The Craftsman

Chapter 189

Publishedat 16th of July 2019 06:40:08 AMChapter 189

It was a quiet morning so Daedalus decided to continue his work on the Grand Amatas Foundational Techniques, and so Daedalus carefully and quietly got out of bed without waking up Andromeda . After getting out of the room Daedalus sighed in relief and though "Maybe I should learn a proper technique so I can get out more quietly, and much easier . "

With an idea in mind Daedalus made his way to the kitchen and made himself a simple breakfast, before walking to his study . When he arrived Daedalus set down his food on the desk and quickly walked over to the bookcases . To say they where large would be an enormous understatement and so it took Daedalus easily half an hour before he finally found an appropriate technique for what he wanted .

"Andromeda had told him to take a break from the Grand Amatas Foundational Techniques for at least a while right?" he though while smirking slightly . So with gusto, Daedalus began to read .

It was an interesting technique known as the Darklight Swift Steps . It was not even a high level technique to most however at a closer look it was clear to see that the technique scaled with your strength . Daedalus had obtained it from the Dark Shire region Central territory . It was also in the low level techniques section of their library and could be read by anyone .

What shocked Daedalus however was that n.o.body bothered learning it fully as it was too difficult . To Daedalus he found it easy to understand so he decided to truly a.n.a.lyse the technique . What he found however was the reason it was so difficult, it required you to gain an understanding of specific laws and be able to apply that understanding .

Even to Daedalus this would have been difficult, however he had gained a magnificent understanding of the laws of Yin and Yang . These where of course the higher level laws that encompa.s.sed all of the laws necessary for the technique as they where primarily Dark and Light based laws .


With his newfound understanding of the technique Daedalus made his way down to the lake, greeting the servants along the way like usual . After arriving at the lake Daedalus started practicing the technique by the sh.o.r.e and on the soft sand . He did this because it would allow him to see his faults based off of how many depressions he made in the sand .

At first he made numerous mistakes however over the course of several hours Daedalus became better and better resulting in less depressions . Eventually however Daedalus was interrupted by a light cough from the side . As he looked over he smiled wryly and said "So how long have you been watching?"

"Ever since I found the cold food in your study . " Said Andromeda with a teasing smile on her face . She however became rather serious for a second and said "That is an interesting technique, very complicated . What is it called?"

To this Daedalus smiled and said "A common technique from the Central territory in the Dark Shire region, known as Darklight Swift Steps . "

Andromeda hearing common raised an eyebrow and said "Sure, I am going to visit the territory later and prove you wrong . "

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