Chapter 131

When Zhou Wei was arrested, he was still completely bewildered .

This ma.s.s surround and capture operation at the airport had been a joint effort between Zheng Tan"s Independent Regiment and Madam Dong"s General Administration of Harmony . After two hours of surveillance, the operation proceeded smoothly and successfully .

Of course, it had been w.a.n.g Ling who had leaked the news that Zhou Wei was fleeing .

There was a large baccarat bar in downtown Songhai city . The boss of this bar was the leader of the Green Gang, Zhou Jie .

Immediately after Zhou Wei had been caught, all the main news media outlets had scrambled to report this incident .

In the bar, Zhou Jie was already completely dumbstruck when he watched the news . After listening to Song Qingshu"s suggestion, he had almost immediately gotten in touch with his contacts, and after some coaxing, had found the right connections to help give Zhou Wei a new, foreign ident.i.ty and to enable him to leave through the green pa.s.sage .

Zhou Jie had completely never expected that it would still end in failure .

This website novelist w.a.n.g Situ . . . who on earth was he?

On the news, Zhou Wei"s face had been obscured by mosaic tiles . Seeing him being taken away from the scene by a fat officer who had personally handcuffed him, Zhou Jie could feel his scalp turning numb .

He was feeling a lot of different emotions: there was anger, and also terror . The Green Gang had operated in Songhai city for so many years, but Zhou Jie had never felt like this, like shrimp being played around with in the palm of someone"s hand .

Silently lighting a cigarette, Zhou Jie put a call through to Song Qingshu again . "Brother Song . . . "

On the other end of the line, Song Qingshu also let out a sigh . "You don"t need to say anything . I saw the situation on the news . "

"What do we do now?" Zhou

Jie was really at a loss .

"My advice now is that you should relocate the Green Gang as soon as possible . Even if it"s only for the short term, you should move to the next district rather than stay in Songhai City so that your Green Gang isn"t affected by this incident and suffer even larger losses . " Song Qingshu rubbed at the skin between his eyebrows, his head aching . "I know you must feel wronged, but we must face the reality . . . we can"t deal with this person for the time being, and it"s best that we don"t attempt to investigate his true ident.i.ty . "

Zhou Jie nodded as he replied, "I understand, Brother Song . "

At the moment, whether it was the Green Gang or Mo Immortal Castle, they were both in the same boat .

Zhou Jie was well aware that the reason why Song Qingshu was still willing to help him was because Mo Immortal Castle was afraid that this Green Gang incident might create ripple effects that would also impact on Mo Immortal Castle"s expansion in Songhai city .

Zhou Jie was as clear as a mirror on this point . "Brother Song, don"t worry, I"ll arrange for our retreat straightaway; I"ll withdraw key Green Gang members from Songhai city within two days . "

"Mm, do it as soon as possible . "

Song Qingshu nodded . "Although we can"t immediately take revenge right now, there still remains a slight chance of success . In order to strike back perfectly . . . we have to learn to win against the G.o.ds by half a point 1 ! Do you know where the chance for success lies?"

On the other end of the phone, Zhou Jie was silent .

Win against the G.o.ds by half a point?

Cupping his chin in his hand, he pondered the question for quite a while . Finally, he suddenly raised his head and replied, "It"s Qi Tongwei! 2


" . . . "

Song Qingshu pulled a long face . "Of course not!"

Zhou Jie: "This little brother is slow, please tell me, Brother Song . "

Song Qingshu: "Then just quickly tell me the whereabouts of the maker of the stone ghost mask . . . it"s already been a few days and you"re still being secretive about it? Keeping it to yourself is useless, trust me . . . "

Zhou Jie: " . . . "

This Weibo battle centered around the issue of "groping" eventually ended with Father w.a.n.g"s victory .

In the end, not only had the opponent been defeated by Father w.a.n.g, he had also died with one flick of a finger from Father w.a.n.g"s most powerful fan .

On May 28th, the fifth Friday after the start of the semester, w.a.n.g Ling read the Cultivation News Morning Post from top to bottom .

The first article: Complete victory for the mysterious power from the east behind w.a.n.g Situ . What was the real reason behind it? Download the Weibo app to find out . . .

The second article: A part-timer has performed an outstanding service for society once again! Experienced Officer w.a.n.g personally arrested case suspect Zhou . In an interview, experienced Officer w.a.n.g pragmatically said it was all due to the people"s efforts!

The third article: Yesterday, the pursuit and interception efforts by the and a group of cats led to the capture of suspect Zhou, wanted nationwide for groping, at Dahuang International Airport . Experts say that this group of people and cats are very likely to be descendents of Chaoyang city inhabitants . . . 3

w.a.n.g Ling: " . . . "

When w.a.n.g Ling got to school in the morning, the talk today was almost all about that arrest at the airport on Thursday . Because of Father w.a.n.g, the groping case had continued to ferment in the last two days, until the entire nation knew about it .

n.o.body knew where Dopey Guo had learned the news, but he started to earnestly spread the gossip around in cla.s.s . "Do you know, it"s rumored that the suspect arrested in the groping case has a powerful background; his brother is the leader of Songhai city"s largest underground gang, Green Gang . He has G.o.dly connections! Just a little bit further and he would have escaped through the green pa.s.sage at the airport!"

Super Chen frowned . "Even with such a background he hadn"t been able to run, and the local government is keeping a strict eye on this issue . Doesn"t this prove that there"s an even more powerful person sitting behind Guru w.a.n.g Situ?"

Feather Lin: "Why talk about such drivel so early in the morning?! Anyway, I"m more interested in the kind of punishment which that person will receive . Wouldn"t he just be detained for a while?"

Lotus Sun shook her head and said, "This incident has caused quite an uproar . This person probably won"t get out for several years . Last night, the local government actually gave our Huaguo Water Curtain Group notice and requested that we push out a pepper spray for women, in line with the government"s promotion of a nationwide anti-pervert agenda . "

Feather Lin abruptly looked a little disappointed . "That"s all? I figured that this guy"s Tower of Babel would be chopped off!"

Everybody: " . . . " Too f**king savage!

At this point in the group"s discussion, Dopey Guo suddenly interrupted them . "I have a video of the arrest made in the airport yesterday . Those who want it can look for me . It"s fifty yuan a copy, a fair bargain!"

After he said this, the whole cla.s.s was dead silent . Seeing that n.o.body was paying him any attention, Dopey Guo was a little embarra.s.sed .

However, Master of Dopey was Master of Dopey . He immediately grabbed hold of Little Peanut, who was collecting homework, and tried to dispel his embarra.s.sment . "Cla.s.smate Su Xiao, I know you"re interested in my video, want to buy it?"

Little Peanut pulled his neck back and when he struggled free of Dopey Guo"s unexpected bearhug, he looked extremely frustrated .

Startled by this expression, Dopey Guo immediately loosened his grip . "I"m just selling a video, you don"t have to be so unhappy about it, right?!"

Little Peanut shook his head . "No, I was just thinking, why would I be targeted by someone selling videos . . . "

Dopey Guo: " . . . "

Everyone: " . . . "

"Victory against the G.o.ds by half a point" is from the novel A Game of Go with the G.o.ds, in which a Go enthusiast plays a game of Go against a G.o.d and defies the G.o.d"s power to win by the closest of margins — but loses his life in the process . Qi Tongwei is a tragic villain from the TV series "In the Name of the People" who became more and more corrupted and ruthless in his ways as the story progressed . Ultimately, when his crimes were exposed, he committed suicide out of remorse . This refers to an app in China called Chaoyang Qunzhong, which can be translated as "the of Chaoyang District," through which users can submit tips on criminal activities . In recent years, the "Chaoyang" have become well-known for providing tips that led to several celebrities being charged for drug use or prost.i.tution . When Zhou Wei was arrested, he was still completely bewildered . This ma.s.s surround and capture operation at the airport had been a joint effort between Zheng Tan 39 s Independent Regiment and Madam Dong 39 s General Administration of Harmony . After two hours of surveillance, the operation proceeded smoothly and successfully . Of course, it had been w.a.n.g Ling who had leaked the news that Zhou Wei was fleeing . There was a large baccarat bar in downtown Songhai city . The boss of this bar was the leader of the Green Gang, Zhou Jie . Immediately after Zhou Wei had been caught, all the main news media outlets had scrambled to report this incident . In the bar, Zhou Jie was already completely dumbstruck when he watched the news . After listening to Song Qingshu 39 s suggestion, he had almost immediately gotten in touch with his contacts, and after some coaxing, had found the right connections to help give Zhou Wei a new, foreign ident.i.ty and to enable him to leave through the green pa.s.sage . Zhou Jie had completely never expected that it would still end in failure . This website novelist w.a.n.g Situ . . . who on earth was he On the news, Zhou Wei 39 s face had been obscured by mosaic tiles . Seeing him being taken away from the scene by a fat officer who had personally handcuffed him, Zhou Jie could feel his scalp turning numb . He was feeling a lot of different emotions there was anger, and also terror . The Green Gang had operated in Songhai city for so many years, but Zhou Jie had never felt like this, like shrimp being played around with in the palm of someone 39 s hand . Silently lighting a cigarette, Zhou Jie put a call through to Song Qingshu again . Brother Song . . . On the other end of the line, Song Qingshu also let out a sigh . You don 39 t need to say anything . I saw the situation on the news . What do we do now Zhou Jie was really at a loss . My advice now is that you should relocate the Green Gang as soon as possible . Even if it 39 s only for the short term, you should move to the next district rather than stay in Songhai City so that your Green Gang isn 39 t affected by this incident and suffer even larger losses . Song Qingshu rubbed at the skin between his eyebrows, his head aching . I know you must feel wronged, but we must face the reality . . . we can 39 t deal with this person for the time being, and it 39 s best that we don 39 t attempt to investigate his true ident.i.ty . Zhou Jie nodded as he replied, I understand, Brother Song . At the moment, whether it was the Green Gang or Mo Immortal Castle, they were both in the same boat . Zhou Jie was well aware that the reason why Song Qingshu was still willing to help him was because Mo Immortal Castle was afraid that this Green Gang incident might create ripple effects that would also impact on Mo Immortal Castle 39 s expansion in Songhai city . Zhou Jie was as clear as a mirror on this point . Brother Song, don 39 t worry, I 39 ll arrange for our retreat straightaway I 39 ll withdraw key Green Gang members from Songhai city within two days . Mm, do it as soon as possible . Song Qingshu nodded . Although we can 39 t immediately take revenge right now, there still remains a slight chance of success . In order to strike back perfectly . . . we have to learn to win against the G.o.ds by half a point 1 Do you know where the chance for success lies On the other end of the phone, Zhou Jie was silent . Win against the G.o.ds by half a point Cupping his chin in his hand, he pondered the question for quite a while . Finally, he suddenly raised his head and replied, It 39 s Qi Tongwei 2 . . . Song Qingshu pulled a long face . Of course not Zhou Jie This little brother is slow, please tell me, Brother Song . Song Qingshu Then just quickly tell me the whereabouts of the maker of the stone ghost mask . . . it 39 s already been a few days and you 39 re still being secretive about it Keeping it to yourself is useless, trust me . . . Zhou Jie . . . . . . This Weibo battle centered around the issue of groping eventually ended with Father w.a.n.g 39 s victory . In the end, not only had the opponent been defeated by Father w.a.n.g, he had also died with one flick of a finger from Father w.a.n.g 39 s most powerful fan . On May 28th, the fifth Friday after the start of the semester, w.a.n.g Ling read the Cultivation News Morning Post from top to bottom . The first article Complete victory for the mysterious power from the east behind w.a.n.g Situ . What was the real reason behind it Download the Weibo app to find out . . . The second article A part timer has performed an outstanding service for society once again Experienced Officer w.a.n.g personally arrested case suspect Zhou . In an interview, experienced Officer w.a.n.g pragmatically said it was all due to the people 39 s efforts The third article Yesterday, the pursuit and interception efforts by the and a group of cats led to the capture of suspect Zhou, wanted nationwide for groping, at Dahuang International Airport . Experts say that this group of people and cats are very likely to be descendents of Chaoyang city inhabitants . . . 3 w.a.n.g Ling . . . . . . When w.a.n.g Ling got to school in the morning, the talk today was almost all about that arrest at the airport on Thursday . Because of Father w.a.n.g, the groping case had continued to ferment in the last two days, until the entire nation knew about it . n.o.body knew where Dopey Guo had learned the news, but he started to earnestly spread the gossip around in cla.s.s . Do you know, it 39 s rumored that the suspect arrested in the groping case has a powerful background his brother is the leader of Songhai city 39 s largest underground gang, Green Gang . He has G.o.dly connections Just a little bit further and he would have escaped through the green pa.s.sage at the airport Super Chen frowned . Even with such a background he hadn 39 t been able to run, and the local government is keeping a strict eye on this issue . Doesn 39 t this prove that there 39 s an even more powerful person sitting behind Guru w.a.n.g Situ Feather Lin Why talk about such drivel so early in the morning Anyway, I 39 m more interested in the kind of punishment which that person will receive . Wouldn 39 t he just be detained for a while Lotus Sun shook her head and said, This incident has caused quite an uproar . This person probably won 39 t get out for several years . Last night, the local government actually gave our Huaguo Water Curtain Group notice and requested that we push out a pepper spray for women, in line with the government 39 s promotion of a nationwide anti pervert agenda . Feather Lin abruptly looked a little disappointed . That 39 s all I figured that this guy 39 s Tower of Babel would be chopped off Everybody . . . Too f king savage At this point in the group 39 s discussion, Dopey Guo suddenly interrupted them . I have a video of the arrest made in the airport yesterday . Those who want it can look for me . It 39 s fifty yuan a copy, a fair bargain After he said this, the whole cla.s.s was dead silent . Seeing that n.o.body was paying him any attention, Dopey Guo was a little embarra.s.sed . However, Master of Dopey was Master of Dopey . He immediately grabbed hold of Little Peanut, who was collecting homework, and tried to dispel his embarra.s.sment . Cla.s.smate Su Xiao, I know you 39 re interested in my video, want to buy it Little Peanut pulled his neck back and when he struggled free of Dopey Guo 39 s unexpected bearhug, he looked extremely frustrated . Startled by this expression, Dopey Guo immediately loosened his grip . I 39 m just selling a video, you don 39 t have to be so unhappy about it, right Little Peanut shook his head . No, I was just thinking, why would I be targeted by someone selling videos . . . Dopey Guo . . . Everyone . . . Victory against the G.o.ds by half a point is from the novel A Game of Go with the G.o.ds, in which a Go enthusiast plays a game of Go against a G.o.d and defies the G.o.d 39 s power to win by the closest of margins but loses his life in the process . Qi Tongwei is a tragic villain from the TV series 39 In the Name of the People 39 who became more and more corrupted and ruthless in his ways as the story progressed . Ultimately, when his crimes were exposed, he committed suicide out of remorse . This refers to an app in China called Chaoyang Qunzhong, which can be translated as the of Chaoyang District, through which users can submit tips on criminal activities . In recent years, the Chaoyang have become well known for providing tips that led to several celebrities being charged for drug use or prost.i.tution .

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