t.i.tle: The Crazy Adventures of Wu Gate

Chapter: 015.1

Early summer was always a wonderful time.

The wind was gently blowing. The insects were quietly droning. The scenery was charming and gentle under the golden light.

The sun looked at the handsome man near a window frame and couldn"t resist sighing.

Even a G.o.d couldn"t match this man"s peerless good looks and poise. At the moment, he was whispering into a young girl"s ear. The young girl seemed to be amused from his words. When she turned around to make a move to playfully hit him, he used both of his hands to stop her from moving and hugged her closer to his chest.

They looked like two people who only interested in their own little world.

Looking at their honey-sweet and tender sentiments towards each other, even the air around them was sweet. So, this was the mortal man that my moon brother was in love with. He was outstanding and brilliant as expected… but it looked like his heart already belonged to someone. And these two looked so intimate. Moon brother, your dream of him writing a love poem for you would be impossible to achieve…

The sun shook his head and looked away.

"Are you finally not annoyed with me?" Duan Yu softly asked and looked at the beauty in his arms.

QingQiao blushed and lowered her eyes without saying anything.

“… How about I take you out to look around?” Duan Yu murmured. His hands caressed her peach-like cheeks. His eyes were hazy as if he were intoxicated.

QingQiao tilted her head to look at their entangled and ambiguous shadows on the ground, “… I want to visit the prince’s residence. You said you would give me something as part of your apology…”

Duan Yu couldn’t resist laughing. His hand tightened around her a bit, “So, you’re also greedy. Okay, I’ll take you there now.”

QingQiao held back her irritation and playfully pouted instead.

Duan Yu laughed louder.

What am I doing?

QingQiao looked at the man in front of her. His laughter was incomparably joyful and delightful. Her heart suddenly ached because of her sin of ill will.

For my personal benefit, I’m using my beauty to deceive another person of his feelings. Truly, I’m letting down my country and its people…

But, I’m also innocent. Without rhyme or reason, I came to this uncivilized world. My only wish is to return home. I don’t want to remain here. Only…

She opened her eyes that could distinguish between right and wrong and silently looked at Duan Yu.

You won’t like me. You just think I’m amusing. In your life, there will never be the word “love”. Your doting and indulgence of me is probably only a momentary whim. And, when I’m not here in the future, there will be many people that love you, like you, and fawn over you. You simply won’t care about my disappearance, right?

But no matter what, I’m still using you.

She closed her eyes and gently moved closer to Duan Yu’s chest.

“I’m sorry,” she very quietly and sincerely said.

Duan Yu’s body jolted and the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

He kept holding QingQiao, but in an area that she couldn’t see, a biting cold madness grew. That icy cold penetrated the bones and would catch a person unaware.


It was early summer in May.

During this time, the sun would always enjoy himself. He didn’t need to use too much energy and would occasionally be able to slack off.

He slightly scattered some sunlight and closed his eyes to nap.

On this golden day, there were a man and woman harboring ulterior motives.

Humans ah, heh heh, always so amusing.

The little wind whooshed. The horse slowly chased.

QingQiao lay down on the window frame and curiously looked around to evaluate.

Duan Yu’s carriage was large, but cozy. The inside of the carriage was in dark hues and looked simple and elegant.

“Hey, why don’t you have a fox or tiger skin spread out?” She asked Duan Yu with a smile. Those transmigration books all said that a beautiful man must have a super luxurious carriage. Where was the skinned white tiger or snow fox fur that would be carelessly tossed into the carriage? In any case, anything could be used as a seating cover as long as it was expensive.

“It’s summer right now.” Duan Yu’s warm fondness from a moment ago had already changed. He only looked at her indifferently now.


This translation belongs to FuyuNeko. Please use an ad-blocker, mew.

“Eh, how come your carriage only had a couch? What about a tea table? A chessboard? A guzheng? Various luxurious furniture?”

(T/N: Guzheng is a Chinese musical string instrument.)

“Too heavy. It would slow me down if I had to flee.”


"Oh right, why isn’t your carriage all white like your clothes?”

“Because sometimes there will be other people sitting in the carriage.” He paused and then meaningfully looked at her, “Other people, they will always be a bit dirty.”

QingQiao imagined strangling this abnormal person to death.

QingQiao stopped talking and fiercely glared at Duan Yu for a moment. She puffed out her cheeks and looked at scenery.

A soft cloak covered her. It stuck to her face and wrapped up her entire body.

“Your body isn’t well. You can’t catch a cold.” It was still that cold tone of voice and it carried a bit of an order, “Don’t let the wind blow on you so much.”

QingQiao twitched her lips. She didn’t continue to look at him. Her expression showed her resentment.

Ah this prince, his face changing was faster than flipping the pages of a book. Where did the sweet speech and honeyed words that he said in Gu residence go? Ai, as the saying goes, accompanying an emperor was like accompanying a tiger. From the way she saw it, a prince was almost the same as an emperor. After all, they were both born from the same mother…

The carriage had quickly stopped.

In a slightly stiff voice, the driver said, “Prince, we arrived at the w.a.n.gfu (prince"s residence).”

This… was the prince"s residence?

*sound of cackling*

Gu QingQiao felt as if a crow had flown over her head.

She looked at the magnificently and elegantly dressed Duan Yu, then she looked at the shabby courtyard that only had three rooms and only one and half rooms looked okay. She couldn’t connect the two things for a long time.

A door that had been worn down by years of without repair, a moss covered well, window paper that would have fallen apart if she touched it once, and a guard dog that was so thin that only its bones were left…

Her gorgeous illusion had been completely destroyed by reality.

… Prince! Who would have thought you were so poor? This prince’s estate, it couldn’t even match half of Gu family’s reception pavilion. Could it be that all of your money was spent to raise crow men (T/N: black robed guards)?

Ai, if she thought about it, this does make sense. You’re always so extravagant and ostentatious for the sake of your reputation. The arrow that you shot at me that time was even made of gold. Such extravagance and waste. You must have used up your wealth. Your concern for your reputation has resulted into such a condition. This is tragic enough to scare people…

“How is it?” Duan Yu didn’t seem to consider this shameful. Instead, he was faintly smiling at her.

“Very… pocket-sized.” She considered for a long time and finally thought of an adjective that wouldn’t be contrary to her conscience or hurt his feelings.

“As long as you like it, it’s good.” Duan Yu was very satisfied with her reaction, “Take whatever appeals to you from this residence. Don’t need to be polite.”

What can I take?

QingQiao looked at him with incomparable resentment Her intestines had almost turned green from regret. Only a fated and respectable person could wear the emperor’s spirit. Since you live in a shack that’s offensive to the whole of society, you won’t have the thing that I’m looking for. His grandmother, I used my beauty for nothing.

“Are you not saying because you’re too surprised?” Duan Yu turned his head to look at her eyes. His shining eyes were full of inquisitiveness.

T/N: I missed reading QingQiao’s ridiculous thoughts.

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