The Craftsman

Chapter 246

Publishedat 14th of September 2019 07:15:10 AMChapter 246

It had been a few hours since Daedalus had spoken with Ceridwen . He was currently sat in a room she had had prepared for him so that he could practice his cultivation without distraction . The same had been done for Danforth and Rudra as well seeing as they came with Daedalus .


Advertis.e.m.e.ntWithin his room Daedalus could be seen looking around . He was quite curious how the room had been built . It was as if nature had formed a room on its own . The room was a spherical shape with a gra.s.s floor, the furniture even seemed to be alive .

After satisfying his curiosity for the time being Daedalus sat on the cultivation pillow . As usual it didn"t take him long to send his senses inward . After hearing what his aunt had to say about the spiritual tethers Daedalus had had a thought about how he might be able to form more .

Years ago when he was in the Sword G.o.d Realm he had trained his energy control to the limit of what it was currently at . His energy was of course far stronger at the time so his current level of control should allow him to create tens of spiritual tethers . However Daedalus had a feeling that the more spiritual tethers you had the harder it would be to advance .

Luckily Daedalus now knew that he could in fact live for millions of years without much worry of age . He would however have to make sure his family stayed alive throughout that time .


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With his decisions made Daedalus returned his senses inward and began to form his second spiritual tether . Compared to his previous spiritual tether his second one was actually formed in about a quarter of the time . This was because he was now more certain on his path and had learned how to do it already . Previously it was his first time doing it so it had taken longer .

And so Daedalus continued to make spiritual tether after spiritual tether, each time becoming slightly faster until he reached the tenth . The moment he began to surpa.s.s the ninth spiritual tether and form a tenth Daedalus felt as though, if he continued he could be killed . Quickly Daedalus understood this as a tribulation .

Daedalus had read about tribulations a long time ago, they where trials sent by the heavens to see if you where worthy of surpa.s.sing it . A description of how it felt was, a sense of impending doom and utter dread . It also always spoke of the difficulty of the path you would be persuing, in other words a warning .

And Daedalus ignored the warning and continued to form his tenth and eventually eleventh and twelfth spiritual tethers . So the heavens revolted . Daedalus hadn"t seen the clouds of pure black malice forming in the sky but he felt it when the first bolt smashed against his body .

With a resounding boom his room splintered and exploded leaving him in the air supported by the domineering energy flowing through him . Soon ten more bolts of lightning fell dashing away the night and smiting Daedalus again and again .

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