The Crimson Dragon

Chapter 111

Editor"s Note: Oh the things I do for you people. Aiya – moop

The centaurs aren"t all male, at least half of them are females. They had smaller bodies, with less obvious muscle lines, still very feminine, but they were hard like a terminator. They were more suited to close combat than their male counterparts, who were at least 2.5 meters tall. The centaurs were covered in Mithril fish scales, but they carried more slender weapons: a speargun and cavalry bow. Regardless of the centaur"s gender, they were all mighty and majestic, galloping in a neat file. 

Claudius flew at breakneck speed with Ilya Lhasa in his claws. The silver dragon once again "enjoyed" the high speed airflow except in her human form, thankfully she"s suited to the high speed winds and low temperatures, being a silver dragon and all. Soon, Ilya Lhasa saw the distant coastline, and just beyond it, the gradually growing volcano that endlessly spewed smoke and fire. When the Red Dragon began to descend, the scenery that Ilya Lhasa saw greatly surprised her– there was a magnificent city built with gray-white volcanic rocks… 

Claudius didn"t notice Ilya Lhasa"s eyes change. It was a greedy look oozing from the bottom of her heart. It"s easy to say that metal dragons, especially silver dragons and gold dragons, were extremely strong. However, they were also greedy dragons, rivalling the greed of the Red Dragon. When Ilya Lhasa saw the magnificent city that she had laid eyes on before, the greedy nature of the Mother Dragon and her innate businessman began to estimate how much money the city would potentially generate. Claudius hovered as he descended, aiming for the huge marble-paved square behind the magnificent temple.

At this time, a whole team of dragon tooth soldiers and mushroom people had already lined up in the square waiting for the ruling a.s.sembly to land. Of course, Minerva is at the front. The female dragon tooth hero is fully armed, looking every bit like a G.o.ddess. The official next to her held a golden spear in his hand as he looked up to watch Claudius land. Before reaching the ground, he released a humanoid Ilya Lhasa. The two dragon soldiers stood to attention as Claudius commanded, "Look!" Naturally, Ilya Lhasa could not return to her dragon form now. She understood that in this situation, Claudius allowing her to maintain a human appearance while at this distance was his definition of preferential treatment which stunk of materialism. If she were to transform back into a dragon, she would be shredded by the Red Dragon.

Claudius"s body began to shrink, until he stood 2 meters tall, in his lanky human form. He ordered the mushroom man standing to one side for a toga. The servant returned with robes made of precious fabrics, with a dark dragon design running across the white cloth– befitting of a beast. Ilya Lhasa stood a little ways from the procession, with her flowing silver hair. She was much more adept at transforming herself into the human, she could at least transform with a set of clothes for herself– unlike a very nude Claudius. Alas, Minerva, the def facto hostess of the roman-styled city, wouldn"t allow it, "Have her strip and help her change into something better." She calmly walked to the sovereign, Claudius with a large roll of parchment. "This is a policy report? No, I suddenly remember catching an enemy that I must deal with immediately!" Claudious looked terrified by the long sheepskin in Minderva"s hand. While he was distracted, she pressed his hand to the end of the parchment to form a handprint. "Right, use this instead." Claudius smacked his hand against his hand, then proceeded to bend down and search for something on the floor before finding a piece of metal embedded in the crack of the marble floor. His hands turned red from heat as he began to soften and shape the metal piece.

When a delicate ring began to take shape, “Minerva, come. Extend your fingers.” The G.o.ddess of wisdom and war extended her finger.  She"s a heroine of the dragon tooth unit, and as a soldier borne from the Red Dragon"s blood, she was naturally immune to the flame. Minerva asked Claudius if she could keep the ring on her hand, and Claudius breathed a sigh of relief, "okay Minerva, this is my gift for you, take it." On her hand, the ring slowly morphs into a face and then into a likeness of Claudius"s head in his red dragon form. Minerva can use the ring impression as a small official seal. "The mark of the King"s right hand…" The commander of the Dragon Tooth whispered, then she kneeled to the Red Dragon, bowing her head in reverence. The Red Dragon took the opportunity to flee quickly. 

The red dragon squatted and walked towards the dorms. The room was decorated with silk, gauze, and gold foil all over the furniture. It had a huge bed, the entire room smelling of scented wood. A beautiful silver-haired half-elf dressed in a thin, transparent robe sat on the ground to the side. Ilya Lhasa was clever, she knew she wouldn"t be able to run away in her current situation– the roman city built in the Red Dragon"s honor was completely shrouded in his horrible aura, it was futile to open a portal out of the realm or to penetrate the city from the outside. Such spells were rendered useless. Should the Silver Dragon attempt to fly away, well let"s just say her wings weren"t in the right condition, and even if they were, Claudius"s terrifying speed– she understood escaping was an impossibility. Forget the idea. While reasoning this out, the Silver Dragon observed the city. The temple of the Red Dragon was bestowed with the highest status in the entirety of the city, save for the sacred volcanic road behind it. Ilya Lhasa looked on at the city below the huge platform– she could feel the red dragon"s presence everywhere. The humanoid creatures that traveled through the never seen before, beautiful, and magnificent architecture, all fascinatingly held Claudius"s aura. "Wow, his family is really strong," so she thought. She gazed on at the elite soldier of a kind she had never seen before, the woman completely dressed in armor made Ilya Lhasa feel timid. Even if she turned into a dragon, she wouldn"t be able to hold a candle to the soldier.  

When she was forced to change her clothes, and then sent on the road to this room, while walking she saw the decorations in the temple– so much silver and gold only serving to feed the silver dragon"s greed. She estimated the temple was worth far more than the little gold templer in her lair, and this structure was only one part of the Red Dragon"s "property." Ilya Lhasa didn"t know that everything was funded publicly, and that Claudius regarded none of the city as his. The Silver Dragon"s sharp vision caught sight of a huge palace further away, with matching hot and cold pools along with garden squares. The golden lighting illuminating the palace from within was no less than the gold in the palace she currently resided in.

“This evil red dragon actually has so much wealth! He probably oppresses countless people!” So thought the Silver Dragon. Of course, her a.s.sumption evoked the sense of justice within her, only growing her desire to defeat Claudius. Her fight became even stronger, but she was helpless now. When the tall red-haired man with a red beard walked in, Ilya Lhasa could only clutch her arms slightly in fear. Claudius looked at Ilya Lazar unscrupulously. He touched his chin, “Didn"t you think there would be such a day? Dear Madame Dawn Light, really, you were played like a fool.” This land was terrible……. 

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