The Craftsman

Chapter 260

Publishedat 29th of September 2019 08:35:12 AMChapter 260

After Daedalus caught up with the adventurer"s group the dark elf said "What do you need? Have a quest for us to complete or something?"

Daedalus shook his head and said "I would like to join your adventurer"s group . "

One of the t.i.tans behind the dark elf laughed in a deep voice, he was covered in beautifully crafted plate armour . Eventually he stopped laughing and said "Such a weak elf wants to join us . No offence but you would need more talent than the current top elven genius to join us . In other words unless your below fifty and an S rank adventurer you should give up . "
After saying what he wanted to say the t.i.tan turned around and began to walk away . The dark elf nodded agreeing with him and said "Is there anything else, we have a quest to complete?"

Daedalus smiled and said "Well for your information, I happen to be forty seven and an S rank adventurer . "

The t.i.tan who had begun to walk away turned and looked at Daedalus with a judging glare . Daedalus could tell that he was looking for the veracity of Daedalus" words . So Daedalus didn"t mind too much, however the t.i.tan eventually said "I can"t tell, Jago what age is he?"

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Daedalus smiled wryly at this but soon a young man walked forward and said "He seems to be in his mid forties . However his features seem to have previously looked older . What"s your name?"

Daedalus spoke immediately "My name is Daedalus, I think you might have already guessed but I came from another world . "

Jago chuckled and nodded agreeing to what Daedalus said before speaking himself "I think we should use the testing orb . "

As Jago said that half the adventurer"s group began yelling at him saying "He"s clearly older than he says he is let"s just go . "

Jago shook his head and the dark elf rolled her eyes and handed a small orb to Jago . With the orb in one hand he grabbed Daedalus hand and pressed them together .

At first nothing happened however the orb quickly took in half of Daedalus" mana before producing the myriad lotus . Daedalus felt weak at the sudden decrease in mana and collapsed to the ground . As this happened the adventurer"s group"s eyes widened before Jago quickly hid the orb and picked Daedalus up .

By this time Daedalus was unconscious due to what happened but that didn"t stop Jago and the others from taking him towards the palace . A short while later the group had made their way to the palace gates where the guards, seeing Daedalus, immediately let them in . At the same time the guard commander made his way into the palace and, bowing towards Ceridwen, he said "Your majesty, Daedalus is being returned by the Twelve Trials . He"s unconscious and they seem worried about something . "

As she heard this Ceridwen shouted "Let them in then, hurry . "

A short while later Ceridwen and the Twelve Trials adventurer"s group where stood around Daedalus speaking . Ceridwen said "Your telling me the testing orb formed the myriad lotus!?"

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