Chapter 101

When the two men got up from the floor, the short man was so ashamed that he wanted to drill a hole in the ground like a swamp eel, burrow into it and never come out again!

A magnificent late stage Golden Core cultivator, scared by spiritual pressure into p.i.s.sing . . . this spiritual pressure was definitely at the Captain"s level!

Ah . . . really want to die!

The two men in suits sighed in unison in their hearts remorsefully .

Fortunately, Father w.a.n.g was a warmhearted man, and after seeing how the short man had been scared into p.i.s.sing his pants, he hurriedly got Mother w.a.n.g to dig out a seldom worn pair of pants, which he casually handed to him . "Brother, when you go out and mess around from now on, be a little more careful in what you say or do . Here, I"ll give this pair of pants to you . "

" . . . " The two men in suits stared at the thick, heavy long johns in Father w.a.n.g"s hands, sweaty and speechless .

Before they left, Father w.a.n.g even helped them gather the money scattered on the floor of the w.a.n.g family home .

He also found himself a sack, and picked up a roll of ten thousand yuan and threw it into the sack .

The two men in suits wiped at their sweat . "Mr w.a.n.g, we didn"t make a deal, you can"t take this money . . . "

"Oh?" There was a cigarette in Father w.a.n.g"s mouth and the lights in the villa reflected off his black-rimmed . He turned his head and it was enough to give the two men the impression that they were dealing with a society elder brother 1 . . . the both of them stepped back unconsciously and kept their distance .

They couldn"t provoke a society elder brother who was a Nascent Soul grandmaster!

Father w.a.n.g ignored the two men and again threw four rolls of money into the sack . "Fifty thousand in this sack is for our carpet . Look, you"ve soiled it; no matter how you look at it, you have to compensate us a little, right?"

The men in suits didn"t dare say anything . " . . . "

Before he had even finished speaking, Father w.a.n.g threw five more rolls into the sack . "Now this fifty thousand is for mental distress and sanitization . There is a lot of bacteria in human urine and I"ve decided to disinfect our small villa after you leave — that"s not too much, right?"

" . . . "

And then, after some thought, Father w.a.n.g threw in yet another five rolls .

The men in suits were anxious . "Mr w.a.n.g, you can"t do that . . . all the money you"re taking belongs to the state . We"ll lose money instead . . . "

Father w.a.n.g calmly drew in a puff of smoke, then blew it out at the long johns which the short man had changed into . "This fifty thousand is for the long johns — that"s not too much, right?"

In their hearts, the two men roared: not too much, your sister! A pair of long johns for fifty thousand! Even the black market is not that black!

If it wasn"t for Father w.a.n.g"s "realm," the two men in suits would already have been completely unable to control the urge in their hearts to start a fight!


They didn"t dare!

However, in protest, the short man took off the long johns, revealing

revealing his Tower of Babel . . . it was clear that he had already decided to just smash an already cracked pot . The worst he had to deal with was just streaking! After all, they were all men! In this rural outskirts, no one would see him!

Seeing this, Father w.a.n.g"s eyebrows trembled, then he smoothly took five more rolls out of the luggage case and put them in the sack .

"Mr w.a.n.g, you . . . "

"You had better wear the long johns, who knows if your p.i.s.s left any toxins on it? I don"t want them anymore . It"s no use even if you take them off . By the way, the fifty thousand yuan that I"m taking now is recompense for my eyes — that"s not too much, right?"

" . . . " The two men in suits completely didn"t dare move . They were afraid that whatever they did next, Father w.a.n.g would find another reason to demand more compensation . . .

Finally, he gave the two hundred thousand in the sack a satisfied look, then sent the two men off at the front door .

Bracing themselves, they bowed to Father w.a.n.g with the short man still wearing the long johns, which made quite the funny picture .

"Mr w.a.n.g, we will definitely come again . . . "

Crossing his arms, Father w.a.n.g leaned on the door . "Next time, will it still be the two of you?"

The men in suits started to sweat . "This . . . it depends . "

Father w.a.n.g stretched out his hand to pat the short man on the shoulder and shook his head and sighed . "Brother, it"s not that I"m insulting you . . . but your Tower of Babel is really too small — it"s not even half the size of mine . It"s just a Babylon enoki mushroom, and it was really a disgrace for you to reveal it . For the brothers coming around next time, remember to find ones that are bigger . "

The men in suits: " . . . "

After that, Father w.a.n.g closed the door with a "

bang . "

In his bedroom, it was as if w.a.n.g Ling could hear the heart of the man in the long johns shatter after being stabbed by Father w.a.n.g"s poisonous words . . .

In fact, this wasn"t the first time that the w.a.n.g father and son had enacted this type of two-man performance; when people had come to the w.a.n.g family home looking for trouble before, the father and son pair had often used this trick to scare them away by creating the illusion that the master of this isolated w.a.n.g family villa had frightening strength .

A long time ago, when Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal had come to visit the w.a.n.g family, the w.a.n.g father and son had used this trick to thoroughly scare him . Hence, Father and Mother w.a.n.g were aware of Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal"s existence . Furthermore, this person deeply respected Father and Mother w.a.n.g .

After all, w.a.n.g Ling"s prowess came from this couple .

In Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal"s heart, w.a.n.g Ling was already an old monster with extremely frightening prowess who was thousands of years old . Therefore, the weight of Father w.a.n.g in his heart was of an ancient living fossil grandmaster who was tens of thousands of years old .

Hence, Grenade-Throwing Senior Immortal had always treated the w.a.n.g family"s small villa all these years as a sacred place . . . in this humble, rural villa lived a family of cultivation grandmasters who yearned for an ordinary life .

This was his overall understanding of the w.a.n.g family .

After the two men in suits left the villa, they got into a black sedan car; the tall man drove away so quickly it looked like they were running away from something .

Shortly after their departure, the short man"s wrist.w.a.tch rang . . .

"How did it go? Did you succeed?"

"Sorry, Lord Director, the mission was a failure . . . "

"A full forty million and they didn"t bite? There"s no way any ordinary family would be able to resist such temptation!"

The short man just wanted to cry . "Lord Director, the problem is . . . this family is not ordinary! This w.a.n.g Jiao isn"t at the Qi Refinement stage at all! He was pretending all this time! He"s a Nascent Soul grandmaster! His spiritual pressure pushed us flat down, we couldn"t move at all!"

Nascent Soul level . . .

On the other end of the line, the director was also stunned . "Are you sure?"

Their inside information had been clear that this was an ordinary family living in a rural villa — how could a grandmaster like this come out of nowhere?

"Completely sure!" the men in suits answered .

The director sighed in his heart, presuming that his subordinates wouldn"t dare lie to him . Judging from the current situation, it was already no longer an easy matter obtaining the stone ghost mask . . .

"Since it"s like that, I"ll go meet this expert myself tomorrow . . . having said that, does that mean that you didn"t get anything else when you went this time?"

The short man went blank for a second, then weakly replied, "That . . . do long johns count?"

Director: " . . . "

A "society elder brother" refers to someone who acts like a gangster . When the two men got up from the floor, the short man was so ashamed that he wanted to drill a hole in the ground like a swamp eel, burrow into it and never come out again A magnificent late stage Golden Core cultivator, scared by spiritual pressure into p.i.s.sing . . . this spiritual pressure was definitely at the Captain 39 s level Ah . . . really want to die The two men in suits sighed in unison in their hearts remorsefully . Fortunately, Father w.a.n.g was a warmhearted man, and after seeing how the short man had been scared into p.i.s.sing his pants, he hurriedly got Mother w.a.n.g to dig out a seldom worn pair of pants, which he casually handed to him . Brother, when you go out and mess around from now on, be a little more careful in what you say or do . Here, I 39 ll give this pair of pants to you . . . . The two men in suits stared at the thick, heavy long johns in Father w.a.n.g 39 s hands, sweaty and speechless . Before they left, Father w.a.n.g even helped them gather the money scattered on the floor of the w.a.n.g family home . He also found himself a sack, and picked up a roll of ten thousand yuan and threw it into the sack . The two men in suits wiped at their sweat . Mr w.a.n.g, we didn 39 t make a deal, you can 39 t take this money . . . Oh There was a cigarette in Father w.a.n.g 39 s mouth and the lights in the villa reflected off his black rimmed . He turned his head and it was enough to give the two men the impression that they were dealing with a society elder brother 1 . . . the both of them stepped back unconsciously and kept their distance . They couldn 39 t provoke a society elder brother who was a Nascent Soul grandmaster Father w.a.n.g ignored the two men and again threw four rolls of money into the sack . Fifty thousand in this sack is for our carpet . Look, you 39 ve soiled it no matter how you look at it, you have to compensate us a little, right The men in suits didn 39 t dare say anything . . . . Before he had even finished speaking, Father w.a.n.g threw five more rolls into the sack . Now this fifty thousand is for mental distress and sanitization . There is a lot of bacteria in human urine and I 39 ve decided to disinfect our small villa after you leave that 39 s not too much, right . . . And then, after some thought, Father w.a.n.g threw in yet another five rolls . The men in suits were anxious . Mr w.a.n.g, you can 39 t do that . . . all the money you 39 re taking belongs to the state . We 39 ll lose money instead . . . Father w.a.n.g calmly drew in a puff of smoke, then blew it out at the long johns which the short man had changed into . This fifty thousand is for the long johns that 39 s not too much, right In their hearts, the two men roared not too much, your sister A pair of long johns for fifty thousand Even the black market is not that black If it wasn 39 t for Father w.a.n.g 39 s realm, the two men in suits would already have been completely unable to control the urge in their hearts to start a fight But They didn 39 t dare However, in protest, the short man took off the long johns, revealing his Tower of Babel . . . it was clear that he had already decided to just smash an already cracked pot . The worst he had to deal with was just streaking After all, they were all men In this rural outskirts, no one would see him Seeing this, Father w.a.n.g 39 s eyebrows trembled, then he smoothly took five more rolls out of the luggage case and put them in the sack . Mr w.a.n.g, you . . . You had better wear the long johns, who knows if your p.i.s.s left any toxins on it I don 39 t want them anymore . It 39 s no use even if you take them off . By the way, the fifty thousand yuan that I 39 m taking now is recompense for my eyes that 39 s not too much, right . . . The two men in suits completely didn 39 t dare move . They were afraid that whatever they did next, Father w.a.n.g would find another reason to demand more compensation . . . Finally, he gave the two hundred thousand in the sack a satisfied look, then sent the two men off at the front door . Bracing themselves, they bowed to Father w.a.n.g with the short man still wearing the long johns, which made quite the funny picture . Mr w.a.n.g, we will definitely come again . . . Crossing his arms, Father w.a.n.g leaned on the door . Next time, will it still be the two of you The men in suits started to sweat . This . . . it depends . Father w.a.n.g stretched out his hand to pat the short man on the shoulder and shook his head and sighed . Brother, it 39 s not that I 39 m insulting you . . . but your Tower of Babel is really too small it 39 s not even half the size of mine . It 39 s just a Babylon enoki mushroom, and it was really a disgrace for you to reveal it . For the brothers coming around next time, remember to find ones that are bigger . The men in suits . . . After that, Father w.a.n.g closed the door with a bang . In his bedroom, it was as if w.a.n.g Ling could hear the heart of the man in the long johns shatter after being stabbed by Father w.a.n.g 39 s poisonous words . . . . . . In fact, this wasn 39 t the first time that the w.a.n.g father and son had enacted this type of two man performance when people had come to the w.a.n.g family home looking for trouble before, the father and son pair had often used this trick to scare them away by creating the illusion that the master of this isolated w.a.n.g family villa had frightening strength . A long time ago, when Grenade Throwing Senior Immortal had come to visit the w.a.n.g family, the w.a.n.g father and son had used this trick to thoroughly scare him . Hence, Father and Mother w.a.n.g were aware of Grenade Throwing Senior Immortal 39 s existence . Furthermore, this person deeply respected Father and Mother w.a.n.g . After all, w.a.n.g Ling 39 s prowess came from this couple . In Grenade Throwing Senior Immortal 39 s heart, w.a.n.g Ling was already an old monster with extremely frightening prowess who was thousands of years old . Therefore, the weight of Father w.a.n.g in his heart was of an ancient living fossil grandmaster who was tens of thousands of years old . Hence, Grenade Throwing Senior Immortal had always treated the w.a.n.g family 39 s small villa all these years as a sacred place . . . in this humble, rural villa lived a family of cultivation grandmasters who yearned for an ordinary life . This was his overall understanding of the w.a.n.g family . . . . After the two men in suits left the villa, they got into a black sedan car the tall man drove away so quickly it looked like they were running away from something . Shortly after their departure, the short man 39 s wrist.w.a.tch rang . . . How did it go Did you succeed Sorry, Lord Director, the mission was a failure . . . A full forty million and they didn 39 t bite There 39 s no way any ordinary family would be able to resist such temptation The short man just wanted to cry . Lord Director, the problem is . . . this family is not ordinary This w.a.n.g Jiao isn 39 t at the Qi Refinement stage at all He was pretending all this time He 39 s a Nascent Soul grandmaster His spiritual pressure pushed us flat down, we couldn 39 t move at all Nascent Soul level . . . On the other end of the line, the director was also stunned . Are you sure Their inside information had been clear that this was an ordinary family living in a rural villa how could a grandmaster like this come out of nowhere Completely sure the men in suits answered . The director sighed in his heart, presuming that his subordinates wouldn 39 t dare lie to him . Judging from the current situation, it was already no longer an easy matter obtaining the stone ghost mask . . . Since it 39 s like that, I 39 ll go meet this expert myself tomorrow . . . having said that, does that mean that you didn 39 t get anything else when you went this time The short man went blank for a second, then weakly replied, That . . . do long johns count Director . . . A 39 society elder brother 39 refers to someone who acts like a gangster .

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