Sorry, this was over an hour late. I’ll post the preview later today.

t.i.tle: The Crazy Adventures of Wu Gate
Author: 影照
Chapter: 014.2

The people on the stage had been changed. Young servant boys had started to softly sing "The red sunset".

"The red sunset is the most beautiful,

It"s warm and unhurried,

The sunset is a late blooming flower,

The sunset is a wine that"s been stored for many years…"

QingQiao let out an unrestrained smile. Her face was like a cloud made of gentleness and softness.

Old father Gu, although I wasn"t your biological daughter, you were the person that treated me the best in this world. At that time, if you didn"t give me shelter under your wing, would I have lived such a free and peaceful life for the last five years? Her heart felt somewhat regretful. She turned her head to look at a distant place.

Dong Xi"s entire body stiffened in surprise as she stared at QingQiao. Why did her face look like she eaten feces? Was she bleeding from her period? Dong Xi had a sense of uncertainty and looked away. Her gaze landed on a familiar figure that was standing underneath a shelf of flowers.

He was staring at her. (Start of QingQiao"s thoughts.)

He seemed to be smiling, but that smile had traces of coldness. He seemed to be frowning, but his eyes were shining. He was definitely attractive. He was as beautiful as a celestial being. He looked as if he was at the point of giving up all hope.

Sound of flapping wings. It was if her heart was full of b.u.t.terflies flapping their small wings.

For a moment, it seemed as if they were the only two people in the world. The only two people left…

Bah! Author, I already said it would be enough just to have him. Why am I still here?

Dong Xi looked at miss"s flabbergasted and foolish expression. She immediately thought, thunder G.o.d and lightning G.o.ddess, please be charitable and strike me dead with a lightening bolt.

Duan Yu seemed in the midst of pondering something. His hands were clasped together and he continued to silently stand there.

He was waiting. He was waiting for his antic.i.p.ated reaction to happen.

However, just as he was suffering from a momentary lapse from concentration, he heard a plopping sound and an unknown object landed on his face. The unknown object stayed on the prince"s face 1.5 seconds, and then it slowly slid down. His face that was so beautiful that this event was extremely tragic, would anger G.o.ds and mortals, and the heavens were upset.

The entire world was quiet. It was absolutely quiet because everyone had been scared dumb.

Duan Yu resisted with great difficulty from becoming angry. His livid face looked at the unknown object on the ground.

It was an embroidered shoe.

"Why did you come here? Leave! Leave this place…" QingQiao stood up from her bamboo couch. Rage that was directed towards Duan Yu was written across her face. It was a look of intense and deep-seated hatred and an unwillingness to exist under the same sky with this enemy.

Everyone gasped. What? Nowadays, was the person who had been hit being more polite than the person who had hit him?

"… This prince had come here especially to see you." Duan Yu had been angered to the point that his face was entirely red and the veins in his forehead were protruding. "… Could this be the way you greet this prince?"

"Humph! Who wants your faked good intentions?!" QingQiao picked up her other shoe in preparation of throwing it at him. Her voice was indignant and resentful, "Didn"t you want me to die? Didn"t you shoot an arrow at me when we were on that mountain? Didn"t you aim the arrow at my forehead?"

Everyone was surprised. Then, they looked at the prince with a complicated expression. Oh. They hadn"t expected another hidden secret.

"You misunderstood…" Duan Yu froze for a moment. He hadn"t expected that this young girl would still be thinking about what happened near Shang Qing Temple. "At that time, I wasn"t intentionally…"

"Not intentional? What do you count as not intentional?" The more QingQiao talked, the angrier she became. Tears dropped from her eyes like flower petals.

The people felt sorry for her as they watched.

"You said you would protect me. You said that when I"m with you, I don"t have to worry… But, when I was capture by that strange man, where were you? When I was forced by him to watch that carnage, where were you? I waited for you to come save me. When you finally came, I saw that your bow and arrow was positioned to shoot me… After I woke up in Gu residence, when I couldn"t sleep peacefully sleep at night because of nightmares, where were you?"

By this point, she was crying so much that she couldn"t speak. She was curled up like an injured baby deer. She seemed so sad that it looked like she wanted to die.

As if she was licking her wounds, she continued, "… I waited so long for you. Why didn"t you come visit me? Why didn"t you come to explain? These past days, I was so scared. I was scared to eat meat and couldn"t stand the sight of blood. Every night, I would wake up crying… Why didn"t you come earlier? What does it mean if you come now? What does it mean?!"

Everyone started to have teary eyes after listening to these fragile sounding questions. In their hearts, they thought no wonder miss was acting weird after she came back. So, it was because she suffered such a huge shock when she was outside. They felt incomparably sympathetic towards her.

Duna Yu"s expression gradually relaxed. Warmth and softness appeared on his face.

This translation belongs to FuyuNeko. Please use an ad-blocker, meow.

"It… It was my fault." His voice was somewhat hoa.r.s.e. His face seemed as if it was covered in mist and there was starlight at the center of his eyes as he said, "Don"t cry anymore. Okay?" With big steps, he walked to the front of QingQiao. He held the young girl safely into his arms as if she was the world"s most fragile treasure.

"… I shot the arrow at you because someone had trapped you in an illusion. I couldn"t see you where you were, so I could only use feeling to aim the arrow. After all, this was the only way to break that cult"s illusion skill…"

"You"re lying!" QingQiao resentfully wiped her tears and runny nose on his white clothing. "The forest had so many trees. How could you have known that I was hidden under that tree?"

"… I didn"t know. I could only try." Duan Yu stroked her hair. His voice was incomparably affectionate and tender as he said, "I saw that Zuo Qing was underneath that tree and I thought that you wouldn"t have walked too far from him…"

QingQiao hummed for a moment before burying her head in Duan Yu"s chest. She didn"t continue to speak.

"It"s okay now. Don"t continue to be difficult." Duan Yu said in the same tone one would use to coax a child. His eyes were full of gentle feelings. "That day, after I obtained that cult"s tracks, I immediately went to the palace to find my emperor brother to discuss… I didn"t expect that my actions would seem like I was snubbing you and that you would have such odd ideas. Ah, it was entirely my fault. Now that I admitted I was wrong. Don"t be angry with me anymore. Okay?"

The girl in his arms shifted around. It seemed as if she had relaxed, but in the next moment, she became rigid. Her voice was a like a fly when she said, "… I can"t even stomach eating braised pork anymore…"

Duan Yu"s lips curled up. This specious smile that floated on his face made it difficult for others to tell his thoughts.

"… What do you want as an apology?"

QingQiao pondered this for a long time. She quietly raised her small face that was as tender and lovely as a flower.

"Will you be willing to give me whatever I want?"

"… As long as it"s something within my residence, I will give it to you." Duan Yu softly said.

QingQiao gazed at him for a while. She did her best to a.s.sess the credibility of his words, but the only thing she saw was messy emotions.

Duan Yu looked at her in return with a deep gaze. His face was like white jade and glazed porcelain. It emitted a gemstone glow. He was so perfect that he didn"t seem like a real human.

(T/N: What"s with this over-the-top description?)

"… I want to go back to my room…" She noticed the curious expression on the servants and lowered her blushing face, "There are so many people here…"

Duan Yu laughed and picked her up. He carried her outside while taking large steps.

A match made in heaven! A match made in heaven!

The servants had watched a wonderful idol drama for free. They couldn"t get enough of that rollercoaster of emotional exhibition. Everyone sighed as Duan Yu and QingQiao left.

Only Dong Xi was dazedly standing in her original place.

A moment ago… Was there her misconception? When the prince had picked miss up, why did miss"s smile have a trace of craftiness? And that bright and shiny look in miss"s eyes… She couldn"t be wrong. It was that familiar "success!" happy expression.

Ah, this was hard to understand.


Today"s weather was sunny and cloudless. It was crazy everywhere ~


She finally succeeded.

QingQiao easily and comfortably nested in Duan Yu"s chest. She couldn"t resist the wave of ecstasy in her heart. If the emperor"s spirit was really around Duan Yu"s side, with the words that he had just said, wouldn"t she be able to obtain it without effort?

She inhaled, buried her face in Duan Yu"s clothing, and secretly laughed.

Dong Xi, don"t say this miss hasn"t taught you anything.

In this world, as long as you dare to take action, you will regain the initiative. Adversity will change into favorable circ.u.mstances.

This is the reason why the saying goes, attack others before they attack you.

(T/N: When Duan Yu asked QingQiao what she wanted, is that the moment when he realized that she was faking?

I really like this story, but there are moments when I think QingQiao is extremely stupid. Does she never consider that other people will also know about the valuable items she wants to collect? And that if she tries to obtain those items, she"s putting herself and her adopted father in danger. At the very least, if the monk knows, then someone must have told him and that person could have told other people.)

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