The Craftsman

Chapter 274: 274

Publishedat 11th of October 2019 07:10:04 AMChapter 274: 274

As Daedalus looked down at the previously ma.s.sive looking dragon he couldn"t help but notice that he was at least three time larger than it . The dragon also seemed to notice this and its face had somehow gone pale . The dragon knowing it had bitten off far more than it could chew and with suprise said "I didn"t expect you to be a young dragon G.o.d . "

Clearly the look on Daedalus face let the dragon know that he was confused and said "In trade for my life I will give you any information you ask for, my lord . "

Daedalus to be honest felt that this was a very good deal and said "That"s good . Now tell me, who are you and how do you know of the fact that I am a dragon G.o.d?"
The Dragon nodded and said "I am the guardian beast of the Aerian or sky elves . I have been the guardian beast since I was hatched by the elven empress, or the progenitor . My name is Dracoth of Storm . "

Daedalus was laughing in his head about the theatrics the old dragon had put on but said nothing and let Dracoth continue "As for how I know that you are a young dragon G.o.d, that would be because of your enormity and proud stature . "

Daedalus was immediately more curious and said "And how big can dragon G.o.ds become?"

Dracoth nodded and said "Truth be told I don"t know the limit, based off of some simple research I believe there is no true limit on size only on strength which the dragon G.o.ds grows larger with . "

Daedalus was very pleased with what he found out but as he couldn"t think of anything to ask he said "I don"t have any more questions for now however I will return, under my true ident.i.ty, maybe we can put on a little show for the elves when I come back . "

Dracoth laughed merrily and bid Daedalus goodbye before slinking to the back of his cave home for a nap . Daedalus didn"t put it much to mind and simply left, of course transforming back as he left the cave .


As Daedalus returned to the city lords manor gates he thought about the past few months . After he finished his armour and before he went on his journey as the Swordsman, he had asked Ceridwen how to proceed in his cultivation . Ceridwen had told him exactly how to do so .
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The method to continue on the path of cultivation was to compress his aura around his skin and slowly push it through to strengthen his body . When Daedalus had heard he could do it indefinitely he had easily made the decision to spend a very long time doing only this . So as he went around adventuring at any chance he could Daedalus would cultivate and work to increase the number of skins that he compressed .


By now Daedalus had reached well over one hundred and was far more powerful than before . It was also why his dragon form had grown so quickly in such a short time .

Rather than continue on this train of thought Daedalus pushed it to the back of his mind and walked up to the guards by the gates . Daedalus was of course wearing his Swordsman armour so the guards had relatively easily recognised him before letting him in .

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