The Craftsman

Chapter 191

Publishedat 16th of July 2019 06:40:06 AMChapter 191

It didn"t take long for Daedalus to become proficient in using the base form of Darklight Swift Steps . This was mainly because it was based on the Laws he had the best understanding of, Yin and Yang . In total it gave him a speed boost when in use of around three times his usual speed .

It had been around a week of continuous practice and improvements . Daedalus had been practicing this technique as a way of taking a break from making techniques . Though it would prolong his empire"s rise to strength it wouldn"t necessarily be detrimental in effect . So he practiced and enjoyed life without so much as a worry because he trusted his parents to take care of the empire .

Andromeda however was starting to feel as if he would never stop relaxing and thought, "Maybe I shouldn"t have told him to relax?", however Daedalus quickly swept away her worry at the end of the week by saying "Now that I am finished with learning the basics of the technique I will get back to work . " This was said while laying in bed going to sleep .

The next morning Daedalus stuck to his previous words and sat in the pavillion working on the techniques all day . That day became a trend of sorts, as the days went by Daedalus could be seen sitting in his seat in the pavillion every day .

And the months pa.s.sed . Then it was winter and he had finished the final technique . With his goal completed Daedalus finally stood from his chair, stretched, and walked back towards the palace . Andromeda who was just about to come out and tell him to come inside, because it was so cold, looked slightly surprised . Then she noticed the book in his hands it was in his words "The hardest to complete of all other Grand Amatas Foundational Techniques combined . " This was because it was the combination of all of them combined .

In the past year or so that Daedalus had worked on these techniques the overall strength of the empire skyrocketed . The techniques where near perfect for setting a solid foundation, however this final technique he made was a combination of all other techniques and an all encompa.s.sing cultivation technique . The cultivation technique was something he had long been working on, he just needed to give it a small push and it would erupt in power .

After Andromeda saw the book she immediately said "It"s done!?" Daedalus just nodded and handed it to her . Andromeda took it and started reading through it . It wasn"t a long winded technique like so many others, rather it got straight to the point . As she read further into the book Andromeda started to shake in excitement . It was perfect .

A few hours later Daedalus and Andromeda where sitting in his study simply reading . Nothing important or awe inspiring, no it was simply enjoying eachother"s company in silence while reading . Daedalus himself was thinking over the past several years, trying to figure out his future and how far he"d gone .

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