The Craftsman

Chapter 438

Three years had pa.s.sed since Daedalus won his first compet.i.tion. During the three years Daedalus had won several more easily placing first each time. His last compet.i.tion was to decide who the best was, it wasn"t as easy as previous compet.i.tions but Daedalus still got first. Having won so easily each time Daedalus decided to just retire from body building, it just wasn"t fun anymore.

That was two years ago, in the two years since then Daedalus had taken up a few different smaller hobbies. The only hobby that ever lasted was martial arts and just working out.

The result of stopping body building and going into martial arts, was that his body ma.s.s reduced to a more normal level. Tom was disappointed by this but when Daedalus showed that his strength hadn"t diminished, but increased, he was shocked. This got Tom to recommend him to try a different sort of compet.i.tion from what he had done before.

The compet.i.tion that Daedalus was directed to was called a power lifting compet.i.tion. When Daedalus found information about this compet.i.tion he realised that he was a lot smaller than the other compet.i.tors. Knowing this Daedalus went to Tom and said "I am a lot smaller than them. We both know they will judge me dashed off of that even before I show my strength. I"ll do it."

It took a couple weeks before the compet.i.tion, so Daedalus spent some time practicing the weights. He had come to learn that there where actually world records for heaviest weights and other categories. If he had seen correctly, he could beat most with relative ease, so that"s what he planned to do.


On the morning of the compet.i.tion Daedalus dressed in a simple tank top and shorts. It was basic but he knew that otherwise people would think he was hiding stuff under his clothes.

After getting ready for the day, Daedalus made his way to the gym where Tom was waiting. Tom had been kind enough to agree to take Daedalus to the site of the compet.i.tion.


A couple hours later the two arrived at the location where a crowd was growing ever larger. Daedalus could see that this was more than a simple beginner compet.i.tion, so he asked "What level of a compet.i.tion is this?"

Tom looked over and smiled, then he said "You"re going to rock the world with your strength, but you don"t want to continue. So I"ve put you on the biggest stage."
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Daedalus only smiled at that and hopped out of the car. His height had reduced slightly to only six foot eight, and his muscles had compressed significantly. His body showed little excess fat as he prepared for the compet.i.tion.

Walking into the field Daedalus was met with jeers and some of the compet.i.tors asked if he was lost. Daedalus explained that no, he was not lost, and that he was a compet.i.tor even if his body didn"t show as much. Most of the men there recognised him as the body building champion, commonly known as the G.o.d body, and so had a certain amount of respect for him.

Twenty minutes later the compet.i.tion began, slowly people took their turns, showing their inhuman strength to the spectators. Eventually it was Daedalus turn, as he walked into sight people booed at him and even the judge seemed dismissive.

Not bothering to water down his strength Daedalus walked over to the heaviest weight they had. It was below the world record but only by a bit. The crowd laughed at Daedalus as he stood in front of the weight, four hundred and fifty kilos of steel.

And he lifted it above his head, as the crowd went quiet Daedalus repositioned his hands and let one drop to his side. He was sweating a little now but he held the weight up with ease. The silence was deafening, then he dropped the weight and the crowds went crazy.


This story is written by Joseph Hines

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