t.i.tle: The Crazy Adventures of Wu Gate

Chapter: 017.2 of 087

Mister Qi’s face looked as calm as before without the slightest difference, “… What type of meat does Miss Gu like to eat? This Qi luckily has a group of people that hunt for novelty. As long as Miss Gu asks, this Qi will be able to get any delicacy that Miss Gu wants."

What nonsense. If I want to eat dragon meat, will you be able to get it?

Qing Qiao smiled sweetly, used her sleeve to hid her face, and delicately and shyly said “Pork would the good. Pork is the tastiest.”

There was suddenly a m.u.f.fled gurgle behind the teacup in Duan Yu’s hand.

“Miss is a beautiful woman. Why stick to eat a food that’s filthily raised like pork?” Mister Qi shook his head with a pitying expression. "I heard that at the southern border of the country, there’s a lake that has a rare type of fish called ruo fish. These fishes grow from absorbing the world’s spiritual energy. On their back, they have a peony pattern and they only grow an inch every ten years. Is Miss Gu interested?”

Wow. They only grow an inch every ten years and they look different from other fishes. Without a doubt, these fishes are aquatic creatures that suffer from Down syndrome! En, who named the fish ruo? It’s good naming. A brilliant naming. A naming with foresight.

(T/N: Ruo usually means weak or inferior.)

Facing Duan Yu’s beautiful eyes and eyebrows, Qing Qiao’s soft voice childishly said, "No need for Mister Qi to trouble himself. Little Qiao is pork’s G.o.ddess of compa.s.sion and mercy after all and should naturally support my own business. Mister Qi, pork is the best. It strengthens and repairs the body by nourishing the yin, skin, and muscle. Pork can also be used to nourish women who have postnatal blood deficiency. There’s no food more lovable than pork."

By this point, Duan Yu didn’t know what to say. He stiffly turned his face away from her.

Mister Qi looked at her with rapt attention for a long time and then suddely smiled, “Miss Gu is so cute.”

“Don’t feel any hesitation in saying this to me. Everyone has always said those words to me.” Qing Qiao touched her face and loudly laughed. She thought that this Mister Qi’s teeth were bright enough to be white.

Mister Qi suddenly turned around and said an inexplicable sentence to Duan Yu, “Prince, perhaps she would be able.”

Duan Yu’s face immediately froze. After he thought about it for a long time, he finally said these words with difficulty, “… No! It can be anyone else except her.” When he said these words, his eyes were gloomy. He didn"t have the slightest amount of his usual carefree n.o.ble look.

Mister Qi was stunned, and then he helplessly sighed, “Rumors have said that Prince Duan and Miss Gu’s feelings towards one another are as deep as the b.u.t.terfly Lovers. Today, this Qi could be counted as seeing it with his own eyes. The prince could reject even this Wan Shi Tong"s request because of Miss Gu.”

(T/N: b.u.t.terfly Lovers is a famous ancient Chinese tragic love story. Out of all famous lovers, why did Mister Qi pick this one? But, I might be overthinking it. Most famous Chinese love stories are tragic.)

(T/N: Wan Shi Tong as in a person who knows everything.)

Wan Wan Wan Wan Shi Tong?

Hearing the keyword appear, Qing Qiao’s ears perked up. Her body’s radar cells activated.

However, Duan Yu only showed a cold face. His body’s coldness was like the sharp edge of a spear. He clearly didn’t want to continue this topic.

Mister Qi faintly smiled. He clapped his hands to call the servants to bring up tea and didn’t mention anything related to Qing Qiao.

After lunch, Duan Yu accompanied Mister Qi to go play chess. Qing Qiao strolled around the prince’s residence by herself. She plotted how to make discreet inquiries about the Emperor’s Spirit.

When she had walked to a secluded place, she looked around for a moment. She mustered up her courage and finally shouted, “Qiao Feng! Qiao Feng! Come out quickly!”

After she shouted three times, she didn’t seeing any movement. However, a fat nameless cat at the corner opened its dignified eyes and rolled its eyes with impatience at her.

F*cking sh*t, why are you pretending to be deaf at this critical moment?

She was so angry that she stomped her feet. She gradually raised her voice as she said, “I know you’re following me! Come out quickly! If you don’t come out now, I’ll have Duan Yu change the color of the crow men’s clothing into bright red!”

After a moment of silence, a head that was trembling with fear quietly popped out from behind the top of the wall.

Qing Qiao pursed her lips with a proud expression, “This miss has a question she wants to ask you. Answer me properly. Who is Mister Qi?”

Qiao Feng’s head immediately sank down by a quarter, “I… don’t know.”

Qing Qiao opened her large eyes wider to angrily stare at him and threatened, “If you don’t say, I’ll have only the color of your clothes changed to bright red.”

“… Mister Qi is the famous Wan Shi Tong from the martial arts world. He knows everything under the sun. He’s one of the prince’s confidants.” Qiao Feng’s expression was like a wailing person at funeral. Escaping wasn’t an option, but not escaping was also bad.

“What’s his actual name? Why wouldn’t the prince tell me his real name?” Qing Qiao blinked, “Does Mister Qi really know everything?”

Qiao Feng quietly wiped away the sweat on his forehead, “Mister Qi’s name has always been a secret. This is just what this small one has heard; if you could get Mister Qi to accept your request, there’s nothing that he can’t find out."

This translation belongs to FuyuNeko. Please use ad-blocker, meow.

Qing Qiao quietly said, “Yi.”

So there was also an "Inquirer" character in this place. It was truly that the heavens never barred one’s way. If she didn’t despair, she would find a way to go home.

She expressed her thanks to G.o.d and then turned her head to ask, “What does Mister Qi want in return for finding out the information?”

Qiao Feng immediately had a sympathetic expresion in his eyes when he looked at her, “Mister Qi temperament is strange. He never accepts anyone’s request. All along, this only happens when he’s happy and asks someone of his own initiative if they have a request they want him to fulfill.”

Qing Qiao was so angry with herself that her blood flowed in the opposite direction. She almost fainted.

No wonder when Mister Qi had asked her what first meeting gift she wanted, Duan Yu’s reaction was so huge. As it turns out, it was because she had wasted a once in a blue moon opportunity!

Wu wu (sound of crying)

Prince, you don’t need to be angry! I know I was wrong! Let me strangle myself to death first!

Holding her damaged delicate heart, Qing Qiao falteringly asked her last question, “… Do you think that Mister Qi would make the offer to do something for a person twice?”

Before Qiao Feng had the chance to speak, a sonorous voice traveled to them from a nearby place.

“Ah Qiao is so obedient. Why don’t you ask me this question?”

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