At first, Qi Feng could not help feeling a sense of rejection towards being allocated the pink bowl.

He had clearly seen the blue bowl in Ling Ke’s hands? Why did he have to give him the pink one? Did he look like someone who likes pink?

Qi Feng stared blankly at the bowl in his hands for two seconds.

However, this new roommate of him was someone cold and aloof. Since Qi Feng had already imposed on his kindness when requesting for him to help purchase the required necessities, he felt that it would be unreasonable of him to protest against Ling Ke’s decision…especially when it was not really much of a big deal.

Hence, Qi Feng could only suppressed the dissent in his heart as he obediently accepted the bowl.

…Even though he really wanted to tell him: “I don’t like pink.”

Afterwards, Ling Ke handed him the leftover money.

To express his grat.i.tude, Qi Feng took the initiative to treat Ling Ke to dinner.

Remembering the pains he had taken to carry all the stuff back to the hostel, Ling Ke did not object to such a proposal. He silently praised Qi Feng in his heart for having a conscience.

Since he was treating, it would seem too insincere to suggest eating in the canteen. Thus, Qi Feng proposed going to a nearby eatery outside of school.

Ling Ke was glad to accede. After all, he knew that Qi Feng did not lack money anyway.

The campus, which had gradually became enveloped in darkness as the sky darkened, appeared much more peaceful and serene than in the day. The both of them walked straight towards the southern gate where a night market was situated just a short distance away.

The night market was bustling with activity. Neon lights emitted from the various stall signs were dancing in contrast to the inky black sky as the aroma of the delectable street food wafted tantalizingly in the air.

Stalls selling barbecued meat; eateries which specialties were hot-pot, mala soup greeted their eyes…There was certainly no lack of delicious food here.

Young people from their university had gathered in groups in various of these eateries and were chatting happily as they as they enjoyed the delicious food washed down with some light beer. The scene was rather lively.

The sound of merriment was contagious. Both of them immediately started to feel hungry as they took in the aroma of the mouth-watering delicacies.

Qi Feng with both hands in his pockets, turned towards Ling Ke. “What do you want to eat? Your pick.”

It was a seemingly casual question. Yet, Ling Ke was able to detect a hint of a.s.sertiveness in his voice.

Ling Ke scanned the food stalls. Having been in Qi Feng’s social circle in QQ and subsequently WeChat for so many years, he was naturally well-informed on the dishes that Qi Feng likes – Sweet and sour fish, small dragon prawn, mala hotpot, yellow noodles, not to forget steamed buns and curry…

Of course, if he were to list out all his favorite dishes, it would seem rather suspicious.

Qi Feng was still looking at him, patiently waiting for his reply.

Ling Ke eyes’ twitched. Well, screw it! Let him just randomly pick something. There’s no use struggling over something so insignificant!

“Mala hotpot.”

Qi Feng was pleasantly surprised. “Such a coincidence! I had also been craving for mala hotpot. We really have great chemistry!”


Both of them crossed the road before entering an eatery which seemed pretty popular. Qi Feng ordered many dishes and got the chef to make the dishes averagely spicy. He then asked Ling Ke if he wanted to order any beer.

Ling Ke was surprised. Even though he was now a college student, technically he had just graduated from high school and hence had not had the chance to try drinking beer before.

Faced with Qi Feng’s question, Ling Ke was once again struggling to make a decision. Did he have to down a bottle of beer to show that he is a straight guy? To prove his manliness?

But he did not really feel like drinking beer.

Ahh d.a.m.n it! Why did he have to agonize over everything Qi Feng says.

Feeling once again annoyed by his own excessive concern over Qi Feng’s words, his face darkened. “No thanks.”

Qi Feng let out a sigh of relief before grinning at Ling Ke. “That’s great! I also don’t drink beer.”

Ling Ke: “…” Wts, then why did you ask me!

In the end they ordered two cans of

Ling Ke reached out to take his can of but before he could even touch it, Qi Feng had already taken his can of He swiftly opened the can of before handing it to Ling Ke.

Such a thoughtful gesture only succeeded in making Ling Ke’s heart beat faster.

What a frightening charm, it was simply too…

If Qi Feng were to go hit on girls, he definitely has the capability to smitten them in a split second.

The two of them clank their cans together. Qi Feng started the conversation with a casual question. “Which highschool did you study at?”

“Shi Da Fu Highschool.”

“Wow! Isn’t that the best government school in our city?”

“…one of the better ones, I guess.”

Qi Feng nodded his head, “That’s already very amazing! Are any of your previous cla.s.smates studying in this university?”

“Yes, but not in the same faculty. Maybe around ten of them.”

“That’s nice. There’s no one from my school attending this university. Actually there is one, but I have never really interacted with that person before.”

Well, actually that was not much of a difference with Ling Ke’ situation. He disliked interacting with others and hence had few close friends. Most of his previous cla.s.smates were simply acquaintances – people whose names you remember but had never actually talked to before.

“Which school are you from?” Ling Ke asked despite already knowing the answer.

“I am from a private school.” As soon as he finished saying this, their dishes arrived. Qi Feng reached out for his chopsticks and continued, “De Yin International School. I am not sure if you have heard of it before.”

“Oh……no I have never heard of it before. What is it like?” Ling Ke pretended to casually picked up some vegetables with his chopsticks as he silent berated himself, “Shameless!”

Qi Feng gave Ling Ke a brief introduction of the school.

Since the school’s name had an “International” in it, the main aim of the highschool section in De Yin International School was naturally to groom students such that they are well-equipped to study overseas in the future. Students were divided into according to the country they wish to study in and these countries included America, England, Germany and many other countries. Most of the teachers were foreigners from these countries. In addition to these, there were also a Universal International Cla.s.s and a Universal Special Cla.s.s.

(T/N: My mistake: it is De Yin International School not National School. I have already made the relevant edits to the previous chapters)

Qi Feng was from this “Universal International Cla.s.s” which was probably the “elite cla.s.s” that Ling Ke had been hearing from all the gossip.

The cla.s.s was called “Universal”, because it was not tailored specifically to a certain country. Hence, the cla.s.s’s lesson covered a much broader range which included the many different modules and languages.

Ling Ke asked curiously, “So do you need to learn all the other’ lessons too?”

Qi Feng chuckled. “Of course not, how would we be able to cope with all of them? We only need to choose three other language to learn. I chose English, German and French.”

Ling Ke was incredulous. “So, you also know how to speak German and French?”

Qi Feng added, “I still know a bit of j.a.panese, but it is pretty basic. Only good enough for conversing with others.”

Ling Ke was even more amazed. That was already considered really amazing!

“However, I transferred to the “Universal Special Cla.s.s” in the second half of the semester during Year Two.” Qi Feng took a sip from his can, before continuing, “That cla.s.s is for people who are taking the Final Examination to go to local colleges. Because I had  decided to take the Final Examination only in the last year of highschool, I was unable to keep up with the other students’ pace, so I didn’t really go for the lessons and just opted for self-study.”

Self-study? Ling Ke was even more astonished.

Qi Feng pondered for a moment before correcting himself. “It is more accurate to say individual study – that is having a one-on-one lesson with certain of the subject teachers. I also enlisted the help of some private tutors and it was only after numerous intensive tuition sessions, that I finally managed to catch up.”

Ling Ke: “…” That was much easier to believe…or else Qi Feng would be too G.o.d-like!

“Are you an Arts or Science student?” Qi Feng asked.

Ling Ke: “Science.”

Qi Feng eyes flashed in awe. “Wow, then you must be really smart! Our country’s Science examination is really hard. Luckily I chose Arts. If I had chosen Science, I probably wouldn’t have been able to make it to this university.”

Ling Ke laughed. “How is this considered ‘smart’? I don’t even know how to speak German, French or j.a.panese.”

The media faculty in F University accepted both Arts and Science student. Qi Feng was able to catch up with what others had studied for three years in just a mere one year time, and even succeeded in clinching a place in one of the country’s prestigious university (F University). That’s what someone call ‘smart’!

Not to mention that Ling Ke also did not know how to play the violin, golf, kendo or write poems…Okay maybe he shouldn’t include writing poems. Now that he think back about the poem that Qi Feng had written, maybe Qi Feng wasn’t so talented in poetry after all…

Both of them busied themselves with eating the food before Qi Feng broke the silence. “Do you have anything you like to do during your free time?”

“Playing DotA.”

Qi Feng was elated. “You also play DotA?”

Ling Ke did not reply. He would never admit that he had only started playing after seeing Qi Feng’s gameplay video which he had posted in his social network.

Qi Feng was still excited. “How about we play a round together tonight?”

“There’s no WiFi.”

Qi Feng pointed towards a certain direction. “I saw an Internet cafe nearby just now.”

“You haven’t pack your luggage yet, right? Let’s play together another time.” Ling Ke was not intentionally trying to pour cold water on Qi Feng…it was just that the current him was too nervous. He was afraid that if they played together, he would end up dragging Qi Feng’s team down. It was best to wait till he was in a better condition.

“Yeah, you are right. We will have plenty of time next time to play anyway. So what else do you like besides DotA?”

Ling Ke paused for a moment, before slowly replying, “I occasionally play the piano.”

Once again, a smile lit up on Qi Feng’s face. “You know how to play the piano?”

Ling Ke knew that Qi Feng would say that. He calmly replied, “Yeah, you too?”

Qi Feng nodded his head. “Yeah, I learn the piano when I was really young. But I haven’t played it for many years. Maybe I should practise it when I have time…what’s your level? Let’s have a match when the opportunity arises! Or we could play a piece that needs four hands.”

Even though Ling Ke was trying his utmost to remain aloof, he could not help smiling when he saw how enthusiastic Qi Feng was. “Sure, I will be glad to oblige anytime.”

Qi Feng suddenly raised his can and glanced at Ling Ke. “Ling Ke, it really is a pleasure getting to know you.”

Ling Ke raised his head to meet Qi Feng’s gaze.

Under the illumination of the vibrant and colorful lights pulsating from the signs in the night market, the side profile of the two young men appeared even more mesmerizing than usual.

Ling Ke suddenly remembered how Qi Qiu Fen had described Qi Feng’s ability to ‘discharge electricity’ from his eyes; electricity that is capable of bewitching and enchanting someone.

He had laughed at her melodramatic a.n.a.logy. But now he knew that she was not exaggerating. He could almost feel a sense of coy enticement mixed with eager antic.i.p.ation as he stared into Qi Feng’s eyes.

Ling Ke was the first to shift his gaze away. He lifted his can and clank it against Qi Feng’s one. “Me too.”

As he was saying this “me too”, Ling Ke’s heart had already been “electrified” by Qi Feng’s intense gaze to the point that he was feeling numb and sporting an aloof expression.

Maybe to Qi Feng, it would seem like he was being his usual indifferent self, but deep down in Ling Ke’s heart, he was feeling a kind of ecstasy he had never felt before. This feeling of joy was so overwhelming that his heart was thumping loudly, as though a terrified deer was jumping wildly in his heart.

Before today, Ling Ke could never imagine himself sitting in front of Qi Feng, watching Qi Feng smile as he unconsciously flaunt his innate charm.

There was only the two of them…it almost felt like a date.

Ling Ke could not help feeling some remorse. Remorse over not waiting for Qi Feng outside the examination hall six years ago, and not flipping through the piano sheets when he got home.

The same for five years ago. Why was he not brave enough to speak to Qi Feng even after taking the effort to add his QQ account? Why did he not pluck up the courage to tell the person his name at the broadcasting studio?

If they had talked to each other then, maybe he would have stand a chance to be Qi Feng’s good friend for at least five or six years.

Since they were living in the same city, they would definitely have many opportunities to eat together.

But, there was no point lamenting the unchangeable past.

Ling Ke took a deep breath before he looked at Qi Feng again. “I will be in your care.”

Qi Feng stiffened for a second, before grinning. “Sure.”

(T/N: China has a nationwide examination which students take in their final year of highschool. The results determine which local university they can apply for. Since oversea colleges admit students on an application basis, I guess people who are 100 percent sure they are able to go overseas to study need not bother to take this final examination.)


Qi Feng: “Omg, Ling Ke and I have such great chemistry!”

Ling Ke: “Don’t be foolish. It’s just because I have been observing you for may years.”

Qi Feng: “I am doomed; I have fallen for Ling Ke at first sight!”

*Ling Ke coldly shifts his gaze away* (actually it was because he was “electrified” by Qi Feng’s gaze)

Qi Feng: “Ahh! I have been rejected TAT ”

*Ling Ke smiles at Qi Feng* “I will be in your care.”

Qi Feng: “Sure!” I think there is still hope.

© 2024