, it’s about quant.i.ty not quality. Even if you’re mighty warriors, you cannot face an enemy of two thousand. Providing the terrain is a little bit complex, I can think of several ways, such as a night attack, or a surprise attack depending on the number of units. Nevertheless, in this case, these methods seem to be impossible. The only thing remaining would be to oppose the enemy with numbers.”

Saying that strongly, Harrigan made a miserable face.


“Despite saying numbers, you meant them….?”

“Their appearance does not matter. They will do the a.s.signed job without feeling any unfairness or dissatisfaction. Isn’t that great?”


Saying so, Naga laughed heartily.

“They are guys with lots of fort.i.tude.”


(Should say this guy has a couple screws loose…?)

“What? You still have some doubts regarding the tactic?”

“No, it has nothing to do with that.”

(I wonder if he’s not a little crazy. Just what kind of person are you, I wonder?)

Harrigan uttered those sarcastic words within her heart

“Rather than that, shouldn’t we begin building the actual army soon, as well as its training? We don’t have time, so if we don’t hurry…”


“That’s right, we don’t have time. From now on, we will work day and night.”


As Naga and Harrigan stood up from the folding stools, they left the plain room, with a wooden floor.

What kind of plan will Naga create?

And what did two of them mean by ‘building’ an army.


What kind of preparations will they arrange within the 10 days before the Kasandora Kingdom’s army attacks?

The battle between 20 against 2000 had been decided. This will mark the beginning of the war between the witches and humanity, as well as Naga’s.


 Prologue 2

“What’s the situation of Harrigan and the rest, Eliushune?”

The person that was asking was a short witch with an immature build, which had no curves, wearing a headdress with a characteristic pattern that stood out.

She seemed to be a young girl, whose appearance wasn’t even that of a 10 year old. Her facial expression was young and cute.

What she wore was a short ancient skirt, which had lots of s.p.a.ce exposed. It suited that slender physique that wasn’t curvy.

However, on her face, a fearless expression was to be seen, which didn’t match that appearance of hers.

The atmosphere that she brought was filled with the confidence, which one would think had lots of experience. That disparity could make those who witnessed it anxious.

On the other hand, there was a witch who was probably in her late teens, named Eliushune.

Because she was half kneeling, her height wasn’t clear, but, her back was taller than that of her partner, and her outward look was amazing as well.

Since she was wearing a mantle that wrapped around her body, her body lines weren’t obvious. Nevertheless, there was no doubt she looked older than her companion.

However, what Eliushune said next was

“By the way, Mother,”

She said.

Facing the young girl, she called her ‘Mother’.

The young girl, as well, had a natural expression despite being called that.

No wonder, the witch with the look of a young girl named Vita Solskjær Zuleyma was the in fact the head of the Zuleyma Clan, which ruled the domain next to the one of the Harrigan Clan inside the black forest.

“It seems that the talk about the Kasandora Kingdom preparing an onslaught on the black forest using all its force was true. Right now, two thousand units of their military force have gathered at Fort Ein.”

Vita slightly moved her eyebrows.

“Two thousand? Is that true? Speaking of which, what will Harrigan and Co. do? Do they plan to flee?”

“No, about that…”

On the face of the reporting girl, named Eliushune, a sign of confusion appeared.

“They are preparing for battle.”

“What on earth!”

Vita opened her eyes widely as she bent slightly backward.

The girl composed herself, at the same time looking into Eliushune’s eyes

“Do they intend to fight? Or request a.s.sistance from us? Or could it be, they plan on an honorable defeat? No no, she’s not a simpleton to that extent. Just what is that woman thinking?”

Vita, who was speaking in a manner unsuitable for her appearance, spoke as if throwing away her words.

“If those guys are driven away, the next one to bear the full brunt of the human’s attack will be us. That’s why, I was wondering whether it would be fine to lend them some of our power, were we to be requested to a.s.sist them.”

“It seems that the Clan of Harrigan intends to throw all their forces into that battle with Kasandora Kingdom.”

Vita counted inside her head the witches, which she knew were from Harrigan’s household.

“Despite saying all the forces, certainly, their content of people should be only 20. Throwing in all of their forces is only bound to fail.”

“If those guys’ base becomes empty, it will be the perfect opportunity for us to take over one or two of their fortifications, right?”

Vita, who looked at Eliushune, narrowed her eyes.

“Aren’t you an idiot, Eliushune?”


Being glared at in a scathing manner by Vita, Eliushune was at a loss for words.

“Talking about attacking Harrigan & Co.’s back and stealing their fortification, do you think there’s any profit, in doing that, for us?”

“There’s not…?”

“Doing that will only make them perish faster. Like I said before, if they become destroyed, we will be the next one to bear the brunt of humans’ attack.”

“We need to have them do their best in hindering the human army.”

“Oh, I see.”


(This girl has high level of magic and combat skills, but she’s basically a simpleton. Can’t she understand how complicated this situation is?)

“Fuu” – Vita breathed a small sigh.

(I wish we had some smart witches, like Lela.)

“Mother, is there something wrong?”

“Hm, it’s nothing. Rather than that, don’t take your eyes off of Harrigan & Co, Eliushune. a.s.suming they are driven away, the human army will probably try to invade the black forest. In the worst case, they will stretch their hands toward our territory. I’ll gather all the members, who are my children, and make them prepare for the war.”

“Understood, Mother.”

“I’ll entrust you with watching them, just don’t commit a blunder, Eliushune, got it?”

“I can’t believe you’re saying such a thing, Mother. Have I, Eliushune, ever committed any blunders before?”

“Huuh?”(voice of great annoyance)

Vita glared at her with wide eyes.

“I don’t like that kind of joke, Eliushune.”


“If I were to count all the blunders, which you’ve made until now, it might take all day.”


“This time’s reconnaissance is different. Got it?”

“….Of course, Mother.”

Vita, who calmly nodded, told her solemnly.

“If you commit another blunder, I’ll strip you naked and hang you up on the tree.”

Eliushune distorted her face, giving out a small shriek.

“How cruel!”

“If you don’t like it, then do your job properly and report to me without missing any detail.”

“G-Got it.”

“Then go.”


(When mother says so, then there’s nothing but to do it. Were I to fail in my duty, I’ll be stripped naked and hung on tree… then poked, knocked and toyed with by the other witches.)

Cold sweat surfaced on her face as she stood up.

Once she stood up, indeed, she was taller than Vita, with Vita’s head only reaching the upper part of Eliushune’s stomach, below her chest.


Eliushune’s head began to lower down little by little.

Because her body was hidden under the mantle, it was hard to tell whether or not it was her back shrinking. At least, it looked as if her back was shrinking by looking from the position next to her.

Eliushune’s head instantly matched the height of Vita’s head, who was standing right in front of her eyes.

Despite that, Eliushune’s head didn’t stop descending.

It lowered to the position of Vita’s lower back, and then of her lap, finally ceasing at the moment it was on the level of the wooden floor. It looked as though her head was placed on top of the floor after being beheaded.

Like that, Eliushune opened her mouth.

It was a bizarre scene, which would guarantee those who didn’t know what was happening would shake with fear.

“Once something happens, I’ll appropriately submit the report.”

“I wonder if it won’t be too frequent and wordy coming from you, Eliushune. Be it the army of humans or Harrigan, don’t be careless.”


Suddenly, the remaining portion of her head sunk and disappeared.

What was left, spreading out on the floor, was the lightly brown colored mantle worn by the girl.

Speaking of which, rather than her back shrinking, there is no mistaking it was Eliushune’s magic that made her vanish, in other words, it teleported her to another place.

Watching the mantle lying on the floor without its owner, the head of the witches, Vita, muttered.

“Harrigan, just what are you thinking? If you intend to cause me trouble, I’ll not forgive you. Providing that you do so, I’ll strip you naked and spank that a.s.s of yours a hundred times. Since your a.s.s became quite big, it will be much easier to do so.”


After that, the girl looked up, with sharp eyes, at the back side of the roof, where the beams of the wooden building were exposed.

“Despite that, this att.i.tude isn’t fit for Harrigan. Was there some sort of change in her group? Or could it be that the predecessors, who had left the forest, returned back?…..No no, that can’t be. Even if they were to come back now….. If so…..”


Vita, who folded her hands while deeply pondering, shook her head as she unfolded her hands.

“Well, that’s fine. Rather than pondering about what she plans, if the full force of Kasandora’s army comes to take over the forest…. the situation ahead of us will greatly change. No, rather the whole epoch will be influenced”

“kukuku” –  The young girl, Vita, chuckled.


“a.s.suming that’s true, it will be decided that I will live during a time of great changes. Interesting… isn’t it getting interesting? Hahaha”
Vita sat alone inside the room, her high-pitched laughing voice reverberating.

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