t.i.tle: The Crazy Adventures of Wu Gate

Chapter: 20.1 of 87

After leaving the main hall, Qing Qiao felt that her hands and feet were ice cold and that her figure was floating. She swayed side to side with every step she took.

She thought of Mister Qi’s distorted face when they left the room. The words "overflowing with enormous anger" were carved onto every strand of his hair.

“Why? Why did you lie to him? Clearly, you could have told him the truth!” Each accusing word was said while he gnashed his teeth in anger.

This uncle, are you joking? By chance, I unfortunately offended a high-ranking person that has your full support and protection. At any moment, I’m in danger of being killed in a b.l.o.o.d.y way by him. Even if you don’t care about my little life, I still care!

She tried her best to persuade him. In the end, she used the excuse that since Shao Yi’s body was very fragile, he shouldn’t be provoke as a way to placate Mister Qi. She agreed again to staying at Qi residence for a while and that her name would be changed to Du Chun Jiao during her stay.

“… That name is so vulgar and coa.r.s.e.” As they were about to disperse, Mister Qi couldn’t resist mumbling his complaint, “How could you think of such an unsophisticated name?”

“Who knows? At that time, the name came to be in a divine light.” She smiled sweetly, “Perhaps, my name was Du Chun Jiao in my previous life.”

Just as she returned to her room, Dong Xi smiled at her with radiant delight and fluttered over to her like a b.u.t.terfly. “Miss, Prince Duan sent you a letter!”

“Why are you that happy?” Qing Qiao’s heart was twisted with sourness, “Why aren’t you asking if your master’s night went well?”

Dong Xi held the letter. It wouldn’t be good if she went closer or retreated. She could only lower her head and mumble, “… Miss.”

“Fine, read the letter out loud for me.” As always, Qing Qiao couldn’t stand looking at someone being pitiful. She dryly coughed once and composed herself into a heroic form.

“That’s my good Miss.” Dong Xi opened the letter with a smile. She cleared her throat and crisply p.r.o.nounced each word:

"My dear little Qiao,

How was your first day at Qi manor?

After you left this prince’s residence, this prince had missed you terribly and hasn’t been able to sleep soundly. This prince wholeheartedly hopes that you will miss this prince as much as this prince has missed you.

The martial arts world is dangerous and vicious. Every day, this prince prays that you will be able to accomplish that extremely difficult task and return home safely. If you cause a disaster to happen that threatens your life, please remember that the most important thing is to return to this prince’s residence. This prince had already prepared Zuo Qing to respectfully wait for you if you need to flee for your life. He"ll bring you to the ends of earth. I guaranteed that no will be able to catch you.

Yours truly

Love you, Duan Yu


The bag that little Qiao gave me was very unique. This prince liked it very much and has ordered the servants to make copies of it. Everyone has said this bag has an unprecedented capacity. It can actually hold five sesame-coated cakes. It’s truly worth of celebration.

Dong Xi put away this “love letter” that seemed more like cursing no matter how she looked at it. Dong Xi looked at Miss with embarra.s.sment and kept trying to say something before stopping herself.

Miss held her cheeks without saying a word. Her expression was ashen.

“That…. Miss, is the prince unhappy and resentful that you’re staying at Qi residence?” Dong Xi summoned up her courage and asked.

"Unhappy and resentful?"

Miss aguishly wailed and disappointedly slump down on the square table, “It’s clearly extremely unhappy and resentful!”

Gu Qing Qiao, who rarely had nightmares, had a nightmare that night. She dreamed that she was on the ground at Shao Yi’s feet. With a face full of tears, she begged him to eat. But Shao Yi only laughed loudly and kicked her into the lotus pond.

She gritted her teeth and crawled out of the pond to look for Mister Qi to judge if Shao Yi’s actions were right or wrong. But, Mister Qi said it was laughable and preposterous that she couldn’t even feed a pig. Having no other options, she went to beg Duan Yu for help. Duan Yu smiled, pointed at Zuo Qing, and said that if she could run faster than Zuo Qing, he would help her.

In the end, her patience was completely used up. On a dark and windy nighty, she kidnapped Shao Yi and locked him in a large iron cage. Every day, she would choke his neck and then use a funnel to savagely pour braised pork and pig trotters down his throat. Shao Yi was choked to the point that he had a smile from ear to ear and would dance with joy. On the other side, she was so sad that she wanted to die. This was such a waste of this country’s food!

Behind their noisy scene, there was a tattered wooden sign that had been placed behind them at some unknown point in time. At the first brightening sight, she saw that there were words written in red ink, “Welcome to Beijing"s force-fed duck.”

On the second day, when the rooster had crowed three times, there were already many servants that had been waiting outside her side room for a long time.

“It will be time for Sir’s breakfast soon. Mister Qi would like the miss to go to the kitchen to oversee the food.”

The person at the front who had said these words was the blue-robed man from yesterday. His smile was sincere and his eyes were curved. He introduced himself as Xing Qu and said that he was this manor’s steward eunuch.

This translation belongs to FuyuNeko. Please read from the original source, mew.

Qing Qiao had been unable to peacefully sleep the entire night. She was overflowing with resentment from being woken up after finally falling asleep and was having second thoughts. Since she was now lodging under another person’s roof, she could only follow the eunuch outside without saying a word.

They haven’t walked far before Eunuch Qu suddenly stopped and turned around to examine her.

“Ya! Why didn’t this miss dress up first?” His eyebrows were raised and his sleeves were shaking. The eunuch seemed to be severely shocked.

“Didn’t you want me to hurry up and go there?” Qing Qiao rubbed her head. She was somewhat confused, “I washed my face and rinsed my mouth.”

“Ai, how could that be okay?” Eunuch Qu let out a long sigh and had an expression that said he just knew that this country b.u.mpkin didn’t know anything. “Our Sir has always only allowed beautiful people to accompany him. Only one in hundred looks good enough to be allowed to be at his side to serve him. This miss was born with some good looks, but if this miss doesn’t meticulously dress up, I’m afraid that this miss won’t be allowed to be close to Sir!”

Qing Qiao noticed that when the eunuch said these words, he had the subtle feeling of being pleased with himself.

“Eunuch Qu is right.” Something turned in her head and she slightly smiled as she said, “I realized this after seeing that Eunuch Qu is so handsome. Surely, Sir must enjoy being accompanied by such a beautiful man such as yourself.”

Hearing exactly what he wanted to hear, the redness that appeared on Eunuch Qu’s face could light up the entire country.

After many twists and turns, they finally arrived in the kitchen.

Qi residence’s kitchen was neat and had an imposing style. Although it was early morning, the several dozens of people in the kitchen were already bustling with activity and drenched in sweat.

“Why are there so many people here?” Qing Qiao didn’t expect that everyone would be so diligent and hardworking.

“How could Sir’s breakfast be sloppy and so-so?” Eunuch Qu faintly smiled, “Every day, Sir’s breakfast needs thirty-two cooks and forty-eight servant boys, so a total of eighty people. If there’s a special circ.u.mstance that requires more food, it will be a completely different affair.

“Eighty people? Could his breakfast also need to be announced one by one? Qing Qiao’s mouth was wide open. OMG, Mister Qi was raising Shao Yi as if he was Buddha.”

“Announce the food? What kind of joking are you telling?” Eunuch Qu glared at her for a moment, “How could a mere trifling forty-eight dishes be announced? Naturally, all of them will be placed on tables to let Sir casually choose."

A mere trifling forty-eight dishes… Qing Qiao felt a cold wind quietly pa.s.sing behind her.

“Then… Then, what type of dishes have you prepared?” She was powerless to stop her yawn and could only use her hand to cover her mouth. “I’ll have to bother Eunuch Qu to tell me."

Eunuch Qu waved his hand and a servant boy immediately appeared at his side.

The servant boy took out a yellow paper and loudly read out loud, “Today’s breakfast includes: Pigeon eggs simmered in chicken soup, loosely rolled goose buns, longjin bamboo soup, baked venison, thin slices of suckling pig, various mountain vegetables, milk with candied fungus, hericium erinaceus mushroom, sirloin with oyster sauce, pipa prawns, nine layers cake…”

“Stop!” Qing Qiao felt confused and disoriented after hearing this much. She could only put up her hand and ask, “Do you have simpler foods? For example, do you have congee or simple side dishes?”

(T/N: When I read this part of Duan Yu"s letter,

"He"ll bring you to the ends of earth. I guaranteed that no will be able to catch you."

It seemed more like

He"ll bring you to the ends of earth. I guaranteed that no will be able to find your corpse.)

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