The Craftsman

Chapter 455

Today was Daedalus" birthday. Of course he didn"t celebrate it personally, but the rest of the clan did. The clan itself didn"t have a name of its own, mostly because of the fact that Daedalus didn"t have a last name.

So everyone in the clan vied for a t.i.tle. The t.i.tles where things like, The Blacksmith or The Rose, those being the t.i.tles of Reginn and Rose. Rose"s t.i.tle was unique to her though while multiple people could have lesser t.i.tles of The Blacksmith.


Back to the present, it was Daedalus" one thousandth birthday and the mark of nearly one thousand years of prosperity for the clan. Daedalus was tired though, even though he still had a goal to accomplish he hadn"t been contacted by Hephaestus, at all.

It was exasperating as he still felt he hadn"t reached the true peak yet. He had held it off for a long time, making his own divinity. All he had to do was to condense his energy and combine it with his soul at this point. But something was missing, was gone.

Excitement, but his morals took away a large amount of his choices for that. He owned a galaxy now, but that meant nothing if he was bored. Yet still, he had millions of years left to do everything. It was time for a nap, a long one.

So he decided, at the end of the celebration he would announce that Rose would take his place as the clan head. He wouldn"t lie, she was his favourite child. Then he would sleep, maybe for a year or two, or maybe a thousand. It didn"t mean he would simply get in a bed though, no, he hadn"t pretended to be a dragon with a ma.s.sive h.o.a.rd of treasurse.


Unsurprisingly Rose saw through the fact that he had a plan, so he made the announcement a little sooner. There was a small wave of surprised voices at that but not much was said, they where all a family after all not, it wasn"t like every single one of them would be in an uproar over it. They thought he would have done this years ago.

With that said and done Daedalus finished up his food and asked Rose, Reginn and Ronin to meet with him after the celebration was over. They of course acquiesced to this and got back to the celebrations.


The next morning Daedalus met with the three in his study. It didn"t take long after they arrived before the three of them started trying to get Daedalus to not leave. Definitely for an indeterminate amount of time, but Daedalus was determined.

So, by the end of the day, Daedalus was gone. With him he had taken a small amount of gold and gems as well as numerous special metals. Then he went to one of the largest planets in his galaxy, as it took only a thought to bend s.p.a.ce-time to move him where he wanted to go.

The planet was enormous enough that it requires five different suns to orbit it and give it enough light for a proper day-night cycle. And Daedalus decided to make his home for the time being, in a mountain hollowed out by dwarves, though they seem to have been kicked out by a small drake.

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