Chapter 135

w.a.n.g Ling"s first impression was that this vagabond singer had a strange accent from who knew where . Of course, pus.h.i.+ng these problems aside, w.a.n.g Ling thought that on the whole, he sang pretty well and was at least in tune . . .

But if this young man wanted to go on a talent show and become a real professional singer, he was clearly far from achieving that .

w.a.n.g Ling"s understanding of music was limited; he was just a amateur who dabbled on the guitar a little, so he couldn"t make any sort of professional comment on the young man"s singing .

As for how to stand out in a talent show . . .

He felt that there were a few prerequisites .

First, a person didn"t need to be especially handsome, but should at least look pleasing .

Second, maybe the voice didn"t need to be especially professional, but it should at least be distinctive . Just singing in tune wouldn"t work .

Finally, the third and most important point . . . a person must have had a miserable life! And the more miserable, the better! The best would be a story that after just a handful of words, could move the audience and judges to tears . . .

This young man didn"t meet these requirements .

As a vagabond singer, Tang Youning obviously hadn"t given much thought to his wild appearance, and he gave people a dirty first impression . Furthermore, this young man"s life couldn"t be considered miserable at all . At most, he was a pitiful singer who stuck to his dream of doing music . There were too many of this kind of people in Huaxiu nation . . . if you wanted to appear before an audience at a talent show, you should at the very d.a.m.n least have a family member with an incurable disease!

Chewing on half a mouthful of beef, w.a.n.g Ling fiercely criticized current talent shows in his heart . That young man gazed at the heavenly silkworm potato strips bibimbap with red eyes . "Am I . . . really not cut out to be a singer at all?"

There was

a sense of low esteem in his quiet tone, but everyone heard it .

It was obvious that today"s failure at the talent show had been quite a heavy blow to this young man .

Boss Tan turned off the rumbling exhaust fan and wiped his greasy hands with a cleaning rag . He slowly walked up to the young man and patted his thin shoulder . "Keep your chin up, Little Tang!"

Maybe it was because he had been a cook for many years, but Boss Tan had a very st.u.r.dy physique; when compared with this young man, the difference was very obvious . w.a.n.g Ling didn"t doubt in the slightest that if Boss Tan used just a little more strength, he could directly pat this young man"s shoulder into pieces . . .

This restaurant boss definitely wasn"t an ordinary person .

His cultivation was at the Golden Core stage at the very least .

w.a.n.g Ling had already noticed this as soon as he had stepped through the door .

Looking at Tang Youning, Boss Tan continued to console him . "A great man once said that talent is one percent genius and ninety nine percent hard work . Perhaps you just need to put in more effort! So don"t give up no matter what!"

The young man looked up with a glimmer of hope . "Really?"

But as soon as Boss Tan had finished speaking, Father w.a.n.g"s poisonous tongue mode had kicked in reflexively, and he quietly added, "Do you know that there"s a second part to this saying? Although you only need one percent genius, that one percent is the most important part of all!"

Boss Tan: " . . . "

Tang Youning simply wanted to cry: " . . . " Why did you have to point that out?!

w.a.n.g Ling: " . . . "

It hurts, dude!

It could only be said that Father w.a.n.g"s tongue was becoming more and more poisonous .

The young man couldn"t withstand this vicious. .h.i.t at all .

Boss Tan felt really helpless .

But it was clear that Father w.a.n.g didn"t think his poisonous words were wrong at all .

Everyone had heard this "poisonous chicken soup"[1 . This is meant to be the direct opposite of the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" book series which consist of true and inspirational life stories . Chinese netizens fed up with these instead share harsh and sometimes darkly humorous life anecdotes instead . ] saying before: There is nothing too difficult in the world as long as you are willing to give it up . . .

Father w.a.n.g felt that if a person didn"t have a talent for something, it was very stupid to stick with it . Every profession had its supreme experts, so why stubbornly cling to one tree? Why not try swinging a few times on other trees?

Crus.h.i.+ng a dream with a poisonous tongue . . . Father w.a.n.g felt that it was only proper for him as a senior to educate and instruct this young man by showing him the truth sooner rather than later, so that he could get himself back on the right track .

"Ling Ling, sing a song?" At this moment, Father w.a.n.g abruptly turned to look at w.a.n.g Ling .

w.a.n.g Ling was silent . " . . . "

"Sir, your son also studies music?" Boss Tan was a little curious .

Father w.a.n.g shook his head . "He"s only in Senior Grade One this year, and plays a little guitar in his free time . You can say he"s an amateur . But I believe if he puts all his effort into it, half the music industry will belong to him sooner or later!"

Boss Tan clearly disagreed as he shook his head and said, "No, half the music industry belongs to Teacher w.a.n.g Banbi . "

" . . . "

It had to be said that this Teacher w.a.n.g Banbi whom Boss Tan had mentioned was a weirdo who talked big, since he had once claimed in front of the media that if the rock industry lost him, it would lose half its territory . . . that was how his nickname w.a.n.g Banbi had come about 1 .

Now, this was all just idle talk . Therefore, when Father w.a.n.g flaunted his son, this street singer expressed strong dissatisfaction . "I studied music under a vocal music teacher . . . your son is only an amateur . Talking about something like half the industry . . . isn"t that too much of an exaggeration?"

"Go, Ling Ling! It"s time to show your real skill!" Father w.a.n.g suddenly threw him a thumbs-up and revealed his pure white teeth .

Ding ! It was as if everyone could see his teeth gleaming .

w.a.n.g Ling: " . . . " Go? Screw you!

Of course w.a.n.g Ling refused to do it . Just playing the guitar for a bit would have been fine, but to sing and play at the same time . . . that was quite a serious problem! Because his default setting was "silent mode"!

But under Father w.a.n.g"s burning gaze, he finally capitulated . . .

First of all, he was afraid that Father w.a.n.g would dock his pocket money if he refused . Secondly, w.a.n.g Ling was a little provoked by this young man"s disdainful look .

Why not perform for a bit?

As a result, w.a.n.g Ling silently went over to the corner and picked up Tang Youning"s wooden guitar . He took a deep breath and felt more nervous about this than the way he pa.s.sed his days on tenterhooks at school .

Hugging his arms, Tang Youning sneered with the att.i.tude of someone about to watch a good show . "Yo, you"re nervous now? I sing everywhere in the streets all the time, and I"ve never once been nervous with so many people watching me!"

w.a.n.g Ling glanced at him indifferently without the slightest flicker in his expression .

What on earth should he sing?

He thought for a while . . .

There actually weren"t many popular songs around, since Huaxiu nation didn"t place much importance on music . But that didn"t mean that w.a.n.g Ling had no access to good music . His Heavenly Ear Ability allowed him to connect to any plane of existence and world line, like an FM radio .

After pondering for a bit, w.a.n.g Ling suddenly recalled a song he had heard from another plane, which would go well with a guitar accompaniment .

Holding the guitar in his arms, w.a.n.g Ling strummed it several times to check that it was in tune .

The sound of a guitar, full of fresh vitality, rang out .

And then, w.a.n.g Ling started to sing .

"Banbi" is pinyin for "half of a territory . " This is a reference to a real article about rock singer w.a.n.g Feng which was t.i.tled "Without w.a.n.g Feng, the rock industry would lose half the music territory . " w.a.n.g Ling 39 s first impression was that this vagabond singer had a strange accent from who knew where . Of course, pus.h.i.+ng these problems aside, w.a.n.g Ling thought that on the whole, he sang pretty well and was at least in tune . . . But if this young man wanted to go on a talent show and become a real professional singer, he was clearly far from achieving that . w.a.n.g Ling 39 s understanding of music was limited he was just a amateur who dabbled on the guitar a little, so he couldn 39 t make any sort of professional comment on the young man 39 s singing . As for how to stand out in a talent show . . . He felt that there were a few prerequisites . First, a person didn 39 t need to be especially handsome, but should at least look pleasing . Second, maybe the voice didn 39 t need to be especially professional, but it should at least be distinctive . Just singing in tune wouldn 39 t work . Finally, the third and most important point . . . a person must have had a miserable life And the more miserable, the better The best would be a story that after just a handful of words, could move the audience and judges to tears . . . This young man didn 39 t meet these requirements . As a vagabond singer, Tang Youning obviously hadn 39 t given much thought to his wild appearance, and he gave people a dirty first impression . Furthermore, this young man 39 s life couldn 39 t be considered miserable at all . At most, he was a pitiful singer who stuck to his dream of doing music . There were too many of this kind of people in Huaxiu nation . . . if you wanted to appear before an audience at a talent show, you should at the very d.a.m.n least have a family member with an incurable disease Chewing on half a mouthful of beef, w.a.n.g Ling fiercely criticized current talent shows in his heart . That young man gazed at the heavenly silkworm potato strips bibimbap with red eyes . Am I . . . really not cut out to be a singer at all There was a sense of low esteem in his quiet tone, but everyone heard it . It was obvious that today 39 s failure at the talent show had been quite a heavy blow to this young man . Boss Tan turned off the rumbling exhaust fan and wiped his greasy hands with a cleaning rag . He slowly walked up to the young man and patted his thin shoulder . Keep your chin up, Little Tang Maybe it was because he had been a cook for many years, but Boss Tan had a very st.u.r.dy physique when compared with this young man, the difference was very obvious . w.a.n.g Ling didn 39 t doubt in the slightest that if Boss Tan used just a little more strength, he could directly pat this young man 39 s shoulder into pieces . . . This restaurant boss definitely wasn 39 t an ordinary person . His cultivation was at the Golden Core stage at the very least . w.a.n.g Ling had already noticed this as soon as he had stepped through the door . Looking at Tang Youning, Boss Tan continued to console him . A great man once said that talent is one percent genius and ninety nine percent hard work . Perhaps you just need to put in more effort So don 39 t give up no matter what The young man looked up with a glimmer of hope . Really But as soon as Boss Tan had finished speaking, Father w.a.n.g 39 s poisonous tongue mode had kicked in reflexively, and he quietly added, Do you know that there 39 s a second part to this saying Although you only need one percent genius, that one percent is the most important part of all Boss Tan . . . Tang Youning simply wanted to cry . . . Why did you have to point that out w.a.n.g Ling . . . It hurts, dude It could only be said that Father w.a.n.g 39 s tongue was becoming more and more poisonous . The young man couldn 39 t withstand this vicious. .h.i.t at all . Boss Tan felt really helpless . But it was clear that Father w.a.n.g didn 39 t think his poisonous words were wrong at all . Everyone had heard this poisonous chicken soup 1 . This is meant to be the direct opposite of the 39 Chicken Soup for the Soul 39 book series which consist of true and inspirational life stories . Chinese netizens fed up with these instead share harsh and sometimes darkly humorous life anecdotes instead . saying before There is nothing too difficult in the world as long as you are willing to give it up . . . Father w.a.n.g felt that if a person didn 39 t have a talent for something, it was very stupid to stick with it . Every profession had its supreme experts, so why stubbornly cling to one tree Why not try swinging a few times on other trees Crus.h.i.+ng a dream with a poisonous tongue . . . Father w.a.n.g felt that it was only proper for him as a senior to educate and instruct this young man by showing him the truth sooner rather than later, so that he could get himself back on the right track . Ling Ling, sing a song At this moment, Father w.a.n.g abruptly turned to look at w.a.n.g Ling . w.a.n.g Ling was silent . . . . Sir, your son also studies music Boss Tan was a little curious . Father w.a.n.g shook his head . He 39 s only in Senior Grade One this year, and plays a little guitar in his free time . You can say he 39 s an amateur . But I believe if he puts all his effort into it, half the music industry will belong to him sooner or later Boss Tan clearly disagreed as he shook his head and said, No, half the music industry belongs to Teacher w.a.n.g Banbi . . . . It had to be said that this Teacher w.a.n.g Banbi whom Boss Tan had mentioned was a weirdo who talked big, since he had once claimed in front of the media that if the rock industry lost him, it would lose half its territory . . . that was how his nickname w.a.n.g Banbi had come about 1 . Now, this was all just idle talk . Therefore, when Father w.a.n.g flaunted his son, this street singer expressed strong dissatisfaction . I studied music under a vocal music teacher . . . your son is only an amateur . Talking about something like half the industry . . . isn 39 t that too much of an exaggeration Go, Ling Ling It 39 s time to show your real skill Father w.a.n.g suddenly threw him a thumbs up and revealed his pure white teeth . Ding It was as if everyone could see his teeth gleaming . w.a.n.g Ling . . . Go Screw you Of course w.a.n.g Ling refused to do it . Just playing the guitar for a bit would have been fine, but to sing and play at the same time . . . that was quite a serious problem Because his default setting was 39 silent mode 39 But under Father w.a.n.g 39 s burning gaze, he finally capitulated . . . First of all, he was afraid that Father w.a.n.g would dock his pocket money if he refused . Secondly, w.a.n.g Ling was a little provoked by this young man 39 s disdainful look . Why not perform for a bit As a result, w.a.n.g Ling silently went over to the corner and picked up Tang Youning 39 s wooden guitar . He took a deep breath and felt more nervous about this than the way he pa.s.sed his days on tenterhooks at school . Hugging his arms, Tang Youning sneered with the att.i.tude of someone about to watch a good show . Yo, you 39 re nervous now I sing everywhere in the streets all the time, and I 39 ve never once been nervous with so many people watching me w.a.n.g Ling glanced at him indifferently without the slightest flicker in his expression . What on earth should he sing He thought for a while . . . There actually weren 39 t many popular songs around, since Huaxiu nation didn 39 t place much importance on music . But that didn 39 t mean that w.a.n.g Ling had no access to good music . His Heavenly Ear Ability allowed him to connect to any plane of existence and world line, like an FM radio . After pondering for a bit, w.a.n.g Ling suddenly recalled a song he had heard from another plane, which would go well with a guitar accompaniment . Holding the guitar in his arms, w.a.n.g Ling strummed it several times to check that it was in tune . The sound of a guitar, full of fresh vitality, rang out . And then, w.a.n.g Ling started to sing . 39 Banbi 39 is pinyin for 39 half of a territory . 39 This is a reference to a real article about rock singer w.a.n.g Feng which was t.i.tled Without w.a.n.g Feng, the rock industry would lose half the music territory .

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