The Crazy Adventures of Wu Gate

Chapter 008 (Part 2 of 2) of 087

Second half of chapter 008 will be posted on Monday, August 21st.

Chapter 008 (Part 2 of 2) of 087

Setting sun. Green trees. Sunset clouds.

A man was standing the temple"s main hall"s entrance. He was staring into the distance in the North direction. QingQiao looked into the distance for a moment too.

Finally, she couldn"t resist voicing her thoughts, "Great Master, you"ve gotten fatter." The man turned around. His face was as plump as glutinous rice. His smile was as bright as mountain flowers.

"Very good. When your mind is serene, you"ll be worry free. When you"re worry free, you"ll gain weight," Great Master Kong Kong said. "Miss Gu, we meet again."

"E mi tuo fo," QingQiao followed suit by putting her hands together in greeting. "To meet again after five years, we have fate." Compared to that year, the head monk was still a fat monk, but that girl had grown up.

"Does Miss Gu still constantly think about returning home?" The head monk shook his head, "The mortal world has a fixed destiny. There was a reason you were brought here. If you leave, there must also be a reason. Why must you forcefully find a way to return?"

"Great Master, you spoke well. This mortal should wait and not insistently demand. But&h.e.l.lip;" QingQiao softly smiled while lifting her left hand. Her embroidered sleeve slipped down halfway to reveal a delicate, snow-white arm. The wind blew over, and the bells jingled. The silver bracelet was dazzling. Its sound was like colored gla.s.s.

"But fate has unexpectedly given me hope." She stared at the Great Master with a serious expression.

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