The Craftsman

Chapter 445: 445

Publishedat 3rd of April 2020 10:15:05 PM
Chapter 445: 445

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h.e.l.lo again, here is the first update .
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Holy f.u.c.k, I made about a million mistakes with my grammar/punctuation!

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Honestly it has taken this long for an update because I"m still trying to get all of my chapter onto my computer, I wish I had done it from the start . Do comment if you want me to write a chapter or something, I may be editing what I have but I am still planning to write, my goal is still 1,000 chapters after all and I don"t plan on giving up!

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Also, no, I am not going to drop this book, just nipping that thought in the bud . This book is my greatest achievement and what is keeping me mentally alive . It would hurt me more than anyone to stop it all together, it"s why I was so angry when someone stole my book and the Amazon b.a.s.t.a.r.ds didn"t do s.h.i.t, still haven"t done s.h.i.t!

Okay my ranting is over, send me comments if you want a chapter sooner rather than later . Thanks for reading!!!

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