It was August. The summer holidays had ended in a flash.

Ling Ke reported to his university and went to the student faculty office to get the campus map and his room key.

An enthusiastic senior insisted on bringing him to his hostel, conserving him the time he would otherwise need to find his hostel. On his way, he saw many new students, who like him, were reporting to the university for the first time.

Having just attained freedom from the strenuous and rigid school life, these young people of eighteen and nineteen year old all looked like they were bursting with energy and excitement. They peeked around curiously as they attempted to absorb their surroundings, just like a new-born bird who had just spread its wings into the world.

“Heheheh, this year we have very good fortune. To have two super handsome juniors joining us.” The senior gushed excitedly.

“Eh?” Ling Ke was bewildered. Two? Was he one of them?

“Before you, there was this other really good-looking guy,” the senior raised her hand, as if attempting to compare their heights. “Slightly taller than you. His looks were just wow; many of the girls at the newcomers reporting area have yet to recovered from his handsomeness.”

Ling Ke was amused by her melodramatic expression and gesture. He let out a soft chuckle. Wasn’t she just exaggerating?

“Of course, you are also very handsome. If you had come before him, I am sure the one they would be ogling over would be you,” she sighed regretfully. “You really came at the wrong timing. Everyone had already been intoxicated by that guy’s beauty.”

Ling Ke could not help feeling curious about how handsome that guy was.

He was a gay and, naturally, he would be interested in someone of the same s.e.x that is good looking. This interest was akin to that of a straight guy after hearing of a gorgeous beauty.

“Though, to be honest,” the senior turned to look at Ling Ke and grinned slyly, “He is not really my type, I actually prefer someone your ‘style’.”

Ling Ke was not perturbed by her candor and instead found it amusing. He pointed at himself. “What kind of style do I have?”

She was honest. “The pure and innocent type.”

Ling Ke almost spitted…

“Umm, then how about the other guy”

“The promiscuous and flirty type!”

“Oh…” Ling Ke could not help stuttering , “Fl..flirty?”

He could not imagine this adjective being applied to a guy…Flirty? Oh, maybe it is better if its like that, it was also definitely not his type.

“His eyes!” The senior flexed her fingers into a claw shape and pointed them towards her own eyes. “It is like it can totally captivate and enchant you!” The senior paused for a moment as she tried to think of a more apt explanation of the guy’s charm, “It is like his eyes are discharging electricity that is capable of bewitching oneself! Do you understand?”

Ling Ke’s lips twitched. He felt that the gleam in her eyes and her vivid expression were enough to explain it all.

She brought him all the way to the hostel’s entrance, before coyly asking for his contact information.

Ling Ke was too shy to reject her request. Also, it was a good opportunity for him to expand his social circle in university, so he promptly agreed.

He was a.s.signed to Hostel No. 18, Room No. 412. He quickly found his room and could hear a series of laughter and merry chatter coming from the room.

“……Wow, such a small bed, do you even have enough s.p.a.ce to sleep? I am pretty sure your feet will touch the other person’s head if you sleep straight! LOL, if you manage to stay in such a place for a month, I, Zhen Yue Ze, will change my surname for you!”

“The f.u.c.k! Who wants you to follow my surname, crazy b.a.s.t.a.r.d!” Someone chastised. There was a hint of laughter in his voice.

“So, you want to bet? The person who loses is a dog!”

“Bet your head!”

A series of laughter ensued once again.

Ling Ke pushed open the door.

The laughter slowly stopped.

The two people in the dorm turned to look at Ling Ke. Ling Ke was also staring at them…more specifically one of them.


….Qi Feng……


“Sigh, your new roommate has arrived,” the person beside Qi Feng was the first to recover his composure. He pat Qi Feng’s shoulder and reminded, “You should say h.e.l.lo first.”

Qi Feng immediately snapped out of it. He smiled warmly, “Hi!”

The other guy also smiled politely. He pointed at Qi Feng and said, “I am his friend, Zhen Yue Ze. I am not from this college.”

Ling Ke did not know how to react. The sight of Qi Feng standing just inches away from him was enough to make him lose his senses.

New cla.s.smate?

New roommate?

The guy who was promiscuous and flirty?

Having someone whom he had admired from a distance for so many years to suddenly appear in front of him. This was too much of a shock for Qi Feng. He could barely believe his eyes as he struggled to reconnect to reality.

Ling Ke’s mind was a huge blank. In that few seconds, he had probably repeated “Wtf”at least a thousand times in his mind. Afterwards…he looked at Qi Feng coolly and replied, “Okay.”

He then turned to put his luggage in front of a cupboard before promptly leaving the room.

Qi Feng: “……”

Such an att.i.tude during their first meeting, how many years have it been since Qi Feng had experienced it? In fact, he could not even recall having such an experience.

“Wow, he is really cold.” Zhen Yue Ze rubbed his chin. “Is it because you are also so handsome, so maybe he hates you?”

Ling Ke stepped on his foot, “You are so irritating! You can scram already!”

“I actually put in the effort to come so early to report with you and this is what I get? As heartless as always!”

Ling Ke did not know why he had ran out. All he knew was that if he stayed any longer in the room, he might not be able to control himself from screaming out loud.

When Ling Ke was in his third year of high school, he did actually have some secret delusions about meeting Qi Feng again in F University. Even if they were not cla.s.smates, it would be nice to be able to watch him from a distance.

However, he did not expect Qi Feng to really applied for F University and was even studying the same course as him… and what more he was even a.s.signed to the same hostel and the very same room!

Last time, he could get hard just by looking at his photographs. Now, not only will he be able to look at him just by lifting his head up, he could even hear the person’s voice……

AHHHH! s.h.i.t!

Is G.o.d trying to tease him?

Ling Ke hugged his knees as he crouched in a corner. He tried to take deep breaths to calm his nerves.

After walking around the campus for an hour, Ling Ke had slightly calmed down; the reality that Qi Feng was going to be his roommate had started to sink into him.

Well, there was nothing he could do about it anyway…

Now that he has nowhere to hide,

…he just has to accept his fate.

After returning to his dorm, Ling Ke went to collect his blankets before heading back to his room. This time, the room was silent and the door was closed.

Ling Ke carefully opened the door and upon realizing there was no one there, heaved a sigh of relief.

Previously, he was too flabbergasted to notice the piece of paper pasted beside the door indicating which bed each of them was allocated to.

Each room had four people and each person had their own desk which was located below their bed. The room also had a common washroom as well as a balcony.

Qi Feng was allocated to the first bed, which was to the left side of the door and nearer to the washroom; Ling Ke was allocated to the third bed also to the left side of the door but nearer to the balcony.

Their cupboards were located at opposite ends of the room and their desks were connected together.

Ling Ke attempted to use his hand to measure the width of one desk. It was barely one metre. This means that Qi Feng and him would be tablemates most of the time in the dorm.

The beds above were also connected, even the ladder leading to the bunk bed was the same.

Wow…this is awkward, now they even have to use the same ladder every time they want to go to bed.

Ling Ke could not fathom why someone as affluent as Qi Feng would want to stay in such a lousy dorm.

He quickly climbed up the bed and arranged his blankets. He glanced at Qi Feng’s bed and noticed that his bed was still empty.

Realizing that he would get the chance to admire Qi Feng’s face when he wakes up and peep at his sleeping face, Ling Ke could not help burying his head in his chest; his heart was pounding as he squatted awkwardly on his neatly arranged bed.

“Kacha”, the door opened, “Eh? You are back?” Qi Feng’s voice rang out.

Ling Ke immediately got up and smothered his beating heart. He climbed down the bed expressionlessly.

“Umm, I went to send my friend out,” Qi Feng explained. In his hand was a plastic bag. “I went to buy some drinks, do you want one?”

He took out a drink and handed it to Ling Ke.

Ling Ke muttered his thanks.

Qi Feng smiled. He seemed to be starting to relax as he leaned against his desk and opened his own can to drink.

Ling Ke could not help turning to stare at Qi Feng. He saw the person raise his neck as he held the can to his mouth; his Adam’s apple was bobbing as he swallowed the liquid; his hand nonchalantly placed at the desk with his fingers slightly clenched while his slender yet sinewy legs leaned against…..

Ling Ke had gotten a hard-on just by staring at this scene.

He immediately turned around and squatted down to pack his luggage. Now, he dare not even look in Qi Feng’s direction!

“The weather sure is hot.” Qi Feng had finished the drink in one go. He casually asked, “Are you also from this city?”

Ling Ke was so dazzled by the previous scene, his mind was unable to process Qi Feng’s words. Only after a few seconds did he reply belatedly, “…Yeah.”

Qi Feng: “……”

Ling Ke: “……” d.a.m.n, this is so awkward!

Just at this moment, they heard someone outside the door saying, “Here, here!” and then came along a group of people.

Qi Feng and Ling Ke stood dumbfounded as they watched the group which included both the old and the young entered.

This ought to be a family: there was a middle-aged couple and an energetic elderly of around seventy year old. The young man who brought them in was wearing a One Piece T-shirt, and was probably their other roommate.

An awkward moment clashing with another awkward meeting. Ling Ke could not help feeling he was a bit unlucky.

The mother was the first to react. She gushed enthusiastically, “So you both are his new roommates? This is my son, Ah Bao!”

The young man’s face reddened. “Mum, don’t call me that in front of my cla.s.smates.”

The lady quickly amended her words. “This is my son Xie Qi Bao, hehe, next time you all will be cla.s.smates…”

The young man called Xie Qi Bao abruptly interrupted, “Mum, I can introduce my own self!”

Ling Ke almost laughed out loud. Xie Qi Bao? Punching bag? Who would give their son such a name? (T/N: Xie Qi Bao has the same reading as punching bag in Chinese)  

Qi Feng actually laughed out loud. However, his laughter was natural and he even stuck out his hand good-naturedly, “h.e.l.lo, welcome here, my name is Qi Feng…” He turned to look at Ling Ke and asked, “Umm, what’s your name?”

These familiar words. His memories flashed back to the day at the piano examination and the day at the broadcasting studio.

The same person; the same question.

He looked straight into Qi Feng’s eyes and uttered in a crisp voice. “I am Ling Ke.”


Qi Feng *enthusiastically*: “Hi~”

Ling Ke *coldly*: “Okay.”

Qi Feng: “…” No one has ever dared to treat me this way before! Congratulations, you have managed to capture my attention!

Ling Ke: “…” You…please don’t come close to me, I have problems. (=_=)

T/N: HAHAHAHHA Ling Ke is such a pervert XD

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