Chapter 87

When the official bell for morning self-study rang, Teacher Pan stepped into the cla.s.sroom on time as expected .

Little Peanut had already collected the homework, arranged them according to subject and placed them neatly on the lectern as he waited for her to inspect them .

As a teacher for so many years, Teacher Pan"s eyes were like a scanner; she could look at any stack of homework placed anywhere and tell how much had been collected and how much was missing based on its thickness, even if it was just fifteen exam sheets .

Her gaze swept lightly over the homework on the lectern and she nodded with satisfaction . "Very good . I have repeatedly told the teachers in our office that the children in our cla.s.s cadre are all very responsible . As your teacher, I feel very rea.s.sured in being able to give the responsibility of supervising studies over to Su Xiao! Since the start of semester, the homework collected has been complete and on time . I hope that the representative for each course can play a leading role and work hard at it . "

Hearing Teacher Pan praise him, Little Peanut lowered his head and felt a little ashamed . " . . . "

As commissary in charge of studies, it was actually wrong to encourage students who hadn"t finished their homework on time to copy it off someone else early in the morning . However, Little Peanut was deeply aware that just as there were rules one needed to follow to survive in society, so there were for school, like the fact that students who tattled to the teacher would be hated . He felt that he was trapped between a rock and a hard place, and had extremely mixed emotions in his heart .

How to remind students to finish their homework on time without ending up being hated was something he had been trying hard to figure out in his career as part of the cla.s.s cadre .

It could only be said that the bricks on this broad road to society were made up of the skin on a

person"s face; compared with Master of Dopey and Super Chen, Little Peanut in the end still wasn"t thick-skinned enough .

Even Teacher Pan couldn"t have known that just a minute before she had stepped into the cla.s.sroom, these two men had still been fighting ferociously on the homework-copying battlefield . But now in a one hundred and eighty degree turn, they were sitting obediently as if it had had nothing to do with them .

But sharp-eyed Teacher Pan still seemed to have noticed something as she suddenly looked strangely at Master of Dopey . "Student Hero Guo, what"s wrong with your nose?"

All the people in cla.s.s turned their heads, then saw two red streams of blood flowing out of his nose . . .

Everyone was well aware of the reason . . . it was obvious that this was the consequence of using the Flow of Four Pens . This skill"s difficulty level was still too high, and just the slightest overuse would cause the mucous membrane in the nose to puncture, hence resulting in this situation .

Master of Dopey calmly took out a tissue to wipe at his nosebleed and looked plaintively at Teacher Pan . "Teacher, I missed a lot of homework because of the spirit sword exchange meet . This is probably due to internal injuries from several nights of revision in a row . . . "

Everyone: " . . . " Really have never seen such a shameless person before!

And the most miraculous thing was that Teacher Pan unexpectedly believed him!

"Everyone should learn from Student Hero Guo, this truly is a good comrade and a good example for our cla.s.s!"

" . . . "

Sitting at the back, w.a.n.g Ling sighed with deep feeling in his heart that "trees would die without skin, and people without skin were without equal . "

There were twelve lessons in the official textbook for the Dao talismans course and they were now already on the sixth lesson in the course . There were sixteen weeks in total in one semester; this was only the fourth week and Teacher Pan was already halfway through the lessons .

This was her personal, quick teaching style . Based on this rate of progress, she would be able to finish the whole textbook by the eighth week of semester . The rest of the time would be used to frantically review the content through copious amounts of learning exercises . Teacher Pan felt that this was the best way to consolidate the students" basic knowledge of the material .

In the past four weeks, her explanations had focused mainly on the cla.s.sification of functions, basic application, basic drawing and the combined use of Dao talismans . The latter, taught in the fourth week, was one of the most difficult components of the course, since talisman runes could be broken down and a.s.sembled in a variety of ways .

According to w.a.n.g Ling"s own understanding, it was a bit like factorization in mathematics .

Among these, the biggest pain in the a.s.s were talisman application and calculation, which involved a lot of formulas, so memorization was the most important thing .

However, during the morning self-study period today, Teacher Pan unexpectedly didn"t get them to work on memorizing formulas . Instead, she used this time to say two things .

"As you all know, we were very successful in the student exchange meet a few days ago . The five students we sent set a very fine example at No . 59 High School, and in the final spirit sword exchange meet, gained a hard-won victory for our No . 60 High School . . . "

As she said this, there were murmurs of discussion from the floor . Word of the string of glorious deeds which w.a.n.g Ling and the others had accomplished at No . 59 High School had already spread throughout No . 60 High School early on; in particular, everyone had seen the live broadcast of the final spirit sword exchange meet . It hadn"t been f**king hard-won at all, and instead had been a completely one-sided match in their favor . . . Teacher Pan had phrased it that way simply for the sake of being modest .

"Our No . 60 High School has stood for one hundred years and has been striving hard toward becoming a key city high school . We have now finally gotten the opportunity, as this year, we have become a candidate toward becoming a key high school . Next week, Secretary Dakang of the Alliance of Ten Thousand Schools will send a working group to visit and tour our school . I hope that in the next few weeks, everyone will maintain their learning att.i.tudes and a proper learning atmosphere as usual . "

When Teacher Pan said this, most of the students in the cla.s.s had already tacitly understood her meaning . . . obviously, there were hard times ahead . This kind of working group directly sent by the Education Department was no less powerful than the inspection division of the central government"s Anti-Corruption Bureau .

"Recently, teachers in other have found that some students come to school to industriously copy homework . . . "

As Teacher Pan said this, Super Chen and Hero Guo couldn"t help pulling their necks back, inexplicably feeling a little cold .

"But I believe that the students in our elite cla.s.s, especially under the leaders.h.i.+p of the cla.s.s cadre, will never engage in such an unhealthy practice!"

w.a.n.g Ling: " . . . "

" . . . " Little Peanut covered his face with both hands and again lowered his head in shame .

"Then, apart from the above matters, there is another more important issue . "

Teacher Pan said, "We"ve heard that a leader from the working group was bitten by a dog as a child, and so is extremely afraid of dogs . . . "

w.a.n.g Ling could guess what she was going to say next . "So, Headmaster Chen and Director s.h.i.+ approached me after some discussion . In order to cooperate with the work of the school, during the period that the working group will be visiting, is there a volunteer who can take in and care for Loopy Toad for a while?"

Everyone"s expressions were a little sluggish . " . . . "

The h.e.l.l?! So they were . . . forbidden to keep dogs 1 ?

w.a.n.g Ling could not help looking at Loopy Toad as this guy started to wag its tail excitedly from where it lay at the back of the cla.s.sroom .

The author used a wordplay on the word dog 狗 here, subst.i.tuting it with the h.o.m.ophone 苟, which is one way online users get around censors.h.i.+p laws or sensitive topics which they are forbidden to discuss in China . When the official bell for morning self study rang, Teacher Pan stepped into the cla.s.sroom on time as expected . Little Peanut had already collected the homework, arranged them according to subject and placed them neatly on the lectern as he waited for her to inspect them . As a teacher for so many years, Teacher Pan 39 s eyes were like a scanner she could look at any stack of homework placed anywhere and tell how much had been collected and how much was missing based on its thickness, even if it was just fifteen exam sheets . Her gaze swept lightly over the homework on the lectern and she nodded with satisfaction . Very good . I have repeatedly told the teachers in our office that the children in our cla.s.s cadre are all very responsible . As your teacher, I feel very rea.s.sured in being able to give the responsibility of supervising studies over to Su Xiao Since the start of semester, the homework collected has been complete and on time . I hope that the representative for each course can play a leading role and work hard at it . Hearing Teacher Pan praise him, Little Peanut lowered his head and felt a little ashamed . . . . As commissary in charge of studies, it was actually wrong to encourage students who hadn 39 t finished their homework on time to copy it off someone else early in the morning . However, Little Peanut was deeply aware that just as there were rules one needed to follow to survive in society, so there were for school, like the fact that students who tattled to the teacher would be hated . He felt that he was trapped between a rock and a hard place, and had extremely mixed emotions in his heart . How to remind students to finish their homework on time without ending up being hated was something he had been trying hard to figure out in his career as part of the cla.s.s cadre . It could only be said that the bricks on this broad road to society were made up of the skin on a person 39 s face compared with Master of Dopey and Super Chen, Little Peanut in the end still wasn 39 t thick skinned enough . Even Teacher Pan couldn 39 t have known that just a minute before she had stepped into the cla.s.sroom, these two men had still been fighting ferociously on the homework copying battlefield . But now in a one hundred and eighty degree turn, they were sitting obediently as if it had had nothing to do with them . But sharp eyed Teacher Pan still seemed to have noticed something as she suddenly looked strangely at Master of Dopey . Student Hero Guo, what 39 s wrong with your nose All the people in cla.s.s turned their heads, then saw two red streams of blood flowing out of his nose . . . Everyone was well aware of the reason . . . it was obvious that this was the consequence of using the Flow of Four Pens . This skill 39 s difficulty level was still too high, and just the slightest overuse would cause the mucous membrane in the nose to puncture, hence resulting in this situation . Master of Dopey calmly took out a tissue to wipe at his nosebleed and looked plaintively at Teacher Pan . Teacher, I missed a lot of homework because of the spirit sword exchange meet . This is probably due to internal injuries from several nights of revision in a row . . . Everyone . . . Really have never seen such a shameless person before And the most miraculous thing was that Teacher Pan unexpectedly believed him Everyone should learn from Student Hero Guo, this truly is a good comrade and a good example for our cla.s.s . . . Sitting at the back, w.a.n.g Ling sighed with deep feeling in his heart that trees would die without skin, and people without skin were without equal . There were twelve lessons in the official textbook for the Dao talismans course and they were now already on the sixth lesson in the course . There were sixteen weeks in total in one semester this was only the fourth week and Teacher Pan was already halfway through the lessons . This was her personal, quick teaching style . Based on this rate of progress, she would be able to finish the whole textbook by the eighth week of semester . The rest of the time would be used to frantically review the content through copious amounts of learning exercises . Teacher Pan felt that this was the best way to consolidate the students 39 basic knowledge of the material . In the past four weeks, her explanations had focused mainly on the cla.s.sification of functions, basic application, basic drawing and the combined use of Dao talismans . The latter, taught in the fourth week, was one of the most difficult components of the course, since talisman runes could be broken down and a.s.sembled in a variety of ways . According to w.a.n.g Ling 39 s own understanding, it was a bit like factorization in mathematics . Among these, the biggest pain in the a.s.s were talisman application and calculation, which involved a lot of formulas, so memorization was the most important thing . However, during the morning self study period today, Teacher Pan unexpectedly didn 39 t get them to work on memorizing formulas . Instead, she used this time to say two things . As you all know, we were very successful in the student exchange meet a few days ago . The five students we sent set a very fine example at No . 59 High School, and in the final spirit sword exchange meet, gained a hard won victory for our No . 60 High School . . . As she said this, there were murmurs of discussion from the floor . Word of the string of glorious deeds which w.a.n.g Ling and the others had accomplished at No . 59 High School had already spread throughout No . 60 High School early on in particular, everyone had seen the live broadcast of the final spirit sword exchange meet . It hadn 39 t been f king hard won at all, and instead had been a completely one sided match in their favor . . . Teacher Pan had phrased it that way simply for the sake of being modest . Our No . 60 High School has stood for one hundred years and has been striving hard toward becoming a key city high school . We have now finally gotten the opportunity, as this year, we have become a candidate toward becoming a key high school . Next week, Secretary Dakang of the Alliance of Ten Thousand Schools will send a working group to visit and tour our school . I hope that in the next few weeks, everyone will maintain their learning att.i.tudes and a proper learning atmosphere as usual . When Teacher Pan said this, most of the students in the cla.s.s had already tacitly understood her meaning . . . obviously, there were hard times ahead . This kind of working group directly sent by the Education Department was no less powerful than the inspection division of the central government 39 s Anti Corruption Bureau . Recently, teachers in other have found that some students come to school to industriously copy homework . . . As Teacher Pan said this, Super Chen and Hero Guo couldn 39 t help pulling their necks back, inexplicably feeling a little cold . But I believe that the students in our elite cla.s.s, especially under the leaders.h.i.+p of the cla.s.s cadre, will never engage in such an unhealthy practice w.a.n.g Ling . . . . . . Little Peanut covered his face with both hands and again lowered his head in shame . Then, apart from the above matters, there is another more important issue . Teacher Pan said, We 39 ve heard that a leader from the working group was bitten by a dog as a child, and so is extremely afraid of dogs . . . w.a.n.g Ling could guess what she was going to say next . So, Headmaster Chen and Director s.h.i.+ approached me after some discussion . In order to cooperate with the work of the school, during the period that the working group will be visiting, is there a volunteer who can take in and care for Loopy Toad for a while Everyone 39 s expressions were a little sluggish . . . . The h.e.l.l So they were . . . forbidden to keep dogs 1 w.a.n.g Ling could not help looking at Loopy Toad as this guy started to wag its tail excitedly from where it lay at the back of the cla.s.sroom . The author used a wordplay on the word dog here, subst.i.tuting it with the h.o.m.ophone , which is one way online users get around censors.h.i.+p laws or sensitive topics which they are forbidden to discuss in China .

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