The Daily Life Of The Immortal King

Chapter 110: A Student’s Nightmare Is the Home Visit!

Chapter 110: A Student’s Nightmare Is the Home Visit!

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

When school was over on Friday, Teacher Pan showed up once again.

w.a.n.g Ling immediately got a bad feeling.

Teacher Pan then announced that she would be making home visits to several students this weekend!

And one of the important subjects of this home visit was w.a.n.g Ling!

"Mm, the students who have received the notice about the home visit don"t have to be nervous about it. This is standard school procedure." Teacher Pan smiled from the dais, then left with a pile of dictation exercise books in her arms.

She had hardly left when the whole cla.s.s exploded in complete pandemonium. "F**k! Home visit?! And they"re all for male students!"

Dopey Guo gave w.a.n.g Ling a pat on the shoulder. "Brother, be careful this weekend, remember to wash yourself spotless..."

Feather Lin: "Why wash spotless?"

Dopey Guo sighed. "If your b.u.t.tocks are spotless, whatever beatings you get after the home visit will leave conspicuous marks! You can then take photos to post on Weibo, and sue for domestic violence! Brother w.a.n.g Ling"s b.u.t.t is elegantly shaped — if it"s embellished with a few handprints, this postmodern work would make him an Internet celebrity in no time."

w.a.n.g Ling: "..."


w.a.n.g Ling had already mentally prepared for Teacher Pan"s home visit. He hadn"t known how to respond to it at first, but now he thought that the home visit may be an opportunity for Grandfather w.a.n.g.

This kind of natural meeting was far more reliable than any sort of casual encounter he could deliberately arrange.

The most important thing was that it would take place at home. The old man didn"t have to wander aimlessly alone outside, which was a huge relief to Father and Mother w.a.n.g.

When w.a.n.g Ling came back in the evening, he was surprised to find Mother w.a.n.g in the kitchen by herself for the first time in a long while. Usually, Grandfather w.a.n.g would have finished almost all of the cooking by now; Mother w.a.n.g just needed to wash the vegetables and act as an a.s.sistant. But this time round, the old man hadn"t done any cooking at all.

It was very clear that there was something strange in the air in the w.a.n.g family"s small villa today.

w.a.n.g Ling looked at the clock. It was already half past six in the evening.

The old man"s favorite soap opera, Two Women and a Man , would be showing at this time. It was a Mary Sue TV series about the epic and bitter war between a mother- and a daughter-in-law.

But today, the old man hadn"t turned the TV on ahead of time and waited in front of it like usual...

When w.a.n.g Ling entered the living room, he found the old man sitting calmly on the sofa and frowning slightly as he stared at something.

Father w.a.n.g was sitting next to him. When he saw that w.a.n.g Ling had returned, he straightaway explained in his mind what had happened, and w.a.n.g Ling picked up on everything through his Mind-Reading Ability.

The old man had been bored in the afternoon, and had gone to Father w.a.n.g"s study. Father w.a.n.g had a habit of collecting old newspapers, and the old man had a habit of flipping through them for gourmet food recipes. If the old man came across some creative-looking recipes in the newspapers" food columns, he would copy them down himself and then fuse them with his own ideas to create new recipes.

Although he was already retired, the old man felt that he couldn"t lose his love for food. Every two weeks, he would send copies of new recipes which he had invented in his free time to the restaurant he had worked for previously.

It was just that today, something had happened when he had been flipping through the old newspapers...

A few days ago, w.a.n.g Ling had drawn a picture of Teacher Pan with his s.p.a.ce Sketching Skill. When Father w.a.n.g had put it away, it had become wedged between the sheets of a newspaper. In the end, it had caught the old man completely off-guard.

The old man had spent the whole afternoon since then staring contemplatively at the drawing, not even drinking so much as a sip of water.

"Ling Ling, do you think your grandfather"s dementia has become worse... or has it eased a little? I think that he"s had too much stimulus today," Father w.a.n.g murmured in his heart a little guiltily.

w.a.n.g Ling: "..."

The old man"s dementia was also a tricky problem for w.a.n.g Ling; if he used his mental powers to forcefully push his way into the old man"s consciousness, there were three possible outcomes, from most likely to least likely.

First: The old man would directly explode on the spot.

Second: The old man would directly turn black.

Third: The old man"s dementia would be cured...

Of course, the last outcome was the least likely one.

The other party was his own grandfather, so there was no way w.a.n.g Ling would risk experimenting on him like a lab rat.

While father and son stared helplessly at Grandfather w.a.n.g, w.a.n.g Ling heard the kitchen exhaust fan turn off. Mother w.a.n.g took her ap.r.o.n off with one hand as she used the other to open the kitchen door and come out.

She looked at this scene in the living room, and then at the cooked dishes back in the kitchen. In the end, she sighed, and like Father w.a.n.g, sat down next to the old man. Together, the couple and the old man stared at this drawing.


w.a.n.g Ling rubbed the skin between his eyebrows, and then slowly told Father and Mother w.a.n.g about Teacher Pan"s home visit tomorrow.

The three people on the sofa suddenly looked up with thrilled faces. "Home visit?! Why didn"t you say so earlier?!"

w.a.n.g Ling: "..."

Father w.a.n.g threw his arm around the old man"s shoulder. "Dad, that"s great, your wish will finally be fulfilled."

As if pressure on his acupuncture points had been released, the old man instantly came back to his senses and started to choke with emotion. "Little Pan... I never expected to be able to see Little Pan again!"

Grandfather w.a.n.g was so excited that he almost couldn"t control himself; his eyes were very red, and they s.h.i.+mmered with tears that nonetheless didn"t fall. It had been a long time since w.a.n.g Ling had seen him so excited; he remembered that the last time his grandfather had been unable to contain his emotions was shortly after w.a.n.g Ling"s birth, when the old man had brought him to his grandmother"s tomb at Qingming 1 .

The old man"s excitement back then had been tinged with sorrow, but his excitement this time was akin to crying tears of joy.

Father and Mother w.a.n.g were glad in their hearts; it seemed that the old man"s dementia could finally be cured!

After that, the couple spent the whole night coaching Grandfather w.a.n.g on how he should speak once he met Teacher Pan at home tomorrow.

Finally, after some discussion, the couple decided to hide in the study tomorrow and leave the old man and his grandson w.a.n.g Ling to do as they liked!

This was also to indirectly help create more s.p.a.ce for the old man and Teacher Pan. The presence called w.a.n.g Ling would still be there, but he never spoke, after all, so he would be no different to a lightbulb 2 on the side...


The next day was, May 23rd. At around nine o"clock in the morning, the w.a.n.g family"s doorbell rang.

When w.a.n.g Ling opened the door, an exceedingly gorgeous woman was standing in front of him; she wore a light green lace dress and had a long ponytail and fine features.

Then, a familiar voice came out of this beautiful lady"s mouth. "Student w.a.n.g Ling, good morning, your home is really far... it took me a long time to find it."

w.a.n.g Ling felt like he had just been electrocuted. "..." b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l! Beautiful lady, who are you?! Why the h.e.l.l do you sound like Teacher Pan?!

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