The Craftsman

Chapter 462

Daedalus was happy to kill the little fire drake to take the mountain for himself. Even more so when it called itself a dragon. Daedalus had had problems with other races calling themselves dragons in the past, so it was fast.

With that done Daedalus had made his way inside to take a look around at what was in the enormous city. The city itself was rich with precious gems and all manner of impressive architecture and wonderfully crafted armours and weapons.

The most impressive thing Daedalus found, was the throne room. It was suspended by bridges of stone as if the room had been carved out of the rock leaving only the walkways intact. Daedalus found the foresight and planning impressive, as it was far easier to just carve out the entire room and then build the bridges.

Anyway, that wouldn"t matter in the future near or far, he had decided to be like any other dragon for a time and sleep in the horde of treasures. So finishing up exploring his new home Daedalus took on a size only slightly larger than the drake and made himself comfortable.


A century past, and Daedalus was woken up by the sound of his ever silent treasures moving. Opening his eyes Daedalus saw a man slowly sneaking toward him, there was an enchanted blade in his hands and he looked determined.

It took Daedalus a minute to realise that the man was a dwarf and looked suspiciously like the prince that he saw in a few murals. It was quickly clear to Daedalus that the dwarf had come to reclaim his home. So much to his annoyance the dwarf was trying to kill him.

Slowly standing to his full height Daedalus said "I was hoping my sleep wouldn"t be disturbed but I see that was a mistake. I should have guessed this would happen if I took a dwarven city to sleep in."

The dwarf looked terrified now but more than determined to accomplish his goal. Daedalus huffed in annoyance and said "You can have to d.a.m.n place, wasn"t comfortable anyway. But I"m taking the treasures."

The dwarf looked shocked and opened his mouth before closing it and just nodding with a confused look. Daedalus chuckled and used his dimensional storage to take all of the treasures. It was pretty but the dwarf had woken him from his sleep.

The dwarves eyes widened and he looked around confused. Daedalus ignored him and left. Time to find another place to rest.


Seeing a mountain in the distance surrounded by only mountains, stone and nothing else. This time Daedalus decided to try something different.

Landing on the mountain Daedalus made his body temperature increase until to stone boiled and slowly he sank the ground until a valley of lava had formed. To make it even more interesting Daedalus put all of the dwarven treasures into the lava and finally relaxed into the pit as if it where a hot tub. Nice and cozy.

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