In short, the problem was what sort of part-time job w.a.n.g Ling could get.

To not be able to use Heavenly Dao… It was going to be a bit difficult to earn this money. Otherwise, he could use his Heavenly Hearing to connect to other parallel dimensions and earn tens of thousands of yuan in minutes simply by selling some music rip-offs. But copying music actually wasn"t a great plan, since the readers would suspect the author of padding the chapter.

Although w.a.n.g Ling couldn"t use Heavenly Dao, he could still rely on his physique, and had thought about hawking himself out as someone else"s punching bag; after all, no matter how he was beaten up, he couldn"t get hurt. The problem, however, was that if the backlash killed the other person, then it would be for nothing! He still vividly remembered when the Shadow Stream had attacked No. 60 High, and how the captain was killed by a backlash.

The gra.s.s on the man"s grave was probably dozens of meters high already…

After some serious thinking, w.a.n.g Ling started to seek out the opinions of Super Chen and the others in their private group chat.

"A part-time job?" Super Chen replied in the group right away. "Then, w.a.n.g Ling, forget about becoming a waiter."

"???" w.a.n.g Ling.

"You can"t even smile; there"s no way you can do that sort of work. Also, you"ll probably get complaints. I heard that your pay will be docked if you get a complaint in that sort of place. If you and your stiff face work there, you might have to compensate the boss several hundred yuan every day."


"You be quiet. Given what w.a.n.g Ling"s like, I know a job that"ll be a pretty good fit for him." At that moment, Dopey Guo suddenly came up with an idea.

"What is it?" Little Peanut was curious.

"You can be an extra at the cultivation film studio. It"s hard but solid work, and they need student actors. I introduced plenty of the guys from the other to it, but none of them lasted long."

"Why not?"

"Because they tend to NG… As an extra, all you have to do is pretend to be dead most of the time, which I think will fit w.a.n.g Ling very well."

As soon as Dopey Guo said that, w.a.n.g Ling replied right away: "I"ll be counting on you!"


w.a.n.g Ling had never thought about becoming an idol or whatnot, but he felt that he was well-suited to be an extra. This wasn"t an easy path to walk on, however – a two-bit actor who was a new face to a production crew wouldn"t get any work for a long time or even be able to eat. They could only wait by the road outside the film studio and wait for production teams that were lacking people to come and recruit them. If you were lucky, you could together one to two hundred yuan after following a crew around for a day. If an extra was lucky enough to be chosen by the director to say a couple of lines, it was possible to rake in several thousand in one day.

But that was a rare case, after all.

In the afternoon, w.a.n.g Ling arranged to meet Dopey Guo at Songhai Film and Television Studio. Film studios were actually common nowadays, but Songhai city"s film studio triumphed in terms of scale. Songhai was an international hub of cultural exchange, and its film studio was naturally favored by many domestic and international production teams as well as numerous famous directors.

Given its large scale, there were plenty of opportunities.

When cultivators shot films, there already wasn"t any need in many cases to rely purely on special effects; when two cultivator actors fought in a scene, they created a lot of the explosions themselves… The point was that it looked a lot more realistic than cheap special effects! And saved on special effects production costs! Thus, a lot of films on the market now were an embellished mix of real cultivator fights and special effects.

There was no need to invest so much into special effects anymore – only a little brush-up and fine-tuning was needed to make the explosions and fights more striking.

Wearing his school uniform, w.a.n.g Ling waited for a while next to a stele with the words "Songhai Film and Television Studio" on it, and soon saw Master Dopey Guo waving at him from afar. As for why he had to wear his uniform, w.a.n.g Ling still wasn"t clear on this point. Since he was about to make some money, however, it wasn"t a big deal. Furthermore, Dopey Guo himself was also wearing the school uniform.

"Let"s go. I"ll bring you in." Dopey Guo took out the actor ID tag which he had prepared in advance and stuck it on his chest; w.a.n.g Ling was a little blank when he glanced at this thing.

"It"ll be fine. There"ll be an audition later after you enter. Just muddle your way through it – I have an uncle who works in the audition department. Once you get the actor ID tag, it"ll be very easy to get into the studio. With the tag, you can bring one person in, sort of like a recommendation." As Dopey Guo introduced the studio to w.a.n.g Ling, he explained the rules at the same time.

Just as w.a.n.g Ling was about to ask why they had to come in their school uniforms, it was Dopey Guo who brought it up first. "It just so happens that my uncle is planning to shoot an online movie with a school theme, and he needs two more people. He wanted me to bring someone over, and I was just about to ask someone else. In the end, you just happened to be looking for a part-time job! Hahaha!"

"School theme?" asked w.a.n.g Ling.

"That"s right, this film is pretty awesome – it isn"t just a school movie, but is also based on our own school! It"s a story about Senior Zhuo! Hang on, l"ll DM you the script."


Because of a confidentiality agreement, the script couldn"t be made public for now, so Dopey Guo couldn"t send it in their small group. But since w.a.n.g Ling was now part of the studio, Dopey Guo thought that letting him take a look was fine. Thus, he created an exclusive group for him and w.a.n.g Ling, and sent him the script inside this two-man group called: Oscar Film Emperor.

Leading w.a.n.g Ling over to get an actor ID tag, Dopey Guo explained the script to him.

w.a.n.g Ling opened the file which Dopey Guo had sent, and the ma.s.sive film t.i.tle at the very top jumped out at him.

Then, w.a.n.g Ling took a deep breath…

Because the film t.i.tle was: Birth of the Demon Child Odd Zhuo.


w.a.n.g Ling heard from Dopey Guo that the production team hadn"t contacted Odd Zhuo about this matter, but instead directly asked Headmaster Chen for the filming rights. Considering that No. 60 High was going to be upgraded to a key city high school very soon, Headmaster Chen felt that they could seize this opportunity to promote the school, and thus agreed. The most important thing was that it was a famous director who would be directing this film, called Feng Yiwei.

Of course, what amazed w.a.n.g Ling wasn"t the film t.i.tle or its director.

But the film"s content.

When w.a.n.g Ling skimmed through the file and read the film outline, he was utterly stupefied… .

The film outline was such: When the Gate Between Worlds descended six years ago, a Chaos Pearl came into being. With all the experts of the cultivation world joining forces, the Chaos Pearl was refined into a Demon Pearl and an Immortal Pill. The number one sect in the cultivation world, Sixty Gates, set up a large array to destroy the Demon Pearl three years later. The head of Sixty Gates ordered his main disciple, Hero Guo, to place the Immortal Pill inside Odd Zhuo"s body. In the end, due to a freak series of errors, the Immortal Pill was secretly replaced, and Odd Zhuo, who should have been born from the Immortal Pill, was born a demon. But Odd Zhuo didn"t let his fate control him. He held fast to Sixty Gates" philosophy of punis.h.i.+ng and eliminating evil. Because of the Demon Pearl, however, he was misunderstood as a demon who committed all sorts of atrocities, and was made a scapegoat time and time again… Faced with this situation, what would Odd Zhuo do… Adapted from the animated movie Birth of the Demon Child Nezha.

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